kmarx94's review against another edition

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As advertised, it's the prequel trilogy as a graphic novel. The art style is unique, and the colors are beautiful, but I'm not a huge fan of it overall. To be honest, it's a good title to have to almost speed through the films, but I'd rather watch the movies. Obviously, the graphic novel can only convey so much and it does the job well enough 

sandovillain's review against another edition

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adventurous lighthearted fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? Complicated
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


cadence08rose's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional fast-paced


rebelspykatie's review against another edition

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Basically a shortened, but word-for-word version of the movies in a graphic novel made for kids. Really great artwork, but not anything innovative, as it's not giving any new information outside of what's already happened in the movies.

bluestar_apologist's review against another edition

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adventurous lighthearted fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


It’s…fine, I guess?

temptershell's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional relaxing tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Complicated
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


"Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy: A Graphic Novel" autorstwa Alessandro Ferrariego to komiksowa adaptacja prequelowej trylogii Gwiezdnych Wojen, obejmująca filmy "Mroczne widmo", "Atak klonów" i "Zemsta Sithów". Ta powieść graficzna pozwala nam ponownie przeżyć początki epickiej sagi o walce dobra ze złem, towarzysząc takim postaciom jak Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala, Yoda czy Darth Maul.

Adaptacja stanowi zwięzłe podsumowanie trzech filmów w zaledwie 208 stronach, co niestety skutkuje pominięciem niektórych ważnych momentów i kultowych kwestii.

Pod względem graficznym powieść prezentuje się znośnie. Tła są szczegółowe i dopracowane, a styl rysunku łączy realizm z kreskówkową estetyką rodem z animacji Disney’a. Niemniej jednak, niektóre postacie zostały przedstawione w sposób nieco dziwny – szczególnie Qui-Gon Jinn czy Anakin w "Ataku klonów". Z drugiej strony, Anakin w "Zemście Sithów" został narysowany bardzo przekonująco, a krajobrazy i tła są naprawdę imponujące.

Narracja jest dynamiczna, ale momentami zbyt skokowa. Częste przeskoki między scenami, czasem nawet kilkukrotne na jednej stronie, mogą wprowadzać pewien chaos i utrudniać płynne śledzenie fabuły. Mimo to, dla kogoś, kto chce szybko odświeżyć sobie wydarzenia z prequeli, jest to całkiem wygodne rozwiązanie.

Chociaż książka nie wnosi nic nowego do uniwersum Gwiezdnych Wojen i nie zastąpi pełnego doświadczenia filmowego, to jednak stanowi przyjemną lekturę dla fanów serii. Szczególnie dla tych, którzy cenią sobie graficzne adaptacje i chcą przeżyć sagę w nieco inny sposób.

Podsumowując, "Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy: A Graphic Novel" to znośna, skrótowa adaptacja, która może spodobać się zarówno młodszym, jak i starszym fanom Gwiezdnych Wojen. 

Przyjemność 3,6/5
Styl: 3,2/5
Historia: 3/5

Ocena: 3,28/5
goodreads - 3/5
thestorygraph - 3,25/5
lubimyczytac - 6/10 

onetrooluff's review against another edition

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One volume that covers all three prequel movies in graphic form. The artwork takes a little getting used to as it's very cartoony, but once I did get used to it, I liked it. It's not a 100% adaptation - there are parts edited out - but it's mostly there. I guess I feel the way I felt about the Force Awakens adaptation - not unenjoyable, but it didn't add anything new.

wanderlustlover's review against another edition

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Spring 2020 (March Live Read);

Let's all be honest up front. There'll be nothing new in here for me, but I'm doing it anyway, both because I'm going to read every single new canon comic out so far, and to see if I need to icon Padmé pieces from this one, too.

This not great so far. || Hers is not good, and Anakin's is spectacularly bad. || That was a thing I just did with my life, that was such an example of bad art. || Yes. >_> I still pulled like 25 screenshots off it, too.

thecurseofchris's review against another edition

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2.5/3, but rounding up to 3 for generosity. I was *really* disappointed in this. I really like the prequels, particularly Episode I, and was hoping to see this take the foundation of those movies and somehow improve on them. Instead, we got some mediocre art design, and lines of dialogue that are all ripped straight from the films. And given that the dialogue isn't always great to begin with, it makes some of the scenes feel rushed since you can't include all of the lines or context. The stories for Episode II and III were especially harmed by this, since that dialogue is probably the worst of the bunch. I would have rather seen a reinterpretation of the movies. Otherwise, this feels just like some fan comic.

neilrcoulter's review against another edition

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As my wife said: "I don't know why you do this to yourself."