
A Secret for a Secret by Helena Hunting

shirlm3k's review against another edition

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lighthearted fast-paced


kirareadssometimes's review against another edition

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challenging hopeful lighthearted fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


Good book with well thought out, interesting characters. The story took some turns I wasn’t expecting and weren’t always my favorite but weren’t bad. The MCs make a very sweet couple and I loved getting the tie back to the characters from the last two books! 

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life_as_emmalee's review against another edition

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King was a cutie. And Queenie yeah that made sense. Loved the chaos and did not see that plot twist coming which was fun but I knew it seemed too perfect. A fun quick read.

readwithme_rach's review against another edition

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I adore Kingston.
I would die for Kingston.

lzbthrmrz995's review against another edition

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I really like Queenie straight away. As for kingston he seems to goody too shoes. He’s such a rule follower it drove me a bit crazy. And he seemed a little robotic/perfect. It took me tooo long to realize the “King and Queenie” name went so well together lol Kingston was ridiculously ocd and “safe” it was starting to get a little annoying but i tried to get past it. I love how he treats Queenie. Queenie was so entertaining to read she was fun and smart. Overall alright

joialauren's review against another edition

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funny lighthearted relaxing medium-paced


astriareclipse's review against another edition

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2.5 ⭐

----- E S P A Ñ O L -----
La única razón por la que comencé la serie fue este libro.
Llegue a un punto donde no me molesta que no me guste un libro de Helena pero de este libro había escuchado puras cosas buenas y tiene el trope (que no sé si sea trope pero lo convierto en uno a partir ahora ) "mi vida es un desastre, ayuda".
A diferencia de los demás libros creo que en este si existe como tal un balance entre personajes secundarios, personajes principales y trama.
Y es que King es todo lo que está bien en la vida. Es un personaje que se conoce a sí mismo, que sabe lo que quiere y que es demasiado perfecto para ser real por eso existe en este libro. Maldita sea. Amo como bebe leche y todos se meten con él y a él no me molesta, no puedo con él, lo amo.
Mi Queenie preciosa no creo que sea un "desastre" y creo que es demasiado comprensible su situación o por lo que está pasando son realmente pocas las personas que saben lo que quieren y a pesar de que ella sabía lo que quería en su momento el poder que tiene otras personas sobre nosotros incluso aunque no son cercanas por el sentimiento de anhelo les otorgamos un poder sin siquiera pedirlo. Desde un principio fue un personaje muy lindo, empático y cariñoso por lo tanto no hubo necesidad de que me convencieran para quererla, a la mitad del libro ya sabía que la quería y que la iba a proteger de todo.
Una de las cosas que realmente me gustó de este libro es que los problemas de "adulto" realmente son problemas y se solucionan de esa manera, no que en los otros libros no sean así pero en los anteriores se sentían un poco todavía problemas de personas de entre 19-25 años.
Y es por lo mismo del "secreto" de King y el error de Queenie que el secreto de King no es tanto de él, forma gran parte del mismo y a pesar de ser uno de los mayores afectados se siente que lo sobrelleva bien por lo menos en este libro.
Con respecto al problema de Queenie de verdad me dolió porque todo lo que sentí fue su desesperación de querer ser adulto mientras contaba la situación y es muy triste porque ella viene de un lugar sano donde es querida y que se sintiera de esa manera me dolió.
Y los personajes secundarios yo soy muy fan de los personajes secundarios y en este libro me encantó la dinámica porque algunas veces por querer hacer un guiño a los libros pasados estos terminan opacando o llevando diez páginas de una historia que no les corresponde sé que esto es mucho para los fans que han estado desde el principio de la historia pero al ser una seria independiente le quita un poco de emoción a los demás libros. Aquí realmente se sienten como personajes secundarios complementan la historia y son de apoyo nada más. Tengo que decir que a mi no me gusta tanto las apariciones de Violet y Alex en los anteriores libros pero aquí de verdad los disfrute porque a diferencia de los demás libros aquí son todo lo que tiene que ser, personajes secundarios.
Sé que Lavender tiene su propio libro y lo quiero leer pero me da miedo ya que la probabilidad de que me guste un libro de Helena es 1 de 4 pero las escenas que comparte con King (cuando le decía Señorita Lavender yo estaba en el piso) y Queenie (la primera vez que dibujaron casi lloro, no tengo idea el porque ) son preciosas.
Fácilmente puede decir que es de los mejores de Helena y sin duda lo recomendaría, porque la historia de ambos personajes realmente es de ellos y de nadie más.

