
Delinquent Daddy by Linda Kage

bookdevouringmisfit's review against another edition

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Reading this without any expectations beforehand is the main reason I think why I enjoyed this. This offers completely nothing new but I was gripped.

The secret baby trope is something that I've always been fond of reading and this doesn't exactly stray away from those I have read before that share the exact same plot. What I think made the difference is that for the first time, I was actually truly infuriated with both the main characters here. Them making my blood boiling was enough reason for me to stick through the end and find out if they can ever be redeemed in my book.

After finishing, I'm glad that my hatred with both the main characters progressed into ambivalence. I think that was enough to rate this book another half star. I was actually contemplating on just rating this a 2.5 seeing that I've read way too many of this plot in its genre and so far only few has earned high ratings from me like Katie Cotugno's [b:How to Love|17332564|How to Love|Katie Cotugno||24037773]. (Oh, I just realized that I have just somehow inadvertently advertised that novel here in my review now. I hope you guys don't mind then. *wink* *wink*)

nighteyes82's review

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this is my third book from this author and again a keep er for me.

I like baby-plot. this was well written.
Some didn't like B was he was young but I totally get the way he acts. I can understand why E did what she did.
and well they kind of have it smooth. because there is still luuuv :)

jscarpa14's review

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Really?! She's going to end it like that?! Okay I liked the beginning the way Boston is introduced to the idea of having a daughter is unique and original. But you spend a lot of time in flashback mode in this story in which Boston is the world's hugest asshole and I'm shocked Ellie would still have any feeling for him because personally if some guy treated me that way I'd have caused bodily harm of the there's no chance you'll ever knock anyone else up again buddy persuasion. Considering that they just managed to jump the hurdles to even consider having a relationship again when Kage jump past all those other steps straight to the final step. I feel cheated, like the she got bored with the story and just decided to end it instead of following with the logical progression and buildup of this complicated relationship she created. It's got a great opening, but it reads like half the story is missing in my personal opinion.

serialbookstarter's review

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Boston and Ellie are college Sweethearts. He gets cold
Feet about the relationship and treats her like shiz. I consider him more of a grade A douche bag rather than a cheater even though he did kiss another girl. After they break up Ellie discovers she’s pregnant. She tells Boston and his assholery knows no bounds. After Ellie is an accident and tell Boston she miscarried.
10 years later he finds out she lied. He shows up on her front porch and wants to Meet his daughter. Most of
The angsty feels is from the way he verbally abused Ellie In the past. HEA eventually.

loverofromance's review

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challenging medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


 Quickie Review:

This is a book I had such high hopes for and as you can tell from my rating, this book was NOT for me. It was one of the most toxic relationships I have ever read and I honestly can't believe this book came from Linda Kage. Its just nothing like anything I have ever seen her write. Also if you struggle with secret baby aspects that can turn toxic, then avoid this one here. My biggest issue was the heroine in this one and her reasons for keeping the secret. And to be honest I was not invested in their relationship at all. The child is the one that found the father, the mother wouldn't have ever told him and yeah she didn't have good enough reasons for it. I think the only aspect of the story that was redeemable was the father daughter relationship that is built within this book. I really adored that aspect and I could have cared less about these two being together. They weren't good for each other and there is a ton of mistrust especially on the side from the heroine. Basically she doesn't trust him at all, makes her own judgments, ends their relationship, tells him she had a miscarriage that was no miscarriage, and raises their daughter without him knowing. She knowingly deceives him from the truth and then is shocked that he wants time with his daughter. I think I would have DNF'd this one if it hadn't been Linda Kage at the helm of it. So just be aware before moving forward into this story. 

emilyhei's review

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"When a letter arrives from nine year old Cassie asking to meet her Daddy, Boston Kincaid is stunned to find out the baby he thought was a miscarriage actually is alive and well..."

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brainyviolet's review

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Was okay but ending felt rushed and a little too HEA all of a sudden.

zehelleroth's review

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2 -¿POR QUÉ LINDA, POR QUÉ?-estrellas


Una vez que Boston Kincaid lee la carta de Cassidy Trenton su mundo cambia completamente. En la carta, la niña de nueve años quiere saber si él es su padre, ya que al parecer cumple con algunos de los rasgos con los que su madre describió a su papá.

