
Another Day by David Levithan

devonforest's review against another edition

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I think it was good that I waited awhile between reading the 1st book and this one. It wasn't quite as good as Every Day, which was to be expected since this was the same story, but from a different perspective. Since it's been quite a few months (and a lot of books) since I read Every Day it didn't seem too repetitive like it might've if I read them back-to-back.

sam_hartwig's review against another edition

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After about 50 pages, I've decided that I'm not going to read this.

I was pretty happy with how Every Day finished, so in my opinion there's no need for me to see the flip side. If I liked the other character then I'm happy to read their story (like Four from Divergent) but I'm not a fan of Rhiannon so I didn't really care to read from her point of view.

Maybe one day I may pick it up again, but at the moment it's a DNF.

jess_mango's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. This is the same plot line as “every day” but told from Rhiannon’s perspective.

I read it fairly quickly and overall enjoyed it but not quite as much as “every day”.

bookdevouringmisfit's review against another edition

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DNF @ 36%

I've been reading this for a month now and I still haven't reached the halfway mark. Go figure.

I desperately wanted to like this. But if the POV's infuriating as hell and all you want to do is get out of the character's head, you get out. Why torture yourself more, right?

Review to come.

An ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

katykelly's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

Know David Levithan? Then you'll probably have been as keen as I was to try the sequel to 'Every Day'. Never heard of him? Then let me introduce you to an original and bold author for Young Adults that you'll not regret getting to know.

This is a sequel and a companion piece to Levithan's popular 'Every Day'. If you've not read it though, don't be put off, as it can be read without knowledge of its predecessor. The author himself explains this in his forward.

See what you think of this synopsis: 'A' has spent his whole life in the strange situation of moving around from body to body every day. Each morning he awakes in a new bed. With different parents, a different face in the mirror. For one day. Then he moves on. Only into bodies of the same age. It's fascinating. It's never explained how or why.
We never even come to know if A is a boy or girl. At 16, A finds a connection with a girlfriend of his occupied body and from then on tries to see her each day, wherever and whoever he wakes up as. Can they connect? Can it work?

That was 'Every Day'. Now in 'Another Day', we get to see the girl's side - Rhiannon's story. This is her perspective as she one day notices her boyfriend (who we see is not really right for her) is suddenly interested, loving and communicative. She falls in love with him all over again. But then finds out that it wasn't her boyfriend in love with her that day - it was the person inhabiting his body. And then another body, and another... Does she believe it? Rhiannon may fall for A too, but can they make it work?

You really do have to suspend your disbelief throughout (A only inhabits bodies within a certain area, of a certain age, leaves at midnight precisely), but once you accept the premise, it's hugely engaging to consider the ramifications for their relationship and lives.

I think I preferred A's own story, he's the character you want to understand and know more about. While I HAVE read the first book, it's such a long time ago that I couldn't clearly remember if their email exchanges and conversations are copied verbatim (they felt it), and if so, it's only Rhiannon's thoughts and feelings we are observing now.

I couldn't really find much sympathy for Rhiannon in her relationship with Justin, or the trials of her teenage life (friends arguing, parties), I just wanted more of A and his story. She and her friends also have a way of talking that felt too mature and planned out, not a lot like regular teenagers that didn't ring true (a bit like some John Green characters), though I'd like an actual teenage reader's perspective on that. Those are the reasons for just 4.5 stars though.

It's a concept that compels you to read on, a character in A you can't help but feel empathy for. And a love story that can surely have no happy ending - how can you build a future life together if every day your partner is unrecognisable, in some distant unknown place, and probably involved in another family? These thoughts crossed my mind as I finished the book, which ended for me one sentence too late.

I want to read more about A, but not necessarily about Rhiannon. Sorry if you're a fan! I'll be interested to know if Levithan takes the story further, and in what direction.

Definitely one to be tried by teenagers and adults alike. You'll appreciate your own life that much more by being reminded of what you wake up to every day...

Review of a Netgalley advance copy.

jovanas_cloud's review against another edition

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I know many people are/were disappointed by this book because it's about Rhiannon's angle or because they have to read everything again, but I LOVED IT . I really did. If I could give an unlimited stars to rate I would rate it the best. Personally I loved hearing about Rhiannon's side of the story and to see what she thought because I felt a small hole in the first book due to not knowing why she had said some things. Now that I know her thoughts the story feels completed. Now I'm just waiting for the third book to come out to see what happens to A when he runs away. Don't know if it's just me but I feel happy now that I know what happened the morning after. And no I'm not sorry for crying like a little baby at the last few chapters.

stargirllxo's review against another edition

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The book was just AMAZING. at first I though it was the sequel then I realized it was in the point of view of Rhiannon, which is cool too. I loved reading the book kind of again and seeing her perspective on everything. How she deals with it. In the first book since it is the perspective of A, you only get to read about his thoughts and feeling and it was nice to see what Rhiannon thought and felt towards A.

reesetotle's review against another edition

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I hate Rhiannon. I mean, this book's plot sounded cool and Levithan's ideas and writing style were really great, but Rhiannon was just too... yeah.

protoman21's review against another edition

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This was a neat idea because I often wonder what other characters are thinking in books that are from a single narrator, and in this case Levithan was able to create a separate story since Rhiannon was only part of the story in Every Day. Experiencing the twist from Rhiannon's perspective was also something completely unique since A lives it and so it was completely normal for A, but Rhiannon has a lot to adjust to and it makes you think a lot about how you would react and how and why our bodies matter when it comes to people we love.

abaugher's review against another edition

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another great one from Levithan, this time from the perspective of Rhiannon.

Merged review:

another great one from Levithan, this time from the perspective of Rhiannon.