
The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire by Molly Harper

melaniebopp's review against another edition

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Ah, the joys of that first job - you are all fresh-faced and excited, you feel particularly mature in that new pantsuit you just got, and none of the vampires in your new office tried to bite your neck! Wait, is that not like your first job? Yeah, mine neither.

It’s a pretty good summary of Gigi’s first day, though! Gladiola Grace Scanlon is using the summer before her senior year of college to get an in with the vampire council - sorry, the World Council for the Equal Treatment of the Undead - by b eing one of the human programmers of their giant legacy project (think, but looking up your great-great-great-grandniece). At barely 20, Gigi knows she’s landed a pretty sweet gig, complete with probably job offer, super-duper benefits, and a great line on her resume. Things start to go awry when the attack her (vampire) sister and (vampire) brother-in-law warn her about actually comes - after work, on her way to her car, and from the random guy she totally made out with that past Christmas.

The random guy happens to be Nikolai Dragomirov, the 500-year-old vampire in town at the request of the Council, and unfortunately seems to be cursed with amnesia regarding Gigi, their past meetings, and this newest attack (which ended in a stab wound to the thigh and silver spray to the face). And it’s hard to tell if the attacks are against Nik or Gigi. Basically, there’s a lot going on, more than a new job and new potential boyfriend would suggest.

First, the good - I love Ms. Harper’s snarky writing and quirky (and, again, snarky) heroines. Gigi is strong and feisty, at times surprisingly mature for her age and others like a teenager again, and able to fend for herself (and not just in terms of an education and career - her brother-in-law has made sure she can also fight off any potential attackers, since she is just a frail human.) At times the book was a little New Adult-y, but without the overbearing drama that seems to come hand-in-hand with that particular genre.

Nik was a little harder to pin down - since we get everything in first person from Gigi, we don’t get much of his story at all. We know he’s got supernatural powers (apparently most, if not all, vampires have some sort of additional supernatural juju in this series), we know he’s (probably) Russian, we know he’s 500 years old. That’s about it. I want to like him, but I don’t feel like we ever really got to know him. He is pretty romantic at times, though.

And oh boy are the sexy scenes sexy. While I wouldn’t say they really focus on emotions, they definitely focus on feeling things. They aren’t raunchy or over the top - everything is simple and straight-forward. And that was pretty hot. I would definitely welcome more scenes like those, instead of the tie-me-up, tie-me-down variety (we don’t need things to be complicated to be sexy.)

fallenprincess's review against another edition

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I'm on a roll of Molly Harper books.
They just make every day better and melt away stress and sadness.

The titles make the books sound quite cringy, but they are excellent.

This time we are seeing the world through the eyes of Gigi who has grown up and taken a job as a programmer for vampire HQ. This is most likely the only job she will ever have because vampires don't let human employees walk away.

On her first day she gets attacked in the parking lot by a vampire only to find out he is a family friend. He also has 0 memories of the assault.

She also has to navigate workplace difficulties with both humans and vampires. To be honest, I loved Gigi and her story. It was so much fun!

intostarlight's review against another edition

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This book is a solid 3.5 stars. An extra star more than I would have otherwise given simply because it made me laugh and I love a book that makes me laugh. I love all of Molly Harpers books. The plot and characters are an absolute riot. I always end her books with a smile on my face. This one had some funny in it but I really didn't feel connected to Gigi and Nik like I did with any of the other characters in other Ms. Harper's books. Their relationship felt rushed. I felt the romance was definitely underdeveloped. There wasn't much there at all before they were all but declaring themselves soulmates. Based on what? Shared lust? I just didn't see it. Also, very little was explained about Nik (physical description or past history). I liked the mystery and how it was solved though.
I love the world and the characters and will continue to read books in this series. I just wish there had been more content here.

bee_dada's review against another edition

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beckymmoe's review against another edition

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Gigi's book! Finally :)

Typical Molly Harper fun, beautifully read by Amanda Ronconi--not my favorite of the series, but still a highly entertaining read. Having recently started a new job myself, the excerpts from The Office After Dark: A Guide to Maintaining a Safe, Productive Vampire Workplace at the beginning of each chapter were especially amusing.

Rating: 4 stars / B+

shell74's review against another edition

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“I do not know how to feel about being with a woman who can beat me up,” he murmured into my hair.
“Well, stop going all Walking Dead on me, and you won’t have to worry about it.”
He frowned. “Would that make you the Daryl Dixon in this relationship?”

Gigi’s antics in Half-Moon Hollow, Kentucky will make you giggle, cringe and most importantly, have you rooting for her to prove herself at work while landing the hot guy. Er, vampire.

‘There was no such thing as Love at First Bite. Passion, sure. Lust, sure. Strong feelings of impending nakedness, OK. But not love.’

