
Alles of niets by Jennifer Probst

arielle_reads's review against another edition

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*ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review*

Ugh I am sad that my journey with these characters is at its end. Having never read this author before, I stumbled across a review for this book through someone I follow. I read and LOVED the Inn BoonsBoro trilogy by Nora Roberts and since this sounded similar, I was excited to give it a shot and was not disappointed.

I have a strong love for romance series that center around a family or a close group of friends where each book in centered around a specific couple but you still get small snippets of the others as well. I loved the dynamic of this one especially because there were three brothers (all smokin' hot of course) that started off the series being forced back together after their father dies and had put a stipulation in his will that unless they work and live together for a year, their family building company will be sold off. Throughout the series we then get to see them all reconnect and reforge a strong brotherly bond.

"...Tristan cares about you, sweetheart, more that I think he knows. But you need to be patient. If it's meant to be, it will happen at the right time. But don't lose yourself in trying to make him happy. You need to find yourself, too, and that takes time."

This book in particular focuses on Tristan, the middle brother who has always seemed the coldest and the most mysterious. It was hinted to in the first two books that he and Sydney, a character who grew up with the brothers and still works with them, had a bit of a passionate flame going on before he left for New York. It was obvious to me that Becca, her daughter, belonged to Tristan from the very beginning and I was so nervous to see how that truth was going to be exposed. Literally I stayed up late until Sydney told him because I was so anxious about it lol.

"Did you always feel like I was a responsibility to you, Tristan?"
He stopped the horse. Turned around. She sucked in her breath.
His eyes glittered with a fierce golden light, raw with emotion. "You were never a responsibility to me. You were a fucking gift. Never forget that."

What I really liked about this book was the passion that Probst had built between Tristan and Sydney. Seriously I was SO excited when I was approved for this ARC because I was just dying to see how this couple would finally get their HEA. Some parts were hard to read--how mad Tristan got (understandably) and then the aftermath of that (his coldness..his plan for his new family....) but I thought that it all really came together at the end and I was in tears at the last page of the epilogue. I also loved all the parts with Becca and seeing her bond with Tristan was really a thing of beauty. Ugh esp the glitter scene. IT WILL MELT YOUR HEART DAMNIT!

His entire life had been a series of steps to bring him to this moment. To her. His stupid fear and need to control almost ripped his future from his grasp. Somehow, he needed to try to make things right. Make her see how badly he needed her. Trusted her. Loved her.

All in all a solid romance series that I will probably be rereading in the future! I loved all three though if I had to choose I'd say that Dalton and Raven's book was my favorite.

Thanks again to Jennifer Probst and Gallery Books for the chance to read this eArc♥!

booksuperpower's review against another edition

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All or Nothing at All by Jennifer Probst is a 2017 Gallery Books publication.

This third installment in the ‘Billionaire Builders’ series is centered around Sydney Green and Tristan Pierce.

Sydney loved Tristian practically her entire life. But, because of their age differences at the time, it took Tristan a little longer to notice Sydney.

Just when the two had finally gotten on the same page, their lives took them in different directions, and the relationship fell apart.

Tristan left home to find his own niche and Sydney stayed behind to care for her grandmother, continuing the job she loved at Pierce Brothers. Sydney, however, has always kept a part of Tristan with her…

I’ll be honest, I had a hard time transitioning from the ‘Searching’ series into this one. Granted, I was in the midst of a major romance novel burnout when I read the first installment in this series, and my heart just wasn’t in it.

So, I didn’t read the second book, fearing I might be too hypercritical of it. But, I noticed, when this third installment was released, it was highly rated and so well received, I felt a small twinge of excitement, and thought maybe I was ready to give this series a second chance…

And as everyone knows by now, I’m pretty big on second chances, especially when it comes to romance novel tropes.


As much as I love ‘second chance at love’ tropes, there are other romance novel tropes I dislike vehemently. Sadly, this book employed one I dislike more than all others.

However, I did want to see how it would all play out in the end so I continued with the book despite my irritation, and because the story did get off to a strong start- and I was in a forgiving mood, after all.

But, despite my determination to maintain a positive outlook, once again, I felt as though there was nothing all that original or special here.

The emotional connection that I craved never fully materialized. While the bedroom scenes were steamy and very passionate, it felt like 'just sex', with no tenderness,or bonding, creating yet another emotional disconnect for me.

The plot line turned predictable, although the excerpts from the past were a nice touch and allowed Tristan’s character to show growth and provided him with the insight he needed to catch up to Sydney’s maturation.

I did like Sydney and admired her for doing the right thing, for taking care of her own career aspirations and ambitions with style and cunning, as well as for refusing to settle for what little Tristan was offering.

But, it wasn’t until the bitter end that I grudgingly accepted Tristan, but, to be fair, he does man up and show Sydney that he’s made of better stuff than what he’s been giving her.

The epilogue was sweet and I enjoyed the obvious peace and contentment that closed out the series, ending it on high note.

Overall, this was not my favorite series, and does not compare to other series by this author, but it was okay. I had just hoped for a little more.

3 stars

beckymmoe's review against another edition

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This was a tough one to rate. Since the first book in the series, it was pretty clear to the reader that there was something between Tristan and Sydney, and it didn't take too much mental gymnastics to make the leap to figuring out what Syd's big secret probably was. Second chance romance can make for a really delicious read, so I was really looking forward to this one.

The first 40% of the book was everything I could have hoped for--angsty, delicious second chance-ness and all. Once Syd's secret comes out, though, it was hard to get behind the all of choices and decisions that both Syd and Tristan make and demand. The fact that they both work so hard to keep Becca happy is a saving grace for both of them, but at times this book was hard to read. I was determined to get to their HEA, though, and kept going. Seeing the couples from the other books (Tristan's brothers and their coworker) helped to make things better, even at the darkest moments.

