
Crashing into Her by Mia Sosa

melonreads's review

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I liked the heroine a lot, I thought Eva was just fantastic. But Anthony, the hero, fell a little flat for me. Overall, it was just ok, not as good as the rest of the series.

melgonzalez's review

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Every time I read one of Mia Sosa's books, I fall more and more in love with the way she writes and constructs the pacing of the plot. This is something that I've seen only in a few other authors and that is that she keeps me on my toes, she doesn't create the normal plot that we see in romance where the characters meet, sleep together, fall in love, something happens and they fight at the 70 or 80% mark and they get back together. No, she constructs her own pacing and I love that. Even though Pretending He's Mine is still my favorite from her and one of my favorite romances ever, this one is very close. She gave us moments that are imprinted in my mind and that I can't stop thinking about. That reggaeton scene was one of my favorite things that I've ever read just because it was so hot and original but it also had a nostalgic factor that reminded me of a lot of scenes of romantic comedies where dancing brought two characters together even when they didn't want that.

I absolutely adored the characters as individuals. Eva was smart and intriguing and I was constantly interested in what she was going to do next. She was ambitious and I loved the determination that she had to prove herself to her father. She's a character with flaws, with lots of courage, with lots of goals and spirits and she makes you root for her all the way. Anthony shares a lot of her qualities. He's headstrong and spirited and intelligent. He also wants to prove himself and is full of flaws. None of them want to be in a relationship but they're very attracted to each other. They want their one night stand to be just that and that makes their meetings so much more entreating. I love how they call each other out on their bullshit when they need to and how they keep each other on their toes.

The most amazing thing for me about this book is the chemistry between them. They're one of the best couples that I've read. I love how they think they're super different between them but in reality they're the perfect match. Their sex scenes were some of the hottest scenes that I've read. Also, their discussions about life and family were really interesting to read, they didn't try to hide their feelings and they worked together through them, they helped each other out with the problems that they had to figure out especially with their families and you can tell they were good for each other. And I adored the descriptions of food! This was a brilliant series that definitely goes to my favorites and Mia Sosa goes to my favorite authors list!!

firewhiskeyreader's review

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I really want to love Mia Sosa's books and I just... don't. (I do however think she's absolutely incredible and really funny IRL) I always like her books for the most part, but I never really love them. I don't know why, although my current working theory is that it's because she doesn't like Taylor Swift. (I'm only half kidding.) This book though had a few editing errors that just... really irked me? This book is published by Avon. Like... How did it make it to print when there's a line of dialogue that starts, "Tori," when it's Tori who is speaking? There were also a couple of other issues, but that one is the one that stands out to me. I feel like I'm being nitpicky and I easily could have overlooked it, if it weren't for the part where I already feel a disconnect from Sosa's writing. And it's not because I don't like the components individually. I like her character's (other than them not liking Taylor) and I like the plots of her books. Anyway, I don't want this to turn into a me criticizing Sosa because I still gave this book 3.5 stars. Eva, Tori's best friend, and Anthony, Tori's cousin, hook up after Tori's wedding, thinking they're never going to see each other again. Anthony has a strict one night stand only rule. When Eva moves to LA, the spark between the two of them is alive and well, as is the refusal to do anything about it. I really enjoyed the overarching arc of their relationship.

trinielf's review

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I adored this book so damn muuuuuch. Eva and Anthony together were perfection. Their banter was the stuff of a romance readers dreams and I am a sucker for a good back and forth between MCs 😀

I love me a good rom com and I legit cackled numerous times throughout.

Eva and Anthony start out butting heads and hellooo my catnip. But of course they can’t deny their attraction so they give in to it. Just one night (>.> yeah right) but theeeen they wind up living in the same city. Cue the tension! mwahahahaha.

But what I truly love here is that they legitimately try at being friends and do become friends, although ones who kinda flirt with each other 😉 but of course they slowlyy give in to that delicious attraction and man oh man Mia brought the heat. I would say this was steamier than the first two books which I also loved. Whew. Get you a cold beverage my friends because steam alerrrrrt!

Mia is so good at writing these amazingly fun, depth filled characters whose POV you will enjoy being in. Her writing is voicy as heck and you’ll be nodding along with Eva’s thought process because girl is hilarious and insightful! 😀

With the 3rd book like this in a series, I love when we see the couple from book 1 and see how they’re doing, without taking away anything from the current books MCs.

And wow that epilogue came for my emotions. I got so teary eyed for multiple reasons I won’t reveal because I need and want everyone to experience them fresh.

So I loved Eva and Anthony together. Loved that they talked, were honest about their feelings. Even though Anthony did screw up there they talked it out!

I also loved that Eva has Tori. Their relationship was so great. Bestiiiiiies. I love a bestie story too. And Tori gave such good advice and just knew Eva. Get you a bestie who will just know by looking at the state of your hair why the pizza man is over here bring you 2 pizzas! LOL

Highly rec this one and i hope we get to see more in this series. *cough* Gabe needs a book.