Molly Harper continues to be my go-to author when I want a story with a solid plot, lots of snark, romance, and a bit of mystery. And this book had all of that in spades. I might caution that to fully understand how Gigi and Nik met, and to read about their first epic kiss, you might want to check out the I’m Dreaming of an Undead Christmas novella first. Gigi turned out to be an extremely likeable and relatable character. I mean, who wasn’t a bit daunted about their first job?

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ayanamifaerudo's review

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Actual rating: 3.5

Some spoilers ahead

or How Iris's (from The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires) Little Sister Gets Dragged Into the Supernatural World Permanently Despite Big Sister's Attempts to Protect Her From It

*Although, I really didn't see how Nik was a rebound vampire. I mean, Gigi did break up with his steady, dependable, sweet human boyfriend because she was hung up with a vampire dude who stalked her, kissed her out of nowhere and then ran off (I know, it's a little disturbing); but I don't think Nik qualifies as a rebound boyfriend. Gigi and Nik were cute and adorable together. Really. I just didn't relish the insta-love thing even though I somewhat, sometimes [dubiously] believe in love at first sight.

*They may have been cute and adorable and I will bite into their being really in love but theirs didn't hold a candle to the growth and development of Iris and Cal's relationship in the first book of the series. It's so good to see characters from previous books in the series.

*You know, there's pattern/template for the couples in Molly Harper books. The couples are good together and they are good for each other. They banter, they snark, they just click together. They have easy relationships with understanding, trust, love (of course), respect, humor and lightness amidst being a dangerous world of preternatural. And dare I say it? Little to no angst. Oh my goodness, such a breath of fresh air in a what is otherwise an angst-and-drama-filled genre.

*Well, I could always count on the lightness and the humor that I come to expect while reading a Molly Harper book. The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire rang with those two qualities even if it was discussing a dangerous, sexy vampire, a jealous, spiteful vampire and a creepy, murderous, boyfriend-wannabe officemate.

*Another delightful Molly Harper read.

slayra's review

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Against her old sister's wishes, Gigi starts her Summer job as a programmer for the Vampire Council. Things do not start well as her boss is convinced Gigi is trying to steal her boyfriend. Gigi has indeed a vampire in mind, but said vampire seems to be an hallucination until the night he suddenly appears and tries to kill her - a true unforgettable reunion.

Molly Harper does not disappoint when it comes to have good time reading. I know the formula: a heroine with the worst survival instinct, some sacrifices involved to separate the main lovers, the hero will somehow be placed above the heroine even though he does not deserve it and the end will be rushed. But these books are just too funny. I am addicted to this writer and I am looking forward to share more laughs with these lovely characters.

whatsheread's review

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Ms. Harper takes readers back to Half-Moon Hollow in The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire. Picking up shortly after I’m Dreaming of an Undead Christmas, readers continue following Gigi as she navigates her way around the weird and wacky world that is the Half-Moon Hollow undead populace. As one of the few remaining humans in Jane Jameson’s eclectic vampire family, Gigi experiences plenty of gaffes and danger to appease the most discerning of fans.

The story itself is not necessarily that surprising. There are minor twists and turns, but anyone who has read the entire series to date will be able to pick up on the clues and predict them. In fact, long-time fans will be able to correctly hypothesize pretty much everything that happens in the novel. However, this is one novel, and series, where doing so in no way diminishes the experience, for enjoying the zany antics that one knows will ensue is half the fun. Reading Ms. Harper’s snappy dialogue and snarky monologues complete the package.

The one caveat to reading The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire is that it, more than the other novels in the series, does discuss previous Half-Moon Hollow adventures. First-time readers may be lost with the myriad of references to prior storylines that occur in this novel. It is not impossible to get through the novel without having read the rest of the series first, but it would definitely help readers catch all the inside jokes.

That being said, The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire holds the same appeal as every other novel by Ms. Harper. The sarcasm, the humor, the sexy times, the romance, and most importantly, the family bonds make it every bit as good as the previous novels. Gigi’s story makes a great addition to an already fabulous line of stories that never grow old. Fans of paranormal romance would be remiss without adding any of Ms. Harper’s Half-Moon Hollow novels to their repertoire.

bookphile's review

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It's not that I hate this book, it was just annoying on multiple levels.

One because we'd met the heroine as a teenager and now she's twenty and falling in love with a 500 year old vampire. Yeah, sure, she's not a kid anymore, but she's still young and the age difference is a bit alarming. I mean, yeah, the other heroines are young too in comparison, but we only knew them as adults. Plus the relationship is even creepier considering her brother in law asked this guy to look over her and he ends up stalking her and kissing her without consent and attacking her (under the influence of the curse but still). The whole setup of this relationship was just... too creepy and uncomfortable for me. I wish the vampire was newly turned and young like Gigi, I think that would have made the story so much better.