
Along Came a Spider by Kate SeRine

melodicfate's review against another edition

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What a great way to continue the Transplanted Tales series! With each book, the world continues to grow, and more interesting characters are added. There's always a great mystery, as well as an awesome romance to love. And this one was no exception.

Trish was an awesome heroine! Smart with a healthy temper, I found her to be a great narrator for this story. She never let anyone push her around, and spoke out about her feelings. Her love and loyalty towards her friends was admirable. Watching her overcome her fears made for excellent reading.

Then, of course, there are the side characters. Everyone from the earlier novels played a part in this one. It was great catching up with Red, Lavender, Nate, and Seth. I loved seeing how their lives went after the ends of their books. Al played a bigger part in this book, as well. I spent a lot of time questioning his loyalty to the Tales. But we found out something quite unexpected about him which I think gave his character some much-needed humanity. Then, there was the mysterious Alex, the FMA agent. He turned out to be different than I thought. Ian Spalding was definitely a character I hated, since he was selfish and only cared for himself. Finally, there was Nicky. Honestly, I think he and Trish just may be my favorite couple in this series. I wasn't sure if I could get behind Nicky as a love interest, but wow! He's fiercely loyal and protective, charming, and can be quite deadly if need be.

The plot followed Trish as she tried to figure out where odd vampires were coming from. After getting attacked by a ghost in her apartment, she was rescued by Nicky. After that, there was lots of action, mystery, and romance. It was really great reading.

In the end, this series just gets better and better. I'm quite sad I only have one book left. But, it's Gideon's story, and after all the pagetime he received in this novel, I'm really excited to see his story.

audiobookmel's review against another edition

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Review originally posted at

This is the third installment of the Transplanted Tales series. It is a world where fairy tales and other literary characters have been transplanted into the real world. Think of the TV show, Once Upon a Time. Outside of that basic idea, the stories are completely different, including how they are brought into this world of Here & Now.

In this book, we follow Beatrice ‘Trish’ Muffet, of Little Miss Muffet fame, she is also the head of Forensics for Fairytale Management Agency or FMA. She has been a pretty large secondary character in the first two books, as she helps to figure out the crime scenes. She has a unique ability to read the dead, which really helps her do her job.

There is also Nicky Blue, of Little Boy Blue fame. He has been a much smaller secondary character. He came across from the land of Make Believe at the same time as Trish, but they took two different paths. Nicky as quite the reputation and criminal past. He has also be MIA lately. That is until Trish sees him lurking in the shadows and chasing down vampires. It seems that Nicky Blue has been trying to track down Dracula. Yep, that Dracula.

In this story, we have Red, Little Red Riding Hood, and Grimm, the Grim Reaper, (from the first book Red) working with Trish to help solve some murders. There are psychotic vampires running around killing people. There is also trafficking of illegal pixie dust. Ordinary cops, people like you and me, trying to muscle in on the Tales turf. Al Addin, the leader of FMA, is trying to play nice with the ordinary cops, which is driving the rest of them crazy. Nicky is trying to keep Trish safe.

This book has a lot humor and action. I think it might have the most action of all the books so far. We also get to spend more time with the hero of the next book, Gideon. We met him in the previous book, but we really get to see more of him in this book. While you could read this book as a stand alone, I don’t think I would recommend it. There is just too much that I think you might miss with the overall story arc. Also, the majority of the world building is in the first book, so you are someone expected to know some of the stuff going into the future books. I think you could figure it out, but wouldn’t enjoy it as much.

“Nope, not until you admit you like me.”
“Like you? I repeated. “Are you kidding me? What are you, like ten?”
He chuckled. “Dear Trish—do you like me? Check yes or no.”

“Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty.”
“Wrong fairytale, you idiot.”

littleread1's review against another edition

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I am continually impressed and surprised with SeRine's Transplanted Tales books, and Along Came a Spider was certainly no exception. One of the things I like most about this series is the fact that you get to follow up with the previous couples, and more than just a passing mention. Red and Nate, and Lavender and Seth are all players in this story.

But of course the focus of this story is on Nicky and Trish. Nicky "Little Boy" Blue and Beatrice Muffit came over into the Here and Now in the same group, and ever since that brief meeting, Trish has had a thing for Nicky. So when they run into each other again and he acts like he doesn't know who she is, she is understandably hurt. But after some things force them to work together, it becomes harder and harder for Trish to hide her feelings. But does she even want to?

