
The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero

shadowhelm's review against another edition

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I loved the setup of the novel. I just wish it was longer and we got to spend some more time with the characters introduced at the end of the book before everything was over. The book left me wanting more but in a way that feels like the end was rushed. By the time the story truly got interesting it was all over. Another 100 pages could have made the entire work truly something special.

gjmaupin's review against another edition

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Such fun! Some wildly implausible plot twists, but gleeful imagination. As books go that I read for work, this was a treasure. As books go in general, this was a solid debut. Three and a half, really, but this is an all-or-nothing star system.

aaggy30's review against another edition

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The format was just not for me 

jsphkincaid's review against another edition

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Christmas 2022 from Jessu

jhouses's review against another edition

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Una novela algo dificil de clasificar salvo que uno haya sido previsor y haya puesto una estantería llamada "Casas Encantadas". Tiene mucho en común con [b:Meddling Kids|32905343|Meddling Kids|Edgar Cantero||53521810] en el lenguaje y la estructura: muy cinematográfico con planos y escenas cortas, utilizando distintos lenguajes y basada en el diálogo ágil. Se mueve dentro de los cánones del género de casoplón victoriano con fantasma y le añade el punto de investigación con los últimos dispositivos tecnológicos a la Paranormal Activity o Expediente Warren. A pesar de ello, no vacila en lanzar las premisas por la ventana
Spoiler-literalmente, je, je-
y reinterpretar por completo la historia. El ritmo de la acción hace que se devore una narración que, por sus sutilezas requiere una digestión posterior para apreciar los detalles que esconde.
Spoiler¡¡¡¡ Y sale el OJOOOO QUE TOOOOODO LO VEEEEE!!!!!

bookish_whispers's review against another edition

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This review can also be seen on my blog: My Book Life

A week has passed since I finished this book, and I'm sitting here struggling to find the right way to describe this book without giving too much away. Maybe I should start with how I found out about Supernatural Enhancements. I had a day off work and was wondering about the library and the cover, however, was what caught my eye. The description on the inside of the dust jacket caught my attention: long lost relatives, haunted house, secret society, paranormal going-ons. I was sold.

The story inside Supernatural Enhancements isn't told as much as it's seen, through letters, Niamh's notes, security cameras, A's journal, etc. Basically the book is set up like any of the ghost hunting shows on television, and I'd never seen a book written in quite this way. All of this was the reason I added the book to my library haul a month ago, but only a fraction of why I couldn't put it down.

Our main character, who we only know as A, is a likable main character who has come into a small fortune and a haunted house. His mute friend Niamh was probably my favorite character throughout the whole book. She proved that just because you can't speak doesn't mean you can't kick some serious butt. A. couldn't have had a better protector.

Supernatural Enhancements is only partly a ghost story, in the sense that there is a ghost, and that's all I say about that. Pieces of that part of the plot lead to bigger things later. The other part felt like something out of the X-Files when you start to undercover what exactly the Well's patriarchs got themselves involved in.

Basically this book was a wild ride from the second that our two main characters stepped foot into Axton House. The ending was, I'm still not completely over it. Everything just escalated so quickly, and I was left with so many questions about so many things. Answers I might get answered if Edgar Cantero does in fact right another book inside this universe, but I was told that I was only meant to get a glimpse of wonderful things. And boy where the wonderful and horrible and only a glimpse.

After I finally finished the last page I couldn't believe it was over. It was wonderfully spooky and was a great book to read on the patio at night curled up in my Batman blanket. It's also I hard book to review because it's so very different. Without a doubt Supernatural Enhancements is one of my favorites of 2015. Hands down in fact. Fully recommend for X-Files fans, paranormal fans, or just someone looking for something a bit different and a bit twisted. I also need my own copy of this book for my own collection, because I feel the need to re-read this later on. In case I missed something the first time around.

lollypopkins225's review against another edition

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Actually this story was more of a 4.5 star one but I'm feeling I'll err on the side of nice and say 5, but not put it on my 5 star list. Anyway, this is a cool little ghost, supernatural mystery about a young twenty something year old man A. who is originally from England and inherits a house with "supernatural enhancements" from a long lost barely related cousin he's never heard from in the U.S. He goes with his mute girl friend to go live the life of a new millionaire. There is a mystery to solve of his cousin who was studying the occult before he jumped out a window. A ghost that is playing with their heads and a secret society that meets every year on the winter solstice to do secret things that he and his friend are trying to figure out. All this time the main character A. is having these horrendous realistic nightmares that are really messing with his head.

I liked the style this book was written in sort of House of Leaves with only one story about the haunted house and secret cult and Paranormal Actvity with the inclusion of letters to home, diary enteries, video and audio bits etc. Sort of old fashioned mostly (takes place mid 90's) found footage. The suspense is just enough because it is found footage style and if we know anything from Blair Witch, Paranormal Activity it's that these things usually don't end well for all involved. I also enjoyed both main charcters the only downfall was A.'s crush on Niamh that he doesn't want to admit because she is younger then he. I think it implied she was under 18 while he is 23. I think the crush was written fine but was written about enough times to kind of distract from the story a little for me which is why this would actually be a 4.5 book if Goodreads let you do half star ratings. I'd also like a rating that is "for the love of all that is holy this may have been one of the worst books I've finished reading". Like a NO! rating with just the circle with the line through the middle that I'd give some books that NO! rating to if Goodreads had it.I figure if I'm talking about the wish for half stars rating I'd mention my wish for a NO! rating too.

I'd recommend this to supernatural mystery fans.

droar's review against another edition

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A haunted house puzzle book with plenty of twists and turns. I quite like the format switching between journals, video descriptions, written notes, journals, etc. It kept things fresh and a bit chaotic (as it should be). I didn't particularly bond with the characters but I was entirely drawn in my the mysteries of the house and the society. The book did not go where I thought it would (I assumed it was strictly a haunted house story), but where it went was fascinating and unexpected! If you enjoy supernatural mysteries, secret societies, ciphers, secrets, ghosts, or varied format books this is a good one for you!

tawnygeorge's review against another edition

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This was a fun book to read with endearing main characters. It jumps around from ghost story to 'treasure hunt' and then dramatically transforms into murder mystery which is a bit confusing, but entertaining nonetheless. 3.7

anna_louise014's review against another edition

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I will read anything Cantero writes!! I preferred this to meddling kids, but they are vastly different books. Very much enjoyed the style of this one