
Ktoś mnie pokocha. 12 wakacyjnych opowiadań by Stephanie Perkins

sarkamatty's review against another edition

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Tuhle sbírku povídek jsem začala číst loni v létě a pak ji nechala spát, protože už na ni bylo moc podzimně. Letos jsem ji pro jistotu vytáhla už ze začátku léta a jsem za to ráda. Je to přesně taková knížka, která by se v létě měla číst. Povídky obvykle moc nečtu, protože po každé potřebuji čas, abych se vzpamatovala. Ale tyhle byly vážně hrozně dobré. I když mám pravděpodobně trochu zkreslený pohled, vzhledem k tomu, že jsem to četla v angličtině a nejspíš jsem přešla nějaké věci, které by mi vadily, kdybych tomu rozuměla ještě lépe. A nebo taky možná ne. Protože já mám vážně ráda zamilované příběhy a všechny z této zbírky byly neobyčejně originální (+ Stephanie Perkins má u mě navíc ještě plusové body za pokračování povídky z My True Love Gave to Me.)

nathalyalvarez's review against another edition

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Como muchos saben, [b:My True Love Gave to Me|20309175|My True Love Gave to Me Twelve Holiday Stories|Stephanie Perkins||28143699] me gustó bastante, así que decidí leer esta antología con las mismas expectativas con las que empecé ese: Con ganas de conocer autores nuevos y leer más sobre escritores que ya conozco. Y por supuesto, hay historias que realmente me gustaron pero lo que más me sorprendió fue la diversidad que hay entre los personajes.


Head, Scales, Tongue, Tale de Leigh Bardugo: 2★
Me gustó mucho como desarrollo esta historia pero sigo teniendo esa sensación de que le faltaba algo aunque ese final realmente le dio sentido a todo.

The End of Love de Nina Lacour: 3.5★
Una de mis favoritas solo porque la protagonista adora la geometría. Me identifique con la historia debido a que también estoy familiarizada con el sentimiento de no tener un sitio al que llamar hogar.

Last Night at the Cinegore de Libba Bray: 2★
No soy fan de las historias de terror ni mucho menos de la peliculas, así que esta realmente no me gusto aunque estuvo ¿bien?

Sick Pleasures: For A and U de Francesca Lia Block: 1★
Estuve confundida durante toda la trama gracias a que la autora se refiere a los personajes solo por la primera letra de su nombre.

In Ninety Minutes, Turn North de Stephanie Perkins: 4★
Ustedes saben que adoro las historias de Perkins con todo mi corazón y esta no es excepción. Sobretodo porque mi deseo leer más de la historia de Marigold y North se hizo realidad.

Souvenirs de Tim Federle: 2★
Llegue a conectar con el protagonista pero no me gusto la trama. Así que no se cómo sentirme sobre esta historia.

Inertia de Veronica Roth: 3★
Adoro las historias sobre amigos que se vuelven algo más.

Love Is The Last Resort de Jon Skovron: 2.5★
Me gustó principalmente por cómo se dieron a conocer los personajes por partes y el final fue muy cliché pero lo adoré.

Good Luck and Farewell de Brandy Colbert: 3★
No fue la mejor pero la historia hizo un gran trabajo dando a conocer a los personajes y darles profundidad.

Brand New Attraction de Cassandra Clare: 2.5★
Siempre he tenido una cosa por los carnavales y por eso esta historia me gusto tanto. Adoro como la autora mezcló los demonios y la magia con la trama.

A Thousand Ways This Could All Go Wrong by Jennifer E. Smith: 5★
Nunca he reconocido lo mucho que me gusta leer a Jennifer E. Smith pero esta historia realmente es mi favorita entre las doce.

Él era un misterio que —por razones que no entendía muy bien— Estaba desesperada por resolver.

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things de Lev Grossman: 4★
Me gustó mucho esta historia a pesar de que no tiene nada que la haga realmente especial.

brisingr's review against another edition

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I think there's something magical in the possiblity of summer; how this season is heavy with beautiful fate encounters and weird twists, how the warmer the weather is, the more it feels like something is about to happen. Why not a romance, after all?