El apellido de la pequeña le hace saber que su madre no es otra más que la única chica que le ha interesado en serio, no obstante, ella le dijo que tuvo un aborto. Decidido a saber la verdad, Boston se dirige hacia la dirección del remitente, esperando obtener respuestas.

Desde el momento en que Boston rompió el corazón de Ellie Trenton, su hija fue lo único que la mantuvo a flote, y aunque sabe que haber mentido no estuvo bien, en su momento él estaba a punto de irse a Yale, si mencionar lo mucho que vocalizó que no quería ese bebé, por lo que Ellie considera que le hizo un favor.

Pero agradecido es lo último que parece Boston cuando aparece en la entrada de su casa.

El pasado se revuelve y el secreto mejor de Ellie está a punto de salir a la luz, y mientras intenta que su vida no se desmorone, tratará todavía con más fuerza evitar gravitar hacia Boston para perderse en él como sucedió años atrás.



Luego de que terminara el que estoy segura será uno de is libros preferidos del año, decidí que bien podía continuar con mi buena racha y leer algo más de la misma autora, quien casualmente también es una de mis autoras favoritas. Creí que era un plan perfecto.



Odié a Boston casi desde el inicio. Es uno de esos personajes que considero no tiene nada bueno, no es material para héroe de novela y cada vez que hacía alg, lo único que conseguía era molestarme.

La verdad la única razón por la que le doy más de una estrella es porque me sentí conmovida por el dolor de Ellie. Cada vez que ella recordaba sus momentos con Boston yo me sentí frustrada y lloré. En cada una de sus peleas las palabras de él me lastimaron de la misma manera en que la lastimaron a ella.

No entiendo cómo se puede justificar a un personaje tan desagradable como él. Ni siqueira me parece que sea un buen padre.


Lo que hace en gran parte es lo mínimo y nisiquiera de manera correcta. Poco me importa que ella se lo haya escondido, por más que quise no pude sentirme conectada con Boston. Incluso él mismo en el final dice que es mejor que las cosas fueran así porque habría sido un mal padre.





Continuamente digo en mis reviews que los niños dentro de una novela pueden ser una ventaja o todo lo contrario, y aquí, por primera vez, tengo que decir que Cassidy fue una pesadilla. Una niña berrinchuda que es grosera con su madre y además no aporta nada.

Al final, Ellie fue casi tan molesta como Boston, no entiendo cómo seguía sintiéndose atraída por él. Comprendo su monólogo interno de querer hacer funcionar las cosas por el bien de su hija y porque en el fondo teme perderla, pero su necesidad por él raya en lo enfermo.


Para terminar de arruinar todo, al final me enteré que este libro es el segundo, pero tal y como me fue con este, no tengo deseos de leer el primero.

A pesar de que hubo algunos elementos que le daban el potencial para ser algo entrañable (como su maravillosa familia, o la camadería que existía entre él y Cam), termina siendo un montón de drama que además no lleva a ninguna parte porque el final es una porquería, no hay un buen cierre, todo es demasiado apresurado y simplemente no veo el amor ahí.

¿La peor parte?

No sólo el libro falla en ser romance, sino que también falla en plantear una verdadera relación entre un padre y una hija porque es una de las peores que he leído, Boston está lejos de ser un buen padre.


Lo único que puedo decir a favor de este desastre es que este es uno de los primeros trabajos de la autora y que desde entonces ha avanzado increíblemente y es capaz de crear algo más que una narrativa llena de drama innecesario y doloroso de leer en más de un sentido.

anitalouise's review against another edition

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Very cute secret baby trope. Loved that it was the daughter who let the cat out of the bag. Great dialogue for H and h. Linda Kage is one of those authors I go to when I am in a book funk and need a dose of strong writing and snappy dialogue.

readercecc6's review against another edition

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The "hero" of this story is an unrepentant, cheating , classist asswhipe yet the heroine is the one cast in the negative light? I can't even.. description

