
Time For Love by Laura N. Andrews

chantewhitefield's review

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This was my first time reading Laura Andrews, but it won't be my last! I absolutely loved this cute, sexy, fast paced read. It kept me sucked in from the very beginning!

Nicholas meets Caleb on a rare night out and their chemistry is off the charts from the first glance. Nick's shy and quiet personality mesh together perfectly with Caleb's arrogant and charming personality. Of course things can't be perfect and something from Caleb's past comes back to haunt him.

Will they be able to weather the storm together? Will there still be time for love? One click to find out! Trust me it's worth it!

the_novel_approach's review

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3.5 Stars

Heads up: this is part of a series, and I saw that the first book is m/f, but this one—at least for me—was fine being read as a stand-alone. Though the characters from the first story were in this one, and there were references here and there to what probably happened in the first book, I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything while reading Time for Love.

This is one of those stories that is believable in the way that it follows what could be a real life couple, and the author did a great job in creating realistic situations and conversations. The story starts the night Nicholas and Caleb meet, where they have instant chemistry, and then continues to follow their journey in dating and entering a committed relationship.

Told in first person present tense from Nicholas’ perspective, we get to experience the butterflies of meeting that someone new, and all those excitable and scary feelings a person goes to while they take those tentative steps in dating and falling in love. Nicholas is a sweetheart, if a little too self-deprecating at times, but it helped make him more realistic as a character. Since its mainly his perspective, I felt more of a connection to him than Caleb, but that is to be expected in this style of writing.

Caleb was a harder connection for me. He was perfection to Nicholas, and seemed to not be able to do any wrong (except for a minor hiccup which is pretty quickly remedied). I sort of wish he was a little more flawed. But at the same time since I was experiencing him through Nicky’s eyes, and time skips sometimes weeks and months, with its focus on the sweet moments of their progressing relationship more than on any of the negative parts of a relationship. It makes sense in a way. Though I will admit it was a little daunting reading what a “gentleman” Caleb was, and that was the exact term used for him at least fifteen times (repetitive description words like that happen to be one of my pet peeves, so it stuck out).

Mostly this story just follows their relationship from initial meet until HEA is established, while they date and get to know each other—dinner, gym time, meeting friends and family, their moments of insecurity while finding their footing and the realization of their growing feelings. The story was perhaps slower in pace because there wasn’t anything really lurking in the background, no major drama stewing beneath the surface; instead, it’s a lovely journey to love. Both characters bring out the best in each other, which I adore seeing in relationships. They don’t try to change the person, individually, but being around each other causes them both to mature in different ways, and it was a treat.

For those who want a relatively angst free book to jump into, this would be totally recommended. There were two minor dramatic scenes, but they were little relationship hiccups, which are pretty common, and they were quickly resolved and worked through with communication. There was also another situation which causes a wee bit of drama externally, but it had very little build up before it happens and, once again, was immediately worked through. I personally would have loved more of the buildup of something big, a climactic event that the story is leading up to, because drama is my jam, and I devour it with glee. Lighter stories like this are great, though, and there is definitely a time when I need to dial the seriousness and angst level down several notches and read something light-hearted like this, but I crave a bit more action most of the time. So, for me, by the time I was about eighty-five percent through the story, I was good, the rest was all gravy, but it could have stopped there for me and I would have been a happy girl.

The author did a great job of developing the characters, and starting the foundation for the next book in this series, which I am pretty sure is going to be about Nicholas’ best friend. I do plan on checking it out, because I have theories and I want to see the fireworks!

If you are a fan of relatively drama free, sweet love stories, pick this one up and give it a shot.

Reviewed by Lindsey for The Novel Approach

endemictoearth's review

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This a insta love/lust manic pixie dream GUY, he’s too delicate and his blue eyes are just too big! His skin is too pale and his hair too wavy! No one could EVER love him, let alone look at him twice!

liza14's review

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So this is the second book that I won in a giveaway and the second in the series

This book is about Nicholas, Katie's best friend from This Time.
Here Nicholas meets Caleb whom at first seems to be so different from him but as we know him we see that they're perfect for each other! They're helping one another when in need and they are so cute together!!!
I really liked this couple 😍

And I reaaaly hope Katie gets her own book. I want to know her story and of cource to see more of the rest of the team!!

Great job!!
Can read as a standalone but it'll make more sense in some parts if you have already read This Time