
Dead as a Doornail by Tonya Kappes

theavidreaderandbibliophile's review against another edition

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Dead as a Doornail by Tonya Kappes is the fifth novel in A Kenni Lowry Mystery series. Kenni Lowry is the sheriff in Cottonwood, Kentucky. She is enjoying a spa day at Tiny Tina’s courtesy of her boyfriend, Finn Vincent with her best friend, Jolee. Then Lucy Ellen Lowell barges in demanding an appointment so her nails and hair will be beautiful for upcoming nuptials of Polly Parker and Mayor Chance Ryaland. After a lively disagreement, an unhappy Lucy Ellen leaves and comments that Tina will regret not accomodating her. Lucy Ellen is well-known for her disparaging articles on businesses posted in the Cottonwood Chronicle when she is unable to bully the owner to get her way. Kenni is looking forward to a quiet evening after the gossip of the salon when her mother barges in with Polly Parker and her mother, Paula. It seems that Kenni is Polly’s new maid-of-honor and gets the privledge to wear a large hunter green dress that is reminiscent of Scarlet’s curtain dress in Gone with the Wind (good grief). Kenni is awakened at 4 a.m. with a phone call from Darnell Lowell. He has arrived home and found his wife, Lucy Ellen dead. When Kenni arrives at the crime scene and sees Poppa, she knows that Lucy Ellen was murdered. Chance Ryland and Polly would prefer Kenni to put off her investigation until after their wedding (it is taking attention away from Polly). Kenni will need to work quickly to find Lucy Ellen’s killer before the wedding while handling her maid of honor duties. It is going to be a long week for Kenni Lowry.

Dead as a Doornail is the fifth book in the series, and I suggest reading the books in order. That way you will understand the background on Kenni, her family history, her romance with Finn, and Poppa. Dead as a Doornail contains good writing and has a nice quick pace which makes for an enjoyable read. I appreciate Tonya Kappes conversational writing style. Cottonwood is the quintessential small town where gossip runs rampant, doors are not locked, favors are a way of life and everyone has advice to give on your love life. As sheriff, Kenni finds herself in an unusual position. It will soon be time for re-election and she cannot alienate the voters which is how Kenni finds herself in awkward (and unwelcome) position of being Polly’s maid of honor. Kenni’s mother will having you laughing with her antics and how she manipulates Kenni. Cottonwood has several quirky characters that use charming Southern colloquialisms. The mystery is a nail biter. Dead as a Doornail is a lighthearted cozy mystery that will have readers chuckling frequently and puzzled by the killer’s identity.

sheri_lemay's review against another edition

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Tonya Kappes has done it again!! I couldn’t put this book down. I absolutely love Poppa. I was looking for a series as good as Stephanie Plum by Janet Evanovich and I have definitely found it! I can’t wait for the next one. If you haven’t tried this series yet, what are you waiting for?

katreader's review against another edition

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DEAD AS A DOORNAIL by Tonya Kappes
The Fifth Kenni Lowry Mystery

Lucy Ellen Lowell may have been an adult, but her behavior was more that of a spoiled brat. If she didn't get what she wanted when she wanted it, she was apt to not only cause a scene, but write a negative, mean spirited review in the newspaper. When Kenni gets a call from Lucy Ellen's husband saying his wife is dead Kenni rushes to the scene to find Lucy Ellen not only dead, but murdered. It may look like a heart attack, but Poppa's presence indicates murder. Who Killed Lucy Ellen? Could it be Tina? Possibly Jolee? Or some other recipient of Lucy Ellen's hate filled rants? Kenni must solve the murder with help of her Poppa's ghost while enjoying her developing romantic relationship with her deputy. However, the Sheriff's biggest problem is filling in as maid of honor for Cottonwood's preeminent wedding in a dress right out of Gone With the Wind...the Carol Burnett Edition!

It's great being back in Cottonwood, engaging with these wonderful characters. I want to play euchre and eat those delicious goodies the ladies bring. I also want give Duke a big hug and a treat! I love seeing Kenni's relationship with Finn blossom. Finn is a perfect partner in more ways than one! Not only is he the perfect law enforcement backup, he's a fantastic boyfriend as well. I like that Kenni is now using the techniques she uses with her Poppa with Finn as they solve the case together. But she's keeping one major secret from him...will telling him destroy what they're building together?

There are always lots of laughs in a Kenni Lowry mystery and DEAD AS A DOORNAIL is chock full. Between "happy fat", bridesmaid duties, and quirky southern characters, readers will be giggling as Kenni solves her latest murder.

DEAD AS A DOORNAIL will put a smile on your face with its finely tuned mystery infused with Southern charm.

FTC Disclosure – The publisher sent me a digital ARC provided through NetGalley, in the hopes I would review it.

inmyhumbleopinion's review against another edition

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Sheriff Kenni Lowry may not be a girly girl much to her mamas’ chagrin but she discovers that the local hair/nail salon is a hotbed of gossip. And you thought politics is dirty - taint nothing next to small town clicks and one upsmanship. Lucy Lowell is a shit stirrer. If she doesn’t get her way she writes a scathing review in the local paper. Could one of those nasty reviews be the reason she was found dead? Or was she having an affair? It’s up to Kenni, her dog Duke, her dead grandfather and her hunky boyfriend/deputy Finn to find out.
I love visiting Cottonwood with all its quirky characters that we can all relate to. I enjoy watching Kenni struggle with her mamas’ expectations and discovering that yes she is falling for Finn. I’ll admit I didn’t figure this one out until Kenni showed me the killer. I anxiously await each installment and devour it as soon as it arrives.

