
Torn by Fury by S.M. Reine

laughlinesandliterature's review

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*I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*
Torn by Fury. I don’t even know where to start. I know I’ve done previous reviews about how much I love this series and Elise, but it’s been a hard road to follow. James’s betrayal and seeing how much Elise had changed just from the beginning was especially hard to deal with. This book though, this book might have held some redemption for James.

It’s hard not to give anything away because there is so much backstory to understand before you see why this book is the best in the series so far, but suffice it to say that James undergoes a big transformation in this book. At least, it seems that way. James has always been selfish, and no matter how much he loved Elise it would always be with a caveat or condition. Here though, James makes a sacrifice, a true one. One that will change him, but leave Elise intact. Simply because she doesn’t wish to change and would rather die, but he can’t imagine a world without her in it. Such a big step from where James started out at, and even a huge step from where he was just two books ago.

Elise is a constant, it’s one of my favorite things about her. Yes, she does grow and she does change, but the fundamental part of Elise doesn’t. Elise knows who she is, flaws and all, and she is not apologetic for it. If she does things she regrets, she makes amends. Usually she just is very straightforward about her personality and the people who accept her become her closest friends. This book doesn’t change that, but it does add a depth to Elise that I didn’t expect. I had guessed who Marion was, but am now utterly confused as to what happened her.

I just can’t praise S.M. Reine’s writing enough. These are not literature or even the most well-written books I’ve read. However, she creates such intriguing and interesting characters that none of that matters. There are no gaping plot holes here, there’s no terrible grammar or punctuation. Just good characters, and good storylines that somehow dig themselves into you and make you want to keep reading.

I woudl give this book 5 out of 5 stars, as I’ve given most of her books. Without fail all of them have made me feel for the characters, and think about these books long after I’m done with them. I can’t wait to see what the next book Sins of Eden holds for them, but I do hope that at the end of this series it involves Elise getting her quiet ending.

*This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam Reviews*

shelovestoread81's review

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OMG! This was an intense book. I can't believe what James did.

gerd_d's review

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*Received a free copy for an honest review*

Now that Elise learned the terrible secret of New Eden there's no doubt left in her that the angels have to fall. Although Eve, mother of the angels, whose soul now lives in Elise's demon body, has still to find out that everything, no matter how innocently conceived, can with ingenuity be corrupted.

But before Elise can prepare her army to march against New Eden, the angels launch a surprise attack, devastating Dis and leaving the known entrance to New Eden closed off. A new path has to be found, and even then crossing realms to reach the angels new ethereal home means dangers Elises Demon hordes may not survive.

Abel and Rylie, the remaining Alphas, become Elise's best hope in the war.
Both have an interest of their own to march into New Eden, wanting to free the members of their pack being held captured there.
The catch being that Rylie holds secrets, that may be spell disaster not only for Elise's plans.

I must admit that this instalment felt a bit like going in circles, Elise is still suffering from her abuse of ethereal magic, and on top shows increased signs of Anathema powder poisoning, leading to temporary memory lapses and thinning the border between her personality and Eve's. Same as with Lincoln who's still dying from having gotten poisoned and in the progress increasingly slips back into his possessed Judy personae.

Rylie as usual is holding secrets she's not willing to share with Abel, and she's doubting their relationship, questioning if it was her that fell in love with him or just her wolf that chose him for her. Seeing how the girl seems to trust everyone else around her more than her mate these doubts may not be unfounded.
But then, the story reminds us again of how young Rylie still is really.

A somewhat unexpected character reappearance essentially negates the tension of a former instalments cliff-hanger, leaving one of the main characters a bit of a drama-queen - in addition to our already known and beloved drama-queens.

Yet there's enough twists and turns, as if we were ever short of those here, eh, to keep a reader satisfied. It got shocking revelations, and some even more shocking character deaths abound.

All in all it really looks as if author SM Reine is getting ready in the coming final instalment to completely tear apart the universe she created, and only the Gods can know who or what may be left of it by the very end.