1. Head, Scales,Tongue, Tail - Leigh Bardugo 4/5
If anything, this short story made me realize how wonderful Leigh Bardugo's prose can be. As someone who only read her debut novel until now, I was pretty skeptical diving into this first short story, but I was soon convinced otherwise. Really, the writing style adds a lot to the story itself, and my favorite part has to be the sparkles of magical realism. I really enjoyed the fact that this is, basically, a fantasy? I liked that even if in theory it was a romance story, the focus wasn't exactly strictly on that; and all the other characters were quite great too. Wonderful Bowie tribute, wanted or not. The romance was the sweetest; adorable male main character and the dialogue felt full of personality and conveyed, even in the rare moments it came up, the essence of their relationship. The ending was lovely as well.

And just like that, it was summer all over again.

2. The End of Love - Nina Lacour 5/5
Wow, what a title. It's a wlw story!! I'm swooning. I liked the main character a lot, how she felt very real and natural to a normal teenage girl, with her interests and anxieties and her crush on a pretty, wild and proud girl. I don't know, I identified a lot with her. It's my first Nina Lacour ever though, and I'm so pleasantly surprised by the writing style and by how the story was dealt with. Lovely, indeed. It gave me all the fuzzies and warm feelings even when it wasn't necessarily a cute scene, and I think that's what all a romance story is supposed to be about. The main character pays attention to the nicest details in her love interest and I just love that so much? What queer but damn nice things to pay attention to? Plus, there's a nice friendship group that it's all about just spending time together, and I think that is just how reality really is. And platonic friendship is fucking important and I loved seeing it acknowledge in this one!

We were not always happy, but we were always us.

3. Last Stand at the Cinegore - Libba Bray 1.5/5
This was written... weirdly. First, I did not enjoy the way the main character felt for the female character. It was weird and I did not enjoy reading those parts. And why is the weirdo, locked-in character in this story from Transylvania? What I did like though, was the explanation of why going to the cinema is so great, a feeling I highly share: All those strangers watching the movie with you, they change how you see it, you know? You should hear their gasps and laughter and sniffling. It's a communal experience. That sharing, it's the foundation of storytelling. It reminds us that we're human. Well, now, this is a beautiful description. But oh well, overall shit went down super fast in this story and wasn't impressed to where it got headed. Very fast paced and overall a super disappointing read.

4. Sick Pleasure - Francesca Lia Block 3/5
Really, there is a girl gang replying with pink markers and healthy suggestions to edgy boys gang and I'm in love. Plus, the atmosphere is super interesting and the dynamics between both groups and between each has felt very natural to what actually happens in reality? There was the unhealthy stuff with "let's make each other jealous by using another person I don't really care about", but overall I think in the end I enjoyed reading about the sick, horrible part of teenage love. It was a pretty sad short story, though. Damn it.

Teenage boys are not so far away from being kids and are very far away from being men.

5. In Ninety Minutes, Turn North - Stephanie Perkins 4/5
At least the main character seems to hate summer as much as I do. But really, Perkins' narrative style is so fitting for romance stories and manages to put me in the cheesy mood automatically. And for real now, I'm such a slut for romance stories (might be the reason why I always pick up Perkins' collections in the first place) and needed this to cheer me up. And honestly, this couple was so cute. If you know the other anthology, then you're probably familiar with this couple, as their story is picked up again in this volume, around six months later. North remained the same super sweet and thoughtful guy. I kind of grinned half of this short story and it was super adorable.

Unlike summer afternoons, summer evenings were magical.

6. Souvenirs - Tim Federle 3/5
Ah, finally! A story with a gay couple! I was looking forward to these ones (and I'm happy seeing both a lesbian and a gay couple in this anthology, though we could always use MORE). I haven't even heard of this author before in my life. There was an interesting relationship between the main characters, very evocative of the notion of only summer love. I wish I would have seen their romance first-handed, instead of finding out about the ins and outs of it through flashback and the thoughts of the narrator. But the guys were both so damn cute and adorable in the end, and honestly it was so refreshing to see them so unafraid of caring about each other, of crying. Fuck masculinity, you know?

It is maybe the best thing about being in a relationship: that you can share the heavy load of being alive.