kidisitor's review against another edition

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A good ol' southern mystery. :) I think this is my favorite of the series thus far. I liked the actual mystery better. (Not that the others were bad.) I don't want to give anything away, but the 'How' of the murder was pretty unique. Of course there were plenty of culprits as the victim was not well liked. If you've read any of the other books, you know how Kenni's (the Sheriff and Protagonist) mom is always pushing her to do things she doesn't want to do (mostly for appearances sake.) Well, this one is no different. She's one of those characters you love to hate. lol Mama isn't evil or anything, but you really start to feel sorry for Kenni, at the same time you realize how strong of a woman she is when she does stand up for herself. She really has a good heart. There are plenty of colorful characters to like and hate (though mostly like,) all sporting that small town mentality. We see a little of Finn (Kenni's man/deputy).. not as much as I would have liked. ;) It's well written and I often felt myself having the same thought process as Kenni when trying to figure out who dun-it. It reads quickly and easily. This is the fifth book in the series, but can be read as a stand alone without any problems. It is clean and quite suitable for teens and up.

*I volunteered to review an ARC of this book.

meezcarrie's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

Kenni Lowry’s adventures as sheriff in a small Kentucky town continue to be entertaining and hilariously endearing. Solving crimes is one thing, but dodging an overzealous Mama and the town’s gossip mill is where all the delightful sass comes to the surface. Making it even better in my book is the delicious romance between Kenni and her swoony deputy Finn Vincent – a northerner who fits in pretty darn well despite his Yankee roots.

I love everything about this series – from the sweetly-snarky-Southern asides to the familiar-to-me setting to the quirky characters that sum up life in a small Kentucky town to a T. The mystery is very well-plotted and layered, and the sassy humor is delightful. Kenni’s ghostly assistant (her late Poppa, formerly the sheriff of Cottonwood) is a wonderfully creative technique that allows us (and Kenni) to see behind closed doors and investigate two places at once. And, of course, who doesn’t love Duke the dog!

In Dead as a Doornail, the quirky characters are out in full force – and it kicks off in a beauty shop where of course all kinds of trouble is just waiting to happen. On top of trying to solve a murder, Kenni is wrangled into being the maid of honor for a bride she barely tolerates, thanks to her Mama’s scheming. Between the two incidents – the murder and the wedding – is a whole passel of both hilarious and touching moments as well as the kind of moments that make you grit your teeth in one of those painfully awkward grins on Kenni’s behalf. Kappes’ writing voice is stellar, as always, with just the right amount of sweetened-up snark and wry observations.

Bottom Line: Small town Southern sass meets a feisty sheriff determined to prove herself to her hometown, even if that means secretly accepting help from her deceased Poppa who used to hold the job. The continued subplot with her Poppa adds affection, humor, and clever case-solving to the mix – and now that it’s beginning to intersect with Kenni’s romance subplot with Finn it adds even more layers to the story’s flavor. Cottonwood KY comes brilliantly to life with Kappes’ talented pen, and I can’t wait for more adventures with Kenni, Finn, Poppa, Duke, Betty, Mama and the whole gang!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

Readers may want to be aware that there are some scattered curse words throughout this book.

first seen at Reading Is My SuperPower

lilyelement's review against another edition

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Dead As A Doornail is book 5 in the Kenni Lowry series. This series is such a fun read/listen, it has the right mix of cozy mystery, paranormal and a dash of romance. I'm a bit sad that I'm caught up now, but hopefully it won't be too long until the next one is released.

We're back in the small town of Cottonwood and start off with Kenni and some other gals at the beauty salon when Lucy Lowell walks in and creates quite the scene. Lucy has the nasty habit of writing negative reviews about businesses in the paper when she doesn't get her way and when she winds up dead and it looks like natural causes Kenni is suspicious. She knows something isn't right because her grandfather's ghost is hanging around and he only comes when murder is afoot and there is a case to solve. The case turns even more shocking as additional bodies are found and Kenni and Deputy Finn have to solve it before anyone else is killed.

Finn and Kenni are dating finally but he's starting to notice that she's talking to herself and having hunches or answers to things she wouldn't know. I'll be interested in seeing his reaction to the "I see dead people" line she'll drop one day. On the whodunit side, I loved all the red herrings and twists and turns and I'm glad to say I didn't figure out the killer before it was revealed this time around.

Dead As a Doornail was a fun installment in this small town cozy mystery. I really enjoy the characters in this series, I love Kenni's character and have to admit some of the secondary characters crack me up with the things they say/do. If you enjoy your cozy mysteries with a touch of paranormal you'll love this series.

lunifur's review against another edition

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**I voluntarily read this ARC**

This was a very unique book, including the form of murder. There were a couple of nitpicky research errors, but I only noticed because I know way too much about the subject. I had a lot of fun with the descriptions of how huge Duke is. The ending was definitely surprising.

verityw's review against another edition

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***Copy from NetGalley in return for an honest review****

I requested this before I'd read the previous book in the series - which I had significant problems with and I was going to not read this because I was so annoyed at the last one, but I had it, so I thought I would incase it was an improvement. And it was a bit, but not enough for me to want to read any more of the series. For me these have gone the wrong way - Kenni is getting more and more unprofessional and the people around her are getting more and more annoying. This time even the mystery annoyed me. Not for me - but I can see that other people are much happier with them than I am.

bwilhoite8's review

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This is my favorite so far in the Kenni Lowry series! Several of my favorite topics were in this book and it made me chuckle. Very humorous!