
Focus by Alyssa Rose Ivy

cancourtneyread's review

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Enjoyed this wayyy more than the first. The Heroine is still a pushover but it's not as bad. Really enjoyed the cliff hanger ;)

kenzierenee51's review

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Same review as in Flight. But she was even more annoying in this one but the at the end they kept getting it on!!! (; hehe

mrose21's review

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Adding a review for this as I've rated it without a review.

A lot of things have happened since. 2014 Was a very hard year for myself so all the reviews are showing up on the same date. I can't explain why they are, if the ratings are justice or accurate I can also not say when I truly read these. I'm just going to say 2014 on the same day added just to keep the year right if not the month...

eerieehobbit's review

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I liked the first book better. This second in the series was also very good and a fun read. But once I read the first chapter for Found, the 3rd book, I know I couldn't finish the series.
In the first chapter of Found that they have a preview of at the end of this one, Allie doesn't seem to care at all that her friend is being held hostage by the crazy ex/family that wants to kill her. I just couldn't understand that mind set.

lmetcalfe23's review

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Rating - 3.5 stars .... same rating I gave book 1 in the series. I enjoyed this book and I'm looking forward to reading what happens next. Is it perfect no but it has so much potential. The story line has a great premis and has me interested in hearing more. Is it full of cliques, obvious secrets and people who change their mind for no reason, yes but I kinda like it honestly. It was a great day off read, will recommend.

michelle129's review

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loved this just as much as the 1st one going straight onto book 3

unlifeoftheparty's review

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This book is just as terrible as the first one. Bad writing, horribly cliche, very questionable consent. I will never understand the desire to write male dominating, controlling, possessive characters as the "good guy", and have the girl fall madly in love with them. This is a trope that needs to die.

kokod's review

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I started and finished this book in feeling the same way: livid. The sexism is terrifying and disgusting: "Relationships aren't a democracy. Not everyone gets an equal vote." Yikes.

jessijames23's review

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Ooooooh how I loved this book but I swear did Allie drive me crazy with playing hard to get! She drove me absolutely nuts, but this series has me so drawn in. It is incredibly hard to put down and I just have fallen in love with all of the characters. The whole thing with Toby did get me though...excited to see where this series goes but sad to know it’s going to be over soon!

chllybrd's review

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Now that Allie is forced to stay in New Orleans she is settling in to her new collage and life. Allie quickly learns that no matter her feelings she is in deep with Levi and there is nothing she can do about it.

Allie tends to make really stupid rash decisions. I totally see the reason for this being that she tends to get left in the dark a lot but it does tend to be a tad annoying. SO much drama could be prevented if she had just a tad bit of faith in others but I can see why she is hesitant to trust after the events that landed her where she is. I really enjoy the supporting characters, I loved seeing the friendship between Allie and Jared evolve. We get to know Jared a little more and his personalty flaws totally make sense now. The development of Allie and Levi's relationship was frustrating at times but totally fit in with their characters and made sense. Levi turns out to be a pretty awesome guy and I love where things are heading with them. They fit together well. The storyline moves at a nice pace and I was never bored with the events that happened. I really dislike Levi's Dad and continue to love his Mom after FOCUS. I cant imagine what I will think of Levi's Dad after book 3.

You will end the book on a cliffhanger so be forewarned. I'm dying to know what happens next, there is major stuff happening at the end of FOCUS and and I just know Allie is going to do something stupid once again that puts everyone in even more danger then they have to be.