So...I ended with mixed feelings on this one. There were parts I liked and parts that made me a little crazy. In the end, though, I really did like Tristan and Syd even if I didn't agree with everything they did, and was happy to see them finally end up at a HEA with Becca. It was great to see all the "billionaire builders" get happy endings, and I'm looking forward to seeing what Ms. Probst has in store for us next.

Rating: 3 stars / C+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

girlygirlbookworm's review against another edition

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Love me some good Jennifer Probst! She's back. First of all I love the cover of this book! Second of all I'm glad I didn't give up on this trilogy because this book finally knocked my socks off. I loved this second chance romance for Sydney and Tristan. I know that I saw the twist coming from very early on in this series, but that didn't bother me surprisingly. I was glad that they finally got together after showing this tension between the two of them throughout the previous 2 books. I'm so glad that I decided to continue on to see their romance because this book just felt good and right. Now the long wait for the next series commences.

annareadshere's review against another edition

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I would have given it one star for how the abuse was romanticized, but given that I actually liked the characters leading up to this point, they get a star each.

Tristan is an awful person. He emotionally and mentally abused Sydney and the whole thing still felt like some kind of love story when it should have had an alternate ending. I understand that the whole point of these books is to have a happy ending, but he forced her into that marriage and threatened her and used his 'charm' and 'good looks' to make her give him what he wanted. Sydney just let him. I'm not saying that it's always going to be easy to walk away, but this was so dumb. It infuriated me. You might love someone a lot, but this was a little bit much. I am so disappointed with how it all turned out, because I kept waiting for the moment when Sydney would say "fuck you" and walk away from Tristan, but she just didn't! He took so long to come around and make it right, but he didn't outright apologise either! Which just made it worse. Ugh, Cal and Dalton weren't perfect, but they never did this and I am so upset that Tristan turned out this way. He could have had his family without all the drama and pain.

ribbitingreads's review against another edition

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2.5 stars
Re-reading this book about two years later had me really question how much I enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong. I have so much love for Sydney and Becca, they are the reason I can't fully rate this book badly. However, the way Tristan handles the truth bothers me so much.
Spoiler He has every right to be mad that she never told him or his family that was Becca was his. However, to basically force her hand in marriage by threatening to go through the court and have her daughter "potentially" taken away from her is fucked up. Not to mention how for quite a bit of time, his brothers and significant others also gave her the cold shoulder. It bothers me that it is highlighted or chalked up to him not knowing how to deal with his emotions, but he still loves her. It comes over very manipulative and downright disgusting. I hated his character and honestly I wish she didn't say yes to his proposal. Yes he learns his lesson when she decides to walk away and sees the original birth certificate with his name on it, but that doesn't excuse (especially when he doesn't flat out apologize for all the hurt and accusations he through at her.
I want to love Tristan, but I have a hard time being in love with his character at the end of this. Overall, I would probably still come back to re-read this book only for Sydney because I love her so much. Still, I am sadly disappointed with at least sixty percent of storyline.

bandherbooks's review against another edition

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Sydney has loved cold Tristan Pierce her whole life, pining after him as a young girl and secretly dating him after he finally realized she was no longer a child. After Tristan's mother died in a horrific car accident, Tristan made the decision to leave their small California town and head to NYC. He asked Sydney to go with him, but without love on the table and a secret baby in her belly, Sydney refused.
Now Tristan is back working alongside Sydney at Pierce Brothers and their past attraction is as hot as ever. He's met Sydney's daughter but has no idea he is the father. Will the secret ruin everything or create the family Syndey always wanted?

I had issues with the latter half of this story, all of which are very spoiler. Not my favorite in the series, mostly because of the actions of Tristan.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC.

shell74's review against another edition

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Jennifer Probst ends her Billionaire Builders series on a wonderful note with All or Nothing at All. But wow was it a looooooong road for our hero and heroine to get there. A second chance romance that had to overcome deception and longstanding hard feelings, this was definitely a memorable, standout story.

‘Sydney dragged in a breath and set her shoulders for the biggest battle she ever waged.
The battle for his heart. She couldn’t accept any less from him.
It was all or nothing at all.’

Jennifer Probst writes some of the most emotionally rich contemporary romances in my humble opinion. I love the sincerity of her characters, the dynamics in the relationships she creates, and how she wrings every bit of emotion from each scene. That was true a hundred times over with All or Nothing at All. Not only did this wrap up the Pierce brothers’ trilogy with a good idea of how their futures will move forward, but this was a sweeping romance that just tore at my heart. It was at times gut-wrenching and other times uplifting. Read More

lauraanne9's review against another edition

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***ARC Provided by Gallery Books via NetGalley***

Wow. I have enjoyed the other books in the series, but this one was by far my favorite.

Some books just work. The appeal of the second chance, the changes in the relationship between Tristan and Sydney as the book develops, and their realizations about the things that happened in the past, and the why behind them, was really compelling.

This book drew me in from the beginning, and I was not able to put it down. I also thought the plotting was interesting, as the way the book develops, and the way the characters develop, left me feeling differently at the end about Sydney's actions than I did at the beginning. I think this was why I was able to connect so completely. In order for them to have their happily ever after, Tristan has to forgive Sydney. I found that I was also able to see her behavior differently, and that helped me being able to be really behind the end of the story.

Jennifer Probst is a favorite of mine, usually for this reason. I am drawn into the characters and her writing just works for me. This book was no exception. I am sad to see the series go, but I could not have asked for a better conclusion.

I recommend this title.

anrobe's review against another edition

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I adore this series and this book pulled it all together wonderfully. I love Jennifer Probst and this series. It is one of my favorites series. I highly recommend this one!