
More than Music by Elizabeth Briggs

bookish_noa's review against another edition

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terrific book

ellieroth's review against another edition

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Publicado originalmente: El Extraño Gato del Cuento

No hay forma de que salga de mi casa sin me eReader, sobre todo si sé que con quién voy a encontrarme tiene enormes problemas de puntualidad, aún así, por costumbre, tiendo a llegar temprano, supongo una sutil indirecta a todas las personas que me dejan esperando. Media hora antes de lo acordado, preguntándome si esta sería la primera vez que llegue puntual, decidí comenzar el libro que desde que lo vi me dio mucha curiosidad, a pesar de que era New Adult, no podía dejar de pensar en la portada y en su título "More Than Music." Cuando, luego de que prácticamente me sacudiera para hacerme presente había llegado, me di cuenta de dos cosas, la primera es que había roto su record de imputualidad, y lo segundo, habían pasado casi dos horas completamente perdida en el libro. Sé que quizás pienses que ahora que llegó yo le prestaría toda mi atención, lamentablemente eso también pensó la otra persona. "¿Puedes prestar atención a lo que estoy diciendo?" dijo, yo:

Quizá yo no sea la persona para quedar, y también quizá, solo quizá, llegue temprano porque significa tiempo a solas para leer, generalmente no me gusta leer en público, casi siempre termino tan solo revisando qué títulos ya leí, cuál ya reseñé, cosas muy técnicas. Pero con More Than Music perdí todo la noción del tiempo, y si soy completamente sincera no sé por qué. No es una historia complicada, es la manera en que Elizabeth Briggs me contó la historia, como supo plasmar un amante/freaky de la música. O un freaky en general. Cómo Jared no solo es sexy y talentoso, sino un completo nerd, comics, The Big Bang Theory, música, todo eso. O como Maddie en una ligerísima forma me recordó a mí en mis sueños de música (Sé tocar una canción en el piano. Una. Se me puede considerar virtuosa u.u).

Cómo saben otra de mis grandes pasiones es la música, y este libro está repleto de ella. Me ha tocado a veces libros que dicen ser sobre música y solo mencionan una canción a lo largo del libro, eso no pasa con More Than Music. ¡Hay un montón de canciones! Y los covers *-* Aunque la escritora claramente se imagina la voz y look de Jared como un Jared Leto, yo me imagino más a Jared como una combinación entre Gary Lightbody (vocalista Snow Patrol) y Austin Winkler (ex-vocalista* de Hinder). MY FEELS

Elizabeth dijo que ya está trabajando en más historias, no exactamente con los protagonistas de More Than Music, pero igual me emocionó, me ha encantado conocer su escritura.

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danicapage's review against another edition

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My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.

Disclaimers: I received an e-galley of this novel from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not obligated to write a good review nor did I receive any compensation for writing this review.

An Overview of the Novel: Maddie Taylor is a classically trained musician. She plays piano and violin and has an intern lined up. Everything is set until the guitarist in her friend Kyle's band quits days before a big audition for a reality TV show.

Kyle's brother Jared caught Maddie playing one of their songs and now he's begging her to help them out. Maddie has always wanted to play guitar, but has never played in front of anybody but her roommates.

Reluctantly, she agrees and next thing she knows they are on the reality show. But things aren't quite what they seem. And then there's Jared. Maddie has always been attracted to him, and now that they are spending every second with each other, it's hard to ignore it. But she promised everybody on the band, she wouldn't fall for him and Jared is a notorious play-boy. And then there's the issue of the show not wanting to sign another band with a relationship.

But the heart wants what it wants.

My Overall Thoughts/Impressions: I really enjoyed this novel. I went into it without any expectations really. I fell in love with it. I loved the characters (even when they were being idiots). The writing was fantastic and the pacing was excellent.

I loved this one and will definitely be reading more by this author. Briggs created this world of intrigue and romance that drew me in from the beginning page until the very last one.

I loved Maddie. She was such a real character. She was so real and true to herself. I loved that she wasn't willing to sell-out. She was a strong female character.

Jared was a character that I also liked. He had a lot depth. He wasn't just another bad-boy. Instead, he felt very dimensional. I enjoyed watching these two characters interact throughout the show.

Like I said, they both were stupid at times but I loved them anyway.

This novel is definitely recommended for fans of realistic contemporary and the New Adult genre.

So why 4 stars? I adored it. It stood out of the crowd and I would consider buying this one. A great read. I can't wait to read the sequel.

Warnings/Side-notes: It's new adult enough said. Sexual references appropriate for 17+.

The Wrap-up: A great novel that I enjoyed immensely. The writing was just brilliant.


Danica Page

kayreereads's review

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A well crafted love story

I've read a lot of musician based romances, and this one takes a different approach and it kept me interested all the way until the end! The characters are well crafted and the bond they share with each other is really endearing.

deanie's review

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Maddie Taylor is a classically trained musician with an internship with the symphony, so what is she doing playing rock guitar on a reality music competition show (like an all-band version of The Voice)? It started out as a favor to her friend Kyle, whose band Villain Complex had one of its members quit when they were on the verge of their big break on the reality show The Sound, but when she met Kyle's brother Jared, even Jared's playboy ways couldn't keep Maddie from falling for him.

