
Can't Hurry Love by Melinda Curtis

shaegeeksout's review

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Lola, a year after her husband has passed away, finds out that he had been cheating on her for the period of their marriage. She begins to act out, and try to find the person who was sleeping with her husband. She attracts the attention of Sheriff Drew when she decided to light all of her husband's underwear on fire in her driveway. From there, Drew keeps a very close eye on Lola, and begins to notice other things about her, not just the crazy things.
Drew is a single dad, raising his daughter with the help of his family when he is working. His ex is showing signs that she wants to be back in the picture with their daughter, but Drew can't trust her. His lawyer says he should get married.
All of these things lead to a lovely small town romance, with some drama and mystery thrown in. I enjoyed the journey that was Can't Hurry Love, and I think that things were well handled on both of the major storylines. It is definitely worth checking out. These characters are flawed and realistic for their particular situations. I'm excited to see the future stories that will come from this small town.

booksbrewsandbarks's review

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This was a really cute, quirky romance that had no graphic sex scenes which I know is important knowledge for a lot of bashful readers out there. The two main characters, Lola and Drew, both are flawed in relatable senses, but are also headstrong and reliable characters. You won't find too many twists in relation to them.

The twists here lie within Lola's late husband and his activities with other women prior to his death. The emotions expressed by Lola, while at times overdramatic and somewhat laughable, add another layer to a widow trope that is typically plagued with grief and sadness. This made the book light and quite funny throughout.

I especially enjoyed the characters of the town and think the author did a great job at starting to build the community of Sunshine, CO in order to lay the groundwork for future books in the series. I am always a fan of humorous mature women in novels and this book features a group of them that keep you on tour toes and create numerous laughs and hijinks. I truly hope they make repeat appearances in future novels.

This will be a series I will for sure keep on my radar. It was overall really happy and fun and, while I could have used some additional depth with the character of Wendy in order to create a more believable love option for Drew, I thought the whole romantic storyline was unique. I look forward to seeing what the author does with the town of Sunshine in the future.

Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honesty.

lisabreads's review

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Thank you @readforeverpub for sending this wonderful story my way. Can’t Hurry Love by Melinda Curtis is an adorable small town romance featuring widows, cute kids and an overweight pig.
Lola moved to Sunshine to be with her true love, leaving behind her dream of doing hair and makeup on Broadway to be with him. A year after she is unexpectedly widowed, she finds out he was cheating on her and she wants answers.
Sheriff Drew Taylor is a single dad who’s wife suddenly wants back in their daughter’s life after 6 years away and he’s desperate to keep custody.

These two characters are heart warming and adorable and I really enjoyed reading about them trying to find a way to each other. Very PG, nothing more than suggestions of her husband’s affairs and a few kisses, so all in all a very fairy tale type romance.

andkellyreads's review

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This book was too much. It had some moments that made me chuckle, and the characters were endearing (most of them) but there was too much going on and no real love story. Yes, our leads got their happily ever after, but it didn’t feel genuine and I felt like they spent no time together? I’m not sure but this definitely didn’t work for me. Plus Drew’s main purpose throughout this book just rubbed me the wrong way and I didn’t enjoy that one bit.

There were absolutely some moments I loved, particularly in the first third of the book, and I was really getting into it. Unfortunately it turned into a kind of runaway train with too many tangents and I just struggled. None of it came together, and the storylines definitely didn’t merge seamlessly. 2 1/2 stars for this one.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC.

honeynougatsreads's review

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Thank you to the publisher for a review copy.

This series would be great for anyone who is a fan of Hallmark movies. It has a great cast of characters (although there are A LOT of them to keep track of) and a little added mystery. There is one main story, focusing on Lola and Drew, but many other smaller ones within this book. I was primarily interested in the main characters and skimmed over the others. I think my mother in law who likes feel good stories with light romance would love this book.