
Chaotic by T.S. Snow

gypsydawn's review

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This book lives up to its name, 'Chaotic'. At first, I really didn't know what was going on, but that notion didn't last long. Within a few chapters, I was fully immersed in Charisma's life - and the incredibly chaotic turn its taken since she graduated.

This is fast, often funny and occasionally brutal. The magic surrounding the narrative is a touch disjointed, though it's clear enough to understand if you consider that the METs they carry (which can look like anything) are basically personalized storage devices preprogrammed with spells hinging on the users talents. At least, that is what I gathered as I read. Honestly, it's a fantastic concept, and really opens up the magical angle to a thousand and five plot points, all aiming at a unique journey that sets this book apart.

As for the characters? I loved them - from the director to the lurking Theo, though Blast was hardly as surprising as I think the author meant him to be. Now that I THINK we know the main faces, I can't wait to see where this goes - especially after that closing scene!


First Person, Multiple POV

Ending Type





I would still consider this a slow burn, though there is a fantastically hot scene with one of the guys.

Romantic Dynamic

MMMMMMF (I think?)

Character Age Range


My Final Verdict on Chaotic

Exciting, unique and fully immersive, Chaotic is the perfect introduction to a promising RH series - one I recommend with no reservation.

prettymonsters's review against another edition

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I had fun with this read.
Our heroine is almost effortlessly good at everything she really puts her mind to, and a genius to boot, but the writer tries to balance that out by making her awkward & clumsy and while the lack of people skills is believable because a lot of individuals with genius I.Q's tend to have series issues when it comes to socializing there brains just don't function the same way my slow brain does their on a whole different wavelength like our girl Charisma. But Charisma also has that odd clumsy gene that doesn't make sense when you find out how well she can fight and how she can literally move faster than the human eye can track like The Flash so when they say she can take anyone down in a match but can't figure out how to walk in a straight line it just doesn't add up, it's overkill if you ask me, in my opinion being socially awkward would have been good enough without having her tripping over her own feet all the time.

That aside the story is compelling enough for me to ignore her ridiculous clumsy gene. Our girl wears a lot of hats she's a graduating student a tech genius and a secret agent along with being a reject from one of the main power families in their society.

From what I can tell she seems to be starting to attract attention from a different guy from every main family except her own because that would be incest. She hasn't met a set of twins from one of the main families yet but I'm guessing that their characters will be introduced soon. So far none of the guys are so much as friends with each other in fact they are all in competition and consider one another enemies so how this RH is going to work out with them all being in competition not only for her affection but because of the power struggle between these major family's is a mystery to me but I'm looking forward to finding out how the author is going to bring them all together.

I didn't have to wait for long for sexy times to start, definitely a plus, by the end of book one she will have kissed two of what I assume will become her guys and slept with one of them. We get chapters written from both her and her perspective guy's point of view which I enjoyed. Sometimes this kind of writing style can be detrimental to the overall cohesiveness of the book but I felt our author did this fairly seamlessly and only did a few chapters like this to help introduce the characters to the book while still sticking to the plotline.

This was a fairly short book that did end with a Major Cliff Hanger! but seeing as book two is already written I don't mind it just makes me eager to start the next book that much sooner!

greek_myth5's review against another edition

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Awesome read

Where do I even begin about this book? I feel like I need to completely fangirl over it since I loved it that much. I'm pretty sure I'm completely in love with Charisma - she's this super intelligent, sassy, 100% akward, can't walk in a straight line nerd girl. For someone with her social akwardness Charisma is surprisingly bada$$ and it's so hard not to like her. For all of her lack of social skills Charisma has the smarts and focus when it comes to her job which is when everyone else gets to see a different side of her. She's endearing and sweet and has been let down and disappointed by her own family in the worst way. Because of this she's an exception in their society - a member of one of the 5 head families that refuses to work any of them. Ironically they all want her to work for them badly although she's been shunned by them. Enter the men in her life that are pursuing her each for their own purposes. Logan is the Nightshade heir, older than the others and he wants only the best working for him. When he meets Charisma he believes he's been played about her reputation but she keeps managing to surprise him at every turn. Blaze completely distrusts Charisma at first glance. He believes she a secret spy for her family that disowned her. As he gets to know her he realizes just how wrong he was about her and finds himself falling for her but he needs to protect his family and they need a new magical engineer badly...Then there's Theo, her ex who turned his back on her when she was disowned, yet has turned into her stalker. Andres is another heir trying to protect his family who's had a secret crush on Charisma for years. And finally there's Bastille, Charisma's bestie and gaming buddy who is in love with her but he harbors a secret that may end their relationship before it even begins.