Warning: spoilers, spoilers everywhere

Nineteen year old Ellie falls in love with twenty two year old Boston. They date for seven months. She gives him her virginity, her love, her trust, hopes and foolish teenage dreams of a future with the man she thought he was. Only the problem was, he had no intention of being with her in the long run. While she was helping him study and prepare for his future as a law student at Yale, he was thinking about how embarrassed he was of her trailer-park origins. While she was working and putting herself through college, he was cheating on her and busy keeping her his dirty little secret. When she found out and confronted him, imploring him to tell her he wouldn't do it again.. Well, you need to read/witness his douchebaggery to understand.

In that moment, if he'd repented, she would've forgiven anything.
But he didn't. He hitched a shoulder and softly replied, "I don't know."
Ellie froze. Her blood turned to ice. "'re just going to keep cheating on me? Is that what you're saying?"
He whirled around at that question. "Cheating?" he repeated in confusion.
"Yes!" she wailed, throwing her hands in the air. "What do you call it when you're in a relationship with one girl and you go out and—"
"Wait a second," he interrupting, taking a step toward her.
"I never said anything to you to suggest we were in a relationship. I never made you any promises. What made you think this thing between us was exclusive?"
For a moment, she could only stare at him blankly. Was he kidding?

Nope, sorry Ellie, he was not kidding. He was in denial. The dumbass fell in love with you but felt you weren't good enough for him so he did what his little moronic brain told him to do -- keep you a secret for seven fucking months while having marathon sex sessions for five of them. Then four weeks before he's off to Yale, he cheats not giving the slightest thought to how your poor defenseless little heart would shatter into a million pieces.

Oh, but it gets worse. After that nasty little scene where you guys broke up, you find out you're pregnant. When you finally work up the courage to do the right thing by telling the baby's father.. Well, Boston's actions and words will obliterate whatever pieces of your heart that survived his first betrayal.

He gritted his teeth, his nostrils flaring. "You lying little—"
Ellie's mouth fell open. " What!? I..." The grip he had on her wrist, which was only tightening, had her grabbing his shoulder. "Stop!"
He blinked at his hold and let go abruptly enough that she fell back. He looked so shocked he'd actually hurt her, he could only gape for a moment. But he shook his head, his face turning an angry red.
"You would stop at nothing, wouldn't you?" he growled. “Well, let me warn you now, Ellie. Trying to get me back by faking a pregnancy is a real bad idea."
Ellie gaped and stuttered, "Wha-wha-what?" How could he actually think she was lying?
He looked away and snorted. "You make me sick.”

Well, you know what, Boston? You make me want to bash your face in.

Then after he makes Ellie pee on another stick to prove his dumbass really did knock her up, instead of acting like a human being, he attacks his guileless ex-girlfriend, AGAIN!

“Did you do it on purpose?"
She fell to a stop and tilted her head. "Do what?"
"Don't act innocent, Ellie," he growled. "Did you get pregnant on purpose?"
Her lips parted, emitting a disbelieving puff of air. "Why would I purposely get pregnant?"
"Oh, get real," he snarled. "You come from a rundown trailer park in Nowhere, Tennessee." While he came from money and security, neither of them had to add. "You probably thought you'd struck it big time when I fell into your lap."
For a full ten seconds, Ellie was too stunned to speak. She couldn't believe his crudity, couldn't believe he would think of her this way.”

First of all, you chased her, relentlessly I might add, for two months before you even revealed who your father was. And second of all, you were the one who was so torn by guilt for cheating that you lashed out at her only to show up outside her dorm room the next day then proceeded to have unprotected sex with your unsuspecting, completely devoted and hopelessly naive girlfriend. The only reason she didn't say anything when you didn't pull out this time was because she was so relieved that you were over your temper tantrum that had her in tears the day before to risk pissing you off! You know what? I'm done talking to your fictional ass. I hope you get the kid, by the way. She's an ungrateful little bitch for telling Ellie that she hates her. I hope your little brat of a daughter grows up to be exactly like you and makes you as miserable as you've made poor Ellie.