
Winning Miss Winthrop by Carolyn Miller

english_lady03's review against another edition

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I discovered Carolyn Miller last year, with 'The Elusive Miss Ellison', the first novel of her first Regency Trilogy, and I quickly came to rank her as one of my favourite authors of Regency Fiction/
Fans and new readers alike should be delighted with this first installment in her new series, which follows a character who was mentioned a few times in the first series but stayed on the sidelines. That young lady was Catherine Winthrop, daughter of a country baron, and erstwhile friend of Lavinia Ellison.
Her story is reminiscent of that of Anne Elliot, the heroine of Jane Austen's 'Persuasion', who encounters a former suitor, years after he jilted her and left her heartbroken. I don't think the parallels are accidental since the author's note mentions that Persuasion is Mrs. Miller's favourite novel.

Indeed, this novel, like its classic counterpart, has much in its favour, with the beautiful descriptions of the landscape of Gloucestershire, and the city of Bath, as well as some of the outfits worn by the female protagonists. The characters, old and new, were well-drawn, and it was lovely to see Lavinia Ellison, from the last books, finally get something she had wanted for a long time. Yet at times, I felt that there were a few too many characters to keep up with, and I struggled to remember who they all were and how they were connected. The family tree in the front helped, but did not cover everything (and should have been bigger). It's just like it all got a bit too 'busy' with too much going on so that it became hard to concentrate on the central thread of the storyline: although some of that may have been storyboarding for characters who will feature in later books.

On a personal level, I think I really related to Katherine, who wanted to settle down and marry but had serious confidence issues which made her think herself unlovable, in light of my own struggle with singleness, and the theme of forgiveness was very well presented. It bears mentioning that it was connected with the faith element in the story, which was very strong. I did not feel that detracted from it, but I know some readers prefer to have such content mentioned upfront.

I do feel that the main obstacle to the romance between Catherine and Johnathan Curlew/Winthrop the hero was a little on the cliched side.
As with many romance novels, they were kept apart mostly by misunderstandings, which could have been solved, in some part, by better communication. I understand that this is central to the story, but both of them came over as a little melodramatic from time to time. Then again, even Austen's heroines could be melodramatic: Marianne Dashwood being a prime example.

My only other complaint was the occasional Americanisms and a couple of incidents towards the end which came over a little bit implausible. Those weren't enough to spoil my enjoyment of this excellent novel though.Recommended for all fans of the Regency Fiction and Inspirational Romance genre.

I signed up for the Kregel Blog Tour of this title and received a free ebook edition via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review, and all opinions expressed are my own.

melissasbookshelf's review against another edition

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Loved this story based on Jane Austen's Persuasion. Persuasion is one of those torturous books where you know both the hero and heroine love each other, but neither can admit that love after being hurt in the past. This book was no exception, except it crackled with tension even more than Jane Austen's. Though I suspected the ending would be similar to Austen's, I could hardly turn the pages fast enough to see how the story would turn out. I loved Jon and Catherine. My favorite scene in the book was when she sneaks into the masquerade to see Jon.

This is the fourth book I have read by this author and each story is even better than the last. I look forward to reading the next book in this series!

rosannelortz's review against another edition

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Catherine Winthrop’s father has died, leaving an unexpected trail of debts and disgrace. To make matters worse, the estate has been entailed to Catherine’s third cousin, a gentleman in trade named Jonathan Carlew who, two years prior, wooed and then crushed Catherine’s heart. As Catherine deals with a querulous mother, a dilapidated dower house, and the death of all her dreams, she must come to terms with the fact that joy is not created by our circumstances but by our faith.

Two years ago, Jonathan Carlew abandoned England for India to get over his broken heart. But now that he’s back in the country as the newly minted Lord Winthrop, circumstances won’t stop throwing him in the path of the lady who spurned him. When trouble strikes close to home, he begins to understand Catherine’s true merits. But can true love be reforged after it has been shattered by misunderstanding?

The first book of the series, this novel was an emotional roller coaster. The difficulty of Catherine’s plight cuts deeper with every chapter as her Mrs. Bennet-esque mother shows just how awful it is to be ousted from one’s home by an entail. Both the hero and the heroine were admirable and likable, making the circumstances that kept them apart all the more tragic. Jonathan’s steadfast and upright character is admirable, and it is delightful to see how he allows Catherine’s good sense to temper his severity. This series continues with Miss Serena’s Secret and The Making of Mrs. Hale, both excellent regencies in their own right. Recommended.

meezcarrie's review against another edition

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4.5 stars

Blissful sigh. Can that be enough of a bottom line? Because that’s all I wanted to do after I closed the book. Stare dreamily off into the distance and sigh blissfully at the delightful Persuasion-esque romance I’d just read. Catherine and Jonathan are both steady of character and strong in faith, yet societal expectations and hurt feelings keep them from having the one conversation that would have made this a very short story indeed. Which is fine with me, because that means I got to enjoy a deliciously written (full length) novel that brims with wit and swoony moments. I also love how Miller gives us both perspectives – Catherine’s and Jonathan’s – as suppressed emotions run high and hearts are laid on the line. Along with the sweet-swoon factor, there is just enough humor, flirtation, and cheekiness to keep a smile on your face from cover to cover! A must-read for fans of Austen, Heyer, Klassen, and Ladd!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

first seen at Reading Is My SuperPower

betherin02's review against another edition

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Full review on Faithfully Bookish

In a delightful Downton Abbey meets Pride and Prejudice mashup, Miller weaves a story with everything we love about Lizzie Bennet and Mr. Darcy in a Matthew and Mary Crawley-esque drama with rich layers and depth!