Nobody can take Nate's place in my heart, but Nicky sure comes close. He is the perfect example of a bad boy with a heart of gold. (Side note - is there a lead that Red didn't bang? Sheesh!) Nicky feels like he has a lot to make up for, and so when he got a second chance in the Here and Now he took it, and built an almost mob like empire. After surviving a terrible attack, he went off the grid and no one knew where he was, what he was doing, or even if he was alive. Until he surfaces with Trish.

I always expect these stories to be a bit lighter than they are, but it is always a pleasant surprise. I guess the fact that they are based on fairy tales makes me expect nothing bu sunshine and rose petals but that is most certainly not the case. Along Came a Spider kept me engaged in the story, in the will they won't they of Nicky and Trish, and the follow up from the previous two couples. I certainly hope this isn't the last I hear from SeRine's Transplanted Tales.

franjessca's review

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Full Review posted on Book Lovin' Mamas

Along Came a Spider has become my favorite book out of the Transplanted Tales…so far at least. =) I loved the story of Nicky Blue and Trish Muffet.

Kate SeRine delivers another tale of our favorite fairy characters, but it is a twisted world where some of our tales are not the friendly, beautiful characters we know from reading as kids in our fairy tale books. Instead, Kate gives some of our favorites horrible reputations or make them villains. But with that twist of the characters personalities make these Tales so much better than our traditional fairy tales.

I give this book 5 full moons and highly recommend it to urban fantasy and paranormal romance readers out there. If you love fairy tale stories with a twist, you will enjoy this book. I suggest you read the first two though, so you can find out about the other characters in the series. You will want to know about Little Red Riding Hood and her personality before you read this book. She is one stubborn, strong-willed character. =)

book_grinch's review

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Originally posted at PaperbackWonderland

Arc provided by netgalley

A couple months ago i read [b:Red|13630494|Red (Transplanted Tales, #1)|Kate SeRine||19238297] and i loved it! The idea was original, and as a fairy tale addict, i loved reading about characters that made me company through my childhood, as well as growing up.

The tone of that story was definitely urban fantasy, with a little paranormal romance in with, that i could have done without....(especially the parts with Vlad, the vampire).. but all in all, it was an interesting story to read.

The second one [b:The Better To See You|15940516|The Better To See You (Transplanted Tales, #2)|Kate SeRine||21691662] was definitely more paranormal romance than urban fantasy oriented, but since i liked the characters (Seth, the werewolf and Lavender, the Fairy Godmother) and their chemistry, i could deal with it.

The plot of the stories...

That's the thing. Besides the romances that are created and developed in each and every story, the second and third book follow something that started with the first book. The thing is, i can't help feeling that that situation involving two precise characters wasn't strong enough for two books...much less three!

So, i'm afraid that this plot wasn't able to convince me....
Also, regarding the romance between the characters, it was only able to convince me in their chemistry...because the whole: I looked into your eyes and saw your soul" and "i looked into your eyes and falled in love with you" isn't my thing as a reader.

Also as pet peeves, i have to say that i could have done without popular references. eg: Kardashians...

Then Nicky is a grown man/Tale, so why not calling him, Nick?

Then although i like some diversity in characters, there were times when i felt i was hearing/reading a lot of "blah..blah..blah..." coming from noisy characters that didn't add anything to the story. And in the end it all felt very clichéd...

Sooooo, although i didn't enjoy this one...i'll be waiting for the next one, hoping that it will written more along the lines of the first one ...
[b:Red|13630494|Red (Transplanted Tales, #1)|Kate SeRine||19238297]

eloiseinparis's review

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This is the third book in the Transplanted Tales and I loved it. Of course I am biased because I love the entire series, but I digress. Finally we get to read Nicky Blue’s story and it does not disappoint. It’s funny, charming, and full of action. Some of our favorite character’s make appearances and we are introduced to new tales as well. This is definitely a stand alone novel so if you are new to this series you’ll be fine, the past history of the character’s is told without stalling the story. This book nicely wrap’s up the love stories for Red and her ex’s, but there are plenty of other character’s left for us to read about in the future. Like Al Addin, the mysterious Alex McCain, and my favorite Gideon. And since a Tale is simply someone who’s story was told in the Here and Now the possibilities are endless. I can’t wait to read more.