
Frenzy by Robert Liparulo

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Book review

Title: Frenzy

Author: Robert Liparulo

Genre: psychological/ paranormal/ family

Rating: ***

Review: I’ve been on a wild and incredible journey, traveling to amazing and dangerous worlds and going on adventures that boggle the mind. All from the comfort of my own safe, secure, portal-free home.

I’ve enjoyed some of the best reading ever, courtesy of master storyteller Robert Liparulo, and his magnificent creation: the Dreamhouse Kings series. For six books I’ve traveled with Xander, David (Dae), Toria and Dad…all looking for Mom.

And to think…six books over many, many months for me, yet…it’s only been a WEEK for the King family! But oh, what a week it’s been!

I’ve met some heart-warming characters, like Jesse and Kael. I’ve also gotten acquainted with some vicious and vile creations…longing for them to meet their doom. Along the way I’ve had my imagination stretched far and wide, and watched the threads of a seriously epic story weave together.

Portals into the unknown…gateways into moments in history…like the Civil War…Atlantis…and a history of a house that is almost unbelievable.

But Robert Liparulo makes it believable…enough so that you’ll be careful around linen closets and school lockers for a long, long time!

And it all culminates in this sixth volume, “Frenzy”…and what a frenzy of events this is. Will the Kings find Mom? Can they all make it out alive? Will the mystery of their house be solved? And can the madman behind it all be stopped?

These questions are answered…pretty much…in this last book of the series. You may have noticed by now this isn’t my usual review. To share details is to ruin the story…and I won’t do that to you. Instead, I’m hopefully whetting your reading appetite for some wild adventures that will take your breath away in this…the final book.

One scene in particular had me in tears at its simple beauty…and its truth. Once you’ve read the book, you’ll know exactly which one I mean. Another had me wanting to cheer out loud at the heroism and cleverness shown. Again, you’ll know it when you read it.

Robert Liparulo has created a masterpiece that tops anything else in the teen market today. His books may not have the length of Harry Potter, but they have a more powerful message. They may not have vampires and romance…but you can sink your teeth into these meaty pieces of fiction!

I was ecstatic to read the interview included at the end of “Frenzy”, indicating more adventures with the Dreamhouse Kings may be coming soon. I think Robert Liparulo had as much fun writing these tales as we’ve all had reading them.

Make the “Dreamhouse Kings” a part of your collection. Begin with “House of Dark Shadows” and continue on to “Frenzy”…not missing a page in between. The suspense truly does build to a climatic conclusion…that really isn’t the end.

hollydeal's review against another edition

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Really? Just...really? "God did it!" is just lazy storytelling.

thecalicobooks's review against another edition

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It ended perfect, without being unrealistically perfect. I loved this entire series!