In this book the only 2 guys we get to know well are Logan and Blaze with glimpses of the others but it sets quote the stage for the story arc. The book itself was well written with differing POVs and it was honestly very hard to put down. The story entangles you in its web from the beginning and I found the world it's set in rather unique. The characters themselves draw you in with a strong FMC that's also relatable and guys you definitely want to get to know. It ends on a cliffhanger and it is a biggie but I've never minded cliffies and I applaud the author cause if after that end you don't pick up book 2 to know what happens...well there's something wrong with you.

All in all I loved it. T.S. Snow is a new to me author and I look forward to reading the rest of this series.

audreyjouss's review against another edition

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L'idée avait du mérite mais.... les personnages sont creux et attendus, le langage grossier et cru juste pour choquer sans intérêt réel, il y a un page de divagations entre chaque ligne de dialogue
c'est un non pour moi

petahardiman's review

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Look... this was fun.

ekbusick's review

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Good read

Sucked me in and took me for a ride. The writing is good and the story is engrossing. Couldn't put it down, and am anxiously awaiting the next one.

rawlsreads's review

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I LOVE THIS SERIES! I'm doing a series re-read in the lead up to the next book up in the series, Frenetic.

There's going to be a lot of gushing in this review, but honestly, I want to shout to the world to READ THIS SERIES! The world-building is fantastic! I love love love the concept of METs and that there are different families with elite magic. This is such a refreshing take on magic, and it's done sooo well!

The FMC!
Char is my spirit animal. While I'm not a mailbox possum, I'm only a little bit off. She is amazing as a lead! I love her viewpoint on life and that she's just trying to be the best engineer and nerd possible. She oblivious to how amazing she is (but in a good way), and I love how all the guys are drawn to her even though she's an oddball. Her inner monologue is everything.

The Guys!
Logan, Blaze, Andres, Bast, Theo - what a treasure trove of sexiness! I love the different types of guys that will be within this harem. There's enough tension to allow this one to build! We really only glimpse Blaze and Logan in book one, so I'm stoked for the rest of the series so we can meet them all!

The Smut!
Yes, please! There are some steamy moments and loads of sexual tension built up just in book 1. There are some sexy times with one of the guys, but the slow build-up is what makes this sooooo good!

milabeille's review

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Charisma really makes me laugh, but there is some seriously annoying stuff here.
Yes, Charisma is clumsy but that was just over the top here, and I understand it's an RH but I just find myself skip almost entire pages where she was rambling on in her head about whatever hot guy she had in front of her, it was just too much.

All that said I'm going to continue because this just finished on a f****ing cliffhanger and I need to know what happens next and why it happened.

the_bookwolf's review against another edition

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Eagerly hanging on the cliff waiting for the next book!

I loved this book! I neeeeeeed more. I am hanging off the cliff eagerly waiting for the next release. I enjoyed the merging of technology and magic!

nturner2810's review against another edition

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I enjoyed the concept of this novel and the combination of tech and magic, I thought it was a clever way to put a twist on things. The storyline is fast paced with lots of characters and an emphasis on how effortlessly hot our heroine is. However, I struggled to connect with the MC of this one. She is described as incapable of social interaction for 90% of her schooling but has been recruited as a super intelligent secret agent and, not only that, but is the best in the bizz and a disowned child of a super powerful family who wants to manipulate her, along with everyone else. The character, herself is quite quirky and sassy. She is placed in some tough situations and comes out in top with a lot of brain power and luck.
Unfortunately, the characters swear a lot. I can appreciate a good f-bomb where necessary but here, it is used in every second sentence on some pages. A bit unnecessary and jarring, personally, it threw me off more than once.
The massive cliffhanger ending bumped this one up to a three star for me.