
Ensnared by A.G. Howard

gmur8589's review against another edition

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Such a great series and what an adventurous conclusion!
Great series overall with a fantastic audible narrator. This last novel in the series kept me on my toes and had me tearing up too.
I wish there was a more detailed end to ‘part I’ of her life with Jeb at the end of the book instead of just a short vague epilogue but the way it was written when she went to Morpheus in Wonderland was *chefs kiss*

thefox2425's review against another edition

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I just can't with this one. The first two books were incredible and starting this book I wanted all the good things with all the bad things...unfortunately all the bad things were what I got. I cannot say that I dislike the book in its entirety. I definitely got closure on a few subjects that had been important to me but the hatred and bitterness out of some characters just made it unbearable.

I wish I could say I could finish, but I just cannot.

melissasbookshelf's review against another edition

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Loved the ending of this series! The author did the amazing job of making everyone happy. This series is a very Gothic tale based on Alice in Wonderland. It's a bit gruesome at times, but so really is Alice in Wonderland. Can I just say I loved this narrator?! She really made the characters come alive. Looking forward to Untamed.

patriciadanisova's review against another edition

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Neskutočné to je. Fantázia autorky ma fascinuje.
By the way moja panika ohľadom štvrtého pokračovania bola skorá a včera počas bližšej detekcie som zistila, že to je iba 3.5 pokračovanie, takže pohodaaaa, jahodááááá.
Dočkala som sa konca po akom som túžila.
Jeb bol konečne trocha "darker", takže sa dočkal aj sympatii z mojej strany.
A NENAVIDIM tento pocit, ked dokončím sériu kníh, ktorá ma zjedla aj s ponožkami. Je to akoby som opúšťala domov. Ew...

yazgbooks's review against another edition

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Perfect, I couldn't stop myself from crying.
I love this series so much I will be reading it again soon.
I love Morpheus too much!

caiizeer's review against another edition

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I’m giving this book 3 stars only because for whatever reason I had a hard time actually reading the book, so I got it on audible. I really like how Alyssa finally embraced her madness and her Netherling side. I loved the twist and turns it took. I found it a bit silly to introduce us to new characters like Uncle Bernie only to have him in it for just a couple chapters. I enjoyed the series because I got to see how everything played out. The first book in my opinion can not be topped.

optomkg423's review against another edition

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Well I liked this but I didn't love it. in all honesty, she should have let Jeb go and just love Morpheous. she loved him way more than Jeb and i feel like she used him. good series but I wanted a stronger ending

aida_am13's review against another edition

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Este libro me ha encantado. Como todos en realidad pero saber que era el final de esta hermosa saga lo ha hecho más especial. No me esperaba ese final para nada aunque, si te paras a pensarlo, es el final lógico.

Para empezar me ha sorprendido y encantado el papel de Jeb en este libro. Anteriormente le hemos visto siendo el humano valiente que lo daría (y ha dado) todo por la chica a la que ama pero en este libro vemos más de él, vemos como es Jeb cuando deja entrar la locura del País de las Maravillas. Vemos a un Jeb más oscuro, loco de poder incluso.

Luego tenemos a Morfeo, a la vez que Jeb se hace más peligroso con la mezcla de la mágia de Morfeo y Roja corriendo por sus venas descubrimos que Morfeo sigue siendo el mismo aunque más dispuesto a dejar ver sus sentimientos frente a Alyssa. En este libro Morfeo deja claro como se siente por Alyssa y lo que esta dispuesto ha hacer por el País de las Maravillas y por su futuro con Alyssa.

El padre de Alyssa por fin tiene algo protagonismo aunque a mi parecer se olvidan de él antes de la mitad del libro cuando creo que hubiese podido aportar más pero a pesar de eso toda la historia es increíble.

Y el desenlace... Perfecto. Ha decir verdad me esperaba una batalla épica entre Alyssa y Roja pero ver a Morfeo y Jeb trabajándo juntos para restaurar el País de las Maravilla y a Jeb renúnciando a su Don y dejándo a Morfeo hacerse dueño de las noche de Alyssa y a Morfeo aceptando esperar una vida entera para tener a su reina entre sus brazos.

Me gusto que la batalla que Alyssa libresa fuesa interna, ella inténtando contener a Roja dentro de ella sabiéndo que podría morir y el final que decide darle a Roja mientras que son sus dos amores quienes salvan su reino y su vida.

Una vez más A.G.Howard me ha dejado cautivada y enamorada de su prosa, su forma de narrar y describir la locura que se desata en estos libros. Ha sido un placer formar parte de esta aventura.

thewinterizzy's review against another edition

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I really, really, really loved Splintered; Unhinged was okay-ish for me, because by then I loved all the characters but I missed the presence of Wonderland in that one; with Ensnared, we got more back into the magical realms which I appreciated and I continued to like the characters and story for the most part and all in all I'd say it's a series for reading. You just need to be aware it is a Young Adult series after all, so there are certain tropes and "plot twists" ("""twists""") that are completely foreseeable; I digress, for if you can just get your brain into that YA mood then this is a fun read. I was often laughing out loud and smiling at my book and it was definitely hard to put down when I had other things to do. The love triangle got a bit heavy for me toward the end, and I wish it had focused more on Alyssa than her in relation to the boys, but I get that that was sort of part of the process of her discovering herself - and the guys discovering things about themselves, too.

In regards to Ensnared specifically [spoilers!], the epilogue was a bit disappointing to me in that I was hoping we'd spend a bit more time with Jeb. Up front I'll say I liked both him and Morpheus fairly equally. I think it was clear early on that she'd end up with "both". But, in the end, it's like Jeb's part was stuffed under a rug and not given page time it deserved. Even just like, another page or two. Just something to kind of showcase their life more, rather just going from "Jeb died" to "Morpheus was waiting for me." It felt like lazy writing more than anything. You can argue that it's just we're meant to leave it to our imagination, which is fine, but I still would've liked just a bit more...just a little.

Overall, enjoyed it - and sad it's over. :(

allygrove's review against another edition

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I liked this series more than anticipated. I enjoyed the storyline and that it did surprise me in places. I thought the settings were very wonderland inspired. Overall if you like Alice in Wonderland retellings you will enjoy this.