7. Inertia - Veronica Roth 3/5
Never read anything by Roth either; had no real interest in that dystopia that everyone seems to hate the further into the story they get. Yet, here I am, reading about some kind of a dystopian world either way. I like that it's not exactly a fully fleshed out world: just a small detail to ground the actual plot. I think I liked this. Though, I really hate the "old friendships to finally realizing we love each other" trope, so I didn't particularly liked this story exactly because of this. I also disliked the main character a lot. It tackled mental problems though, so I suppose that it's a bonus.

"Some people might leave you. But it doesn' mean you're worth leaving. It doesn't mean that at all."

8. Love Is the Last Resort - Jon Skovron 2/5
Another new to me author! I'm not a fan of the style though; it felt very weird, awkward and repetitive at times. But like, who doesn't like to read about rich, fancy and cute teenagers, especially when you yourself are sour as death and totally broke? So yeah, at least I liked the setting and the secondary characters. I REALLY liked the secondary characters, because in the end this story is actually like 3 romance stories in one and that was great. It gave "A Midsummer's Night" vibe? The dialogue was pretty... stupid. I mean, I understand what the author wanted to do, but it turned out very kitschy instead. I loved the ending though, hah.

"Heroism is overrated, and bravery often accompanies stupidity."

9. Good Luck and Farewell - Brandy Colbert 4/5
I love the diversity here, and the mood of a close-knit family, even distant one. I liked the main character a lot; mean and worried and brilliant and mean. Plus, we have a character that is an activist, and that's something I always enjoy reading about. But really, this story was super important in the topics it adds; very actual and I think if you want to read a story in this collection, this might have the biggest impact on you. Go read it. I cried. Plus, the love interest is a theatre nerd!

The same Pierre who loves Shakespeare and hates deep-dish pizza and who understands what it means to lose the person you always expected to be there - and how to love the ones who do their best to make that absence less painful.

10. Brand New Attraction - Cassandra Clare 1/5
Disclaimer: I hate Cassandra Clare. I hate her as a person and I hate her books, so this should be fun. Of course, the usual very simple and fast narrative, which I'm not a fan of. What's up with the absent parents? The idea was good and interesting, but there should have been a different execution, less huried, better. Didn't like, in particular, any of the characters. Really, what is this thing?? Why did I go through the entirety of this?

"I say, if people want darkness, give them shadows cut with sunlight."

11. A Thousand Ways This Could All Go Wrong - Jennifer E. Smith 4/5
This was, I guess, a typical romance. Fluid writing style at least, some nice leads and some nice sidekicks. It didn't stood up with something particular, but it also didn't destroyed all my hopes. It was just fluff, love and all the things nice and overall I think I enjoyed it a lot! Really, this story is rates as it is simply because it felt so good to read something I enjoyed after what laid before it.

"Well, there were only ever two options. Either it was going to be fine or it wasn't."

12. The Map of Tiny Perfect Things - Lev Grossman 3/5
I love time irregularities. Guilty pleasure that I don't indulge myself into that often, but glad it was here nonetheles. Couldn't care less for the main character though, but the female lead was quite awesome and I liked her enough. And I think I enjoyed the premise of the story, where it got headed. It was full of wonder and magic and possibility and I loved that.

Probably falling in love is always a little like that: You discover that one other person who understands what no one else seems to, which is that the world is broken and can never, ever be fixed. You can stop pretending, at least for a little while. You can both admit it, if only to each other.
You can spend your life waiting and waching for perfect moments, but sometimes yo have to make one happen.

Everything that you've read up until now (if you did, thank you) were my "on the moment" thoughts, written as I was going throgh the stories.
What I liked about this collection is that it tried to add something more to the typical love story.
I preffered the contemporaries to the fantastical elements, this time, which I really didn't expect to be the case. Female writers were liked better, in my case. Found some writers I definetely want to read some more from, others that reminded me why I never pay attention to them, and others who made me curious to their other works.
I was not impressed with first person narrative and sadly it kind of put me off before every short story. So, really, it mattered a lot to me what the story & characters had to offer, to redeem that "flaw". But, as you can see, the collection was pretty evened out in likes and dislikes.
It pained me to let go of the good stories in this collection, though.

