
Catch You by M.H. Soars

beyondevak's review

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Rating: 3/5
Recommend: +/-
Audience: YN/A
Status: C
Chemistry/Intensity: Yes
Conflict/Drama: Yes
Suspense/Intrigue: Yes
Humor/Wit: Yes
Family Dysfunction: -
HEA: Yes

Source: NetGalley

fireth's review

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3.5 stars

I received a copy of this ebook for free from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

I picked this title from NetGalley as I wanted to try something different, normally not what I would select for myself.

This book feels like an adaptation of Veronica Mars. There's a smart, blonde reporter whose nickname is Ice Queen, and there's the hunky good looking Owen, who gives the impression that he is a dumb jock but is actually very sensitive, artistic and likes romantic classics (Pride & Prejudice).

Even though the book is predictable, I found myself hooked and finished it in one sitting.

authorkatestacy's review

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I'm absolutely in love with this series and this book is no exception. It's a fun story to show how Kimberly and Owen fell in love. It's a bit mysterious, a bit high school cliche, but it's still a great story.

kowen06's review

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Great fast read YA romance

This was a great fast read that was easy to follow and kept me reading from beginning to end. Kimberly and Owen were great characters and getting to follow their journey was exciting. I loved that at the end we were able to have a glimpse into their future. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good YA romance with some intrigue and action slipped into the mix.

jeanz's review

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So I don't usually read much of the contemporary genre but I really fancied a change of genre so decided to give this one a go.

I downloaded an e-copy via Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. The cover's main feature is a female who I would say is a representation of Kimberly, one of the main characters in this novella. I think the female looks a little like actress Sam Janus across the eyes area. Is it a look of innocence and/or naíveté on the cover or is it the pose of someone used to fame and photographers? I guess I will find out when I've read the novella! Would the cover make me pick this book up from a bookstore shelf? Mmm not so sure if I am totally honest, I know once I picked the book up and read the blurb I would be interested in reading it and i do like the cover too.So the book has two main characters and is told from their points of view. Kimberly Dawson who is strong, determined, has very defined morals of what she considers right ad wrong. Kimberly writes for her schools newspaper. Kimberly's best friend is Larissa. The other main character within this novella is Owen Whitfield, he is a typical school jock who has a reputation when it comes to girlfriends. At the moment he has a kind of love/hate relationship going on with the air headed Leah. Owen is much more interested in the next soccer game and how his team can win it.
Kimberly's day starts off badly when her bag breaks leaving her to carry all her books. It's whilst Kimberly is juggling her school books, heading towards best friend Larissa that the noisy, clumsy jock, Owen Whitfield knocks her elbow causing all her books to be scattered all over the floor. The thing that irks Kimberly the most is that she has now spilt her drink all down her once pristine blouse too! To further infuriate Kimberly, Owen not only doesn't apologise, he doesn't even seem to notice what he has done.
Kimberly quickly forgets her stained top when she discovers the latest school news. As a reporter she naturally wants to cover the story of the school computer theft, but Kimberly is instructed to leave the classroom by Mr Prescott, the Principal and ordered not to write about the theft situation for the school gazette. At first this irritates Kimberly, until she decides to go ahead and write an article for the Littleton News instead. The Principal only forbade her to write for the school gazette!
Later Kimberly decides to reap her revenge on the unsuspecting Owen Whitfield who is sitting eating his lunch with the other guys from the soccer team. The guys laugh at him when his girlfriend requests he got to the clothing store with her to check his eyes and her dress for homecoming don't clash! Owen is surprisingly quite embarrassed as his friends snicker about his girlfriend Leah's request. Owen is in for an even larger shock and embarrassment though when he suddenly feels something on his head and its dripping down . . . it's spaghetti! Owen turns around looking for the culprit, thinking perhaps its one of his friends playing some sort of prank on him him. That is until he comes face to face with Kimberly! Sadly Kimberly hasn't really thought of all the possible outcomes, as she is now the butt of the new school gossip, that she was with Owen and she poured the spaghetti over him as he hadn't called her! Things go from bad to worse in her advanced English class when she is not only sat next to Owen but is paired up with him for an assignment. Its clear neither party wants to work with the other but the English teacher had put names in a bowl to be drawn so they have to accept the totally random outcome!
There is quite a lot going on in this novella, which you will discover yourselves as you read it. I am skipping out lots of details so I avoid telling you the whole story.
Larissa's cousin Lorenzo is being blamed for the school computer thefts, but leaves a note explaining who the real culprit is. . . .and as Kimberly is best friends with Larissa ends up trying to gather proof of both Lorenzo's innocence and the real culprits guilt. She ends up garnering support from an unlikely source and things become very serious and incredibly dangerous pretty quickly.
Did I enjoy the novella? I really did enjoy this novella a lot.
Would I recommend the novella? As I have said earlier in my review, this novella has a large amount going on in it to keep the readers attention. There's all the school based problems, Kimberly getting into trouble about doing articles the school and its governors would much prefer she didn't, the computer thefts, as well as the on/off relationship between Owen & Leah and even more! It's the kind of book/novella that I would say has something going on in it for everyone.
Would I like to read more of this series? Yes I really would especially if we get more of some of the characters from this novella.
Would I read other titles by this author? I would certainly further investigate anything written by this author.

Not my usual choice of favourite genre but really did enjoy this novella a lot!

capa105's review

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This novella took me by surprise, because I enjoyed it so much! I haven’t read the first book of the series, but that didn’t mean I enjoyed this novella any less. The writing was on point and funny, and the action was super fast paced.

I really like the overall theme of this book, and the Kimmy and Owen’s journey to find out the truth about a certain event. Again, their journey was fun and exciting and dangerous, did I mention fun and sexy?

I was really in awe by how much I liked both these characters in such a short span of time. They complemented each other so well, and I was giddy about their exchanges, because they were cute.

All and all, I had fun reading this one, and I might even contemplate reading the rest of this series