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xraex21's review
Meh. So weird seeing Chloe after the actress sex cult involvement was revealed. FeelsBadMan
birdmanseven's review
That's a kind 4 stars. I enjoyed it and it definitely had a Smallville vibe. (I was worried it would be just another Superman story.) It has it's flaws and I wouldn't classify it as a strong start, but they planted some seeds that interested me. I look forward to volume II.
sean_from_ohio's review
Smallville now continues in comic form!!!! These type of stories are hit or miss when they follow stories that sometimes weren't meant to continue. Here, there is a small element in that. Smallville's TV writers knew that the show was ending so the finale did that. Story ideas probably wouldn't have happened the way they did not for that. That scenario makes this task harder than a normal assignment for a writer. All that being said, Miller does well with that assignment. The characters read like their TV counterparts which is a big accomplishment. The plot here is decent but might have been better suited with more flashbacks. The art was decent but not spectacular. The faces looking like the actors always feels weird to me. Overall, I thought the book was decent but not sure if it has staying power, but I hope it does.
wolvy's review
Subpar art, way too talky with nothing to say.
I own rest of this run. The crisis stinger and Batman means I’m gonna read volume 2 it this one hit my trade pile… we’ll see how vol 2 goes…
I own rest of this run. The crisis stinger and Batman means I’m gonna read volume 2 it this one hit my trade pile… we’ll see how vol 2 goes…
michaelclorah's review
I haven't watched Smallville to the end, so there's a little learning curve (Tess? Ollie? Married to Chloe?), but nothing that's too hard to guess at. This, like the show it's modeled after, is a solid effort. A little more focus on the character side of things would make it truly memorable.
jesspeachee's review
So cool, the only thing is. They don't really look like themselves half the time.
jcarter's review
Not a complete disaster; scenes of the home life of Clark and Lois are well done. But the art and especially the superheroics are perfunctory at best. And there is only one "guest star", and guest stars (like the Legion or the voice of Jor-El) are what made the show such a hoot in the later seasons. For fans of the TV series only.
dumblydore's review
I just want to see more adventures with Lois and Clark... so yeah, I totally enjoyed this volume.
evermoregan's review
Such a great adaptation/continuation of the t.v. series. I wish I could see it acted out as a reboot of the show.