Stories I would recommend to others to check out maybe on their own: Good Luck and Farewell, A Thousand Ways This Could All Go Wrong, The End of Love & Sick Pleasure / Souvenirs, depending on the reader's mood

Spoiler(the first one for a slap in the face from reality, the second for the soft promise of better times)

guillevaldata's review against another edition

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No me encantan las antologías y este libro no cambio mi parecer.
Cabeza, escamas, lengua cola: 2.5⭐️
El final del amor: 2⭐️
Última sesión en el Cinegore: 4⭐️
Placer malsano: 2⭐️
Dentro de noventa minutos, gira al norte: 5⭐️
Souvenirs: 3⭐️
Inercia: 2⭐️
El amor es el último refugio: 5⭐️
Adiós y buena suerte: 1.5⭐️
Una atracción recién estrenada: 3.5⭐️
Mil formas de estropear lo nuestro: 4⭐️
Un mapa de pequeñas cosas perfectas: 2⭐️

Haciendo el cálculo me da 3⭐️ en total y me parece bien.

faeriesparks's review against another edition

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I really, really enjoyed this anthology. I definitely liked more of the stories than I did in the holiday anthology that was also edited by Stephanie Perkins. And I also appreciated that this was more diverse.
As for my ratings for each story:

Head, Scales, Tongue, Tail by Leigh Bardugo: 3.5 stars
The End of Love by Nina LaCour: 3 stars
Last Stand at the Cinegore by Libba Bray: 3.5 stars
Sick Pleasure by Francesca Lia Block: 3.5 stars
In Ninety Minutes, Turn North by Stephanie Perkins: 4.5 stars
Souvenirs by Tim Federle: 4.5 stars
Inertia by Veronica Roth: 4.5 stars
Love is the Last Resort by Jon Skovron: 5 stars
Good Luck and Farewell by Brandy Colbert: 4 stars
Brand New Attraction by Cassandra Clare: 2.5 stars
A Thousand Ways This Could All Go Wrong by Jennifer E. Smith: 3 stars
The Map of Tiny Perfect Things by Lev Grossman: 2.5 stars

yukarin's review against another edition

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Head, Scales, Tongue, Tail by Leigh Bardugo 2 Stars
I didn't understand this story. The first pages were irrelevant to the story and beside two or three lines I loved, I didn't get the romance.

The End of Love by Nina LaCour 3.5 Stars

Last Stand at the Cinegore by Libba Bray 2.5 stars
Super weird and not quite a believable love story to me

Sick Pleasure by Francesca Lia Block 1.5 stars
Too confusing and no real goal as for a love story imho

In Ninety Minutes, Turn North by Stephanie Perkins 4 stars
It was cute but I found Marigold a little bit unpredictable (since out of character is not quite the right term for a short story) and also stupid because of some of her descisions.

Souvenirs by Tim Federle 4.5 stars
so bittersweet. I loved the couple in this story.

Inertia by Veronica Roth 4.5 stars
I first tought: nice premise but the first pages weren't my cup of tea. But then it went the feels rollercoaster.

Love is the Last Resort by Jon Skovron 5 stars
I loved how overly ambigious the narrator was and how the strands of simple, yet cute love stories intertwined

Good Luck and Farewell by Brandy Colbert 3.5 stars
This was enjoyable and really cute but a little bit to rash for my liking. Felt a little bit 'generic' for me

Brand New Attraction by Cassandra Clare 4 stars
This was the most story driven one of the bunch

A Thousand Ways This Could All Go Wrong by Jennifer E. Smith 5 stars
Oh my gosh. So cute, so totally up my alley.

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things by Lev Grossman 3.5 stars
It was good but super predictable. I already guessed the ending and plottwist a page into the story

vilde_a's review against another edition

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emotional lighthearted relaxing medium-paced


I really liked two-three of the short stories, there were a couple of them that I didn’t like at all, and a few that were fine. Seems like a fair result from a book with several different authors. Also felt like a few of the stories you needed intrinsic knowledge about American stuff, which is a bummer if you’re not American. 

julietem08's review against another edition

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some of these just felt very juvenile

sam_hartwig's review against another edition

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Such a fantastic and varied collection of stories. You can check out my updates, I gave mini reviews about each story as I was reading because I knew I'd forget them.

Overall there weren't many that I didn't like. I loved the variety and I've been introduced to some new authors I really want to get my hands on.

Highly recommend this!

katerina_a's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional funny hopeful inspiring relaxing