----- E N G L I S H -----
The only reason I started the series was for this book.
I got to a point where it doesn't bother me that I don't like a book by Helena but I had heard only good things about this book and it has the trope (I don't know if it's a trope but I'll turn it into one from now on) "my life is a disaster, help."
Unlike the other books I think that in this one there is as such a balance between secondary characters, main characters and plot.
And it is that King is everything that is good in life. He is a character who knows himself, who knows what he wants and who is too perfect to be real, which is why he exists in this book. Dammit. I love how he drinks milk and everyone picks on him and he doesn't bother me, I can't with him, I love him.
My precious Queenie I don't think it's a "disaster" and I think her situation is too understandable or what she's going through, there are really few people who know what they want and even though she knew what she wanted at the time the power she it has other people on us even though they are not close by the feeling of longing we give them a power without even asking for it. From the beginning she was a very cute, empathetic and affectionate character, therefore there was no need for me to be convinced of her to love her, halfway through the book I already knew that I loved her and that I was going to protect her from everything.
One of the things that I really liked about this book is that "adult" problems really are problems and they are solved that way, not that in the other books they are not like that but in the previous ones they still felt a bit like people's problems between 19-25 years old.
And it is because of King's "secret" and Queenie's mistake that King's secret is not so much his, it is a large part of it and despite being one of the most affected, he feels that he copes well at least in this book.
Regarding Queenie's problem, it really hurt me because all I felt was her despair of wanting to be an adult while she was telling the situation and it's very sad because she comes from a healthy place where she is loved and that she felt that way hurt me.
And the secondary characters I am a big fan of the secondary characters and in this book I loved the dynamic because sometimes by wanting to wink at past books they end up overshadowing or taking ten pages of a story that does not belong to them I know that this is a lot for fans who have been since the beginning of the story but being an independent series takes a bit of excitement from the other books. Here they really feel like secondary characters complement the story and are nothing more than support. I have to say that I don't like the appearances of Violet and Alex so much in the previous books but here I really enjoyed them because unlike the other books here they are all that they have to be, secondary characters.
I know that Lavender has her own book and I want to read it but it scares me since the probability that I like a book by Helena is 1 in 4 but the scenes she shares with King (when I called her Miss Lavender I was on the floor) and Queenie (the first time they drew I almost cried, I have no idea why) they are beautiful.
Easily I can say that it is one of Helena's best and I would definitely recommend it, because the story of both characters is really theirs and no one else's.

bookishlynomes's review against another edition

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4.5 stars!

If I had to sum up my thoughts about this book in one sentence, it would be: Move over book boyfriends, you're about to be joined by another AMAZING hero!

Helena Hunting really knocked it out of the park with this story. She's created a wonderful cast of characters, each with their own personalities and goals. I absolutely loved the entire cast. The hero, Kingston (aka King), is the sweetest man! He's strong, kind, sexy and looks after those he cares about. He also has a touch of OCD and every little quirk he had just added to his deliciousness.

Then there was Queenie, the heroine... Queenie had a rough start in life and later made a few poor choices but with each setback, she worked hard to overcome obstacles and really make a life for herself. She was strong and independent, and although she often doubted herself, she really tried her best each and every time. She was also the perfect match for Kingston. She spiced up his life and he brought the calm to her storm.

As for the side characters, I loved Queenie's dad. He was a wonderful man and caring father, ready to take on the world to help his little girl. Kingston's "momster" also really added to the story and provided a strong sounding board for King to discuss and process his thoughts and feelings.

The storyline for A Secret for a Secret was very character-focused and I really think that was a perfect choice for this book. There was so much character growth that I think if any more action was added to the plot, it would've been too much. As a reader, I was able to really just focus on getting to know these characters and fall in love with them as they fell in love with each other. This book was so incredibly sweet and I loved every minute of it!

rachreads4's review against another edition

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KING & QUEENIE HAVE MY WHOLE HEART. My fav in the series definitely so far!!! Kingston is literally the sweetest and most caring boyfriend ever. A superior book boyfriend. He cares for Queenie so much it makes me want to cry lol. He is so protective and caring. Their relationship with each other was so perfect. The way they interacted and spoke about each other was so cute. I love them so much.

taaymck's review against another edition

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queenie and king