
Assaracus Issue 01: A Journal of Gay Poetry by Bryan Borland

richardleis's review

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A wide range of writing styles, and if many of the poems seem to be about similar topics, they are topics I want to read about, from unique perspectives. The poems of a couple of the poets were opaque to me, but they also make me want to read the issue again, as do the poems that were more immediately understandable. I'm not exactly sure what Jay Burodyny was writing about, for example, but the language is so lovely and the images so vivid that his poems are worth the effort.

I particularly loved Raymond Luczak's work; what he does with trees in "White Pines" and "The Cutting" is fascinating. Shane Allison's work was blunt and open and often very sly; "High School Epithalamion" had me grinning ear to ear and imagining creating something similar from my high school yearbooks. The work of Gavin Dillard begins with an earnest and lovely poem about love, and continues with often very humorous and insightful "Aphorisms".

I'm eager to read more issues.