I read two different New Adult music romances for a challenge, and this is by far the best one. The characters seem grounded and mature despite their ages, and the behind-the-scenes intrigue at the reality show seemed like something that could happen. Maddie and Jared had crazy chemistry, and her musical chemistry with the rest of the band was great, too. I liked seeing her transition from careful classical musician to rock goddess. This was a really fun book.

nikkim17's review

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Cute short read

I thought she was a little dramatic in her feelings for him though. Like every time she's on stage. I wished that she was a little stronger of a character. But it was a quick, cute read and did enjoy it.

carleneinspired's review against another edition

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Maddie is the good girl musician, she's classically trained and has big dreams for her music career. Those big dreams don't include playing guitar in front of everyone, joining Villain Complex for the TV reality show The Sound, or falling for the bad boy lead singer, Jared Cross. Jared is more than meets the eye and as Maddie finds herself in the music, she considers this life a real possibility. Jared is determined to win The Sound, he'll follow every guideline and advice given to him by the producers and the band's mentor. Maddie must decide if her new dream is worth it if it means she'd be giving up the guy she wants.

I thought I had attachment issues to the main characters in More Than Exes, but that was nothing compared to this. Maddie is incredibly well written, I don't think Elizabeth Briggs could have done a better job. She'll speak to every girl at that turning point in her life, to follow the rules or follow your dreams. She's beautiful, quirky, smart, and has an inner monologue that sounds just like mine did for a while. The relationship and how it plays out with Jared and Maddie is believable, very close to the kind you see on reality tv shows. They're a couple you both root for and kind of want to see separate, they're both impressive, standalone characters that bring a lot of good and bad into the story. While many people don't ever get an opportunity to be on reality tv, let alone as a musician, Briggs helps you understand the process, from playing music to interviews and how a night on the cutting block in front of thousands of people really feels. I am a reality tv fanatic and I could see every band, every mentor, and every musical performance in my mind. It's a solid storyline, with just enough background to help you understand everyone's role in the band, and twists that almost make you second-guess your predictions for the ending. I really enjoyed how the characters expressed themselves through songs, plus I liked looking up the songs and listening as I read.

While I loved More Than Music and I highly suggest you check it out, I must warn my readers of some of the cliches that seem to happen in every NA book. Whether it is from the transition from Young Adult or something else that does it, the romance portions often seem to have that same feeling of secrecy between couples. Maddie and Jared are easily a likable couple, Briggs explains the secrecy very well, but the storyline was flat for me. I wanted to believe the secrecy, but really, most of the scenes would be dead giveaways if they happened in real life. However, the overall plot is new, it is fun to read and the characters are incredibly relatable.

I am definitely going to be finishing the rest of the Chasing The Dream series. It's rare that I enjoy a series with changing protagonists, the main character is hard to nail once, let alone several times, but Elizabeth Briggs does it well. I wish I could see Villain Complex in concert, because they seem like my kind of band. Who doesn't love bad, nerdy boys? I also can't wait to see where the main characters from More Than Exes and More Than Music end up, because you know they'll be found in the rest of the series. There's some really positive writing in these books, just the right amount of New Adult angst, and a lot of pop culture references that help create the setting.

Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing a copy in exchange for my review.

mdaisy's review

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4.5 stars

I think this is my first ARC ever and I'm so glad I had the opportunity to read because it was AMAZING! I LOVED IT! The first thing that happened in the book that made me think *OMG I LOVE YOU ALREADY* was that one of the characters was half Portuguese I was so happy because usually Portuguese people or the country aren't mentioned in books so when a book mentions my country I start jumping around and screaming OMG THERE'S PORTUGUESE WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK *faints* Well I think this was a bit of an exaggeration but you get my point.

So at first I wasn't really sure about Maddie I liked her but she was so damn shy around Jared but it ended up being really adorable! Maddie really changed throughout the book she started as a girl who had a secret dream but she was afraid to leave and she ended up the book pursing that dream thanks to her hard work. I loved the ideas she would come up with when she was under stressed.

OH MY! Jared Jared Jared. I just don't what to say first maybe agshafsmkhdfasmhgdf *deep breath* I LOVE HIM! God. He is so unbelievable hot and HE'S A FREAKING NERD OKAY? HE GOES TO COMIC CON! HOW COOL IS THAT?! I WANT HIM. NOW. At first he seemed a bad boy I mean he kinda was but when Maddie really started to know him he showed that he wasn't just a bad boy. I loved the shirts he wore! So cool and nerdie! *drooling* Wait wait there was one thing I didn't like that he did my stomach was in knots he did it and I just thought how could you?! I understood what he did at one level but at the same time it broke my heart. He compensated though I loved what he did for her.

I really liked seeing these two main characters together and they struggled to be together stupid show. I loved when they were together. The "Not okay? Not okay" was so adorable!

Oh my I loved the scene that the band was entering the elevator and they heard someone saying "Going down" and everyone thought of songs and Hector thought of a Nelly song and everyone laughed at him. I loved the moments they were together as a band they had so much fun. The game they played at the supermarket was awesome!

I can't wait to read the novellas about Kyle and Hector!!

**ARC kindly provided by Victory Editing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

fsmeurinne's review

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Funny rockstar story that will keep you entertained, a bit fast-paced but I enjoyed it. Was well written and I like that there are a lot of references to other TV shows, such as The Voice, so if you like that sort of themes, read it.

krispyxx's review against another edition

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Oh I loved this book! The sound is clearly like the voice but allowed bands instead of just a singer. I loved the whole bands feel as I loved their music taste since it's just like mine. Maddie and Jared were just adorable and I loved the build up. Jared is a badboy player (sorta) but still a nerd with comics while Maddie is a nerd but innocent in her way. They work amazing together and happy they end up together. I can't wait to read more!