Catherine Winthrop is a simply enchanting heroine. She is compassionate and kind, loyal, devoted, and long-suffering. Jonathan Carlew is an upright man of faith and integrity. His compassion for everyone in his care is admirable.

Although lovers’ spats based almost solely on miscommunication tend to rub me the wrong way, the strict etiquette of the Regency era and the unexpected demise of the responsible party in this instance earn this charming story a pass. Winning Miss Winthrop raises the bar for Regency romance with depth and intrigue to spare and I highly recommend it!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review. The opinions expressed are my own.

michellef's review against another edition

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`Winning Miss Winthrop` is a historical romance novel by Carolyn Miller. It is book one of three in the Regency Brides: A Promise of Hope series. Each story features a different lady so they can be read as stand-alone. I wanted to read this novel because I was interested in who would be winning Miss Winthrop, and how. There is a Winthrop Family tree at the beginning of the book which helps in following the characters of the story.

I appreciate how the author uses good imagery as she describes the colors and characteristics of the scenery, the characters, and the homes throughout the novel. This novel is slow paced with 305 pages. My favorite quote from the book is: John Donne's "The Good Morrow" If ever any beauty I did see which I desir`d, and got, `twas but a dream of thee.`

I recommend this book to fans of historical romance.

Disclaimer: "I was provided a free copy of this ebook. All opinions are my own."

melissasbookshelf's review against another edition

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Loved this story based on Jane Austen's Persuasion. Persuasion is one of those torturous books where you know both the hero and heroine love each other, but neither can admit that love after being hurt in the past. This book was no exception, except it crackled with tension even more than Jane Austen's. Though I suspected the ending would be similar to Austen's, I could hardly turn the pages fast enough to see how the story would turn out. I loved Jon and Catherine. My favorite scene in the book was when she sneaks into the masquerade to see Jon.

This is the fourth book I have read by this author and each story is even better than the last. I look forward to reading the next book in this series!

sassybookishmama's review against another edition

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If you are fan of Jane Austen (like I am) you will definitely enjoy this story. The author definitely knows her Regency Era and writes it perfectly. I was immediately drawn by the picturesque setting and all the descriptive detail. The characters were intriguing and well written. The story had some mystery and the tension in the romance just kept you reading!

Catherine has lost her father and because of this her mother and her find out that her father and husband has really left them basically nothing. He has gambled all their monies and has some questionable morals that people enjoy gossiping about. Top top it all of the person inheriting the estate is none other than Carlew which just happens to be Catherine's former love. Somehow there has been a miscommunication between them and they both hold these resentments toward each other on how things were left.

The characters were definitely endearing while some like her mother you couldn't help to chuckle at. You will either love her or love to dislike her. If you have ever seen the Pride and Prejudice movie with Colin Firth... she definitely reminded me of Mrs. Bennett! Always complaining about something, never satisfied with the outcome.

I really enjoyed this story my only complaint is that the romance seemed to lag... I just wanted them to make some progress a little earlier. I mean, it definitely made for good anticipation but still... I definitely would of enjoyed a little bit more of Carlew and Catherine together! He definitely falls into my swoon worthy category! The ending was good and it definitely left it open for other character's stories. I can't wait to hopefully see these characters again but to see what happens to the rest of them!

Overall it was a great story and if you like the writing of Austen, Klassen and Ladd then you will also enjoy this author and I recommend you grab one of her books!

I received this book through Celebrate Lit. I was not required to post a positive review. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

anke_books's review against another edition

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Ik denk dat ik dit een van de beste boeken vindt van Carolyn Miller, tot nu toe. Ik dacht wel even: hoe gaat ze een heel boek vullen terwijl de twee hoofdpersonen om elkaar heen blijven draaien, maar het verveelde niet!
Ik kon me ook helemaal vinden in Catherine, haar koppigheid en trots, die ervoor zorgden dat ze dingen voor zichzelf wilde houden. Niks niet aan de grote klok hangen dat ze in barre omstandigheden leven, dat haar vader hen onverzorgd heeft achtergelaten, dat ze nauwelijks geld hebben.
En Jonathan is echt de romantische held waarvan we dromen: attent, houdt rekening met Catherines gevoelens, gul, maar op een verstandige manier. Maar ook stijfhoofdig en daarin zijn de twee tegenspelers volledig aan elkaar gewaagd!

emslovestoread's review against another edition

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This book really appealed to me. It was a beautiful story of redemption and forgiveness. Carolyn Miller does a fantastic job of creating the most beautiful images in my mind-I could see and feel everything! I’ll definitely add this to my personal library, and get the rest of the series.