
Harder by Robin York, Ruthie Knox

emily4reads's review against another edition

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Wasn't as good as the last one but i still loved it!

haleymfischer's review against another edition

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I think I finally understand what has always felt off to me about Harder, the sequel to Deeper. Don't get me wrong, I love this book and I'll take as much Caro & West as I can have, but I'm not sure this story should have been split into two.

Deeper ends at what feels like the very climax of the story. And while there is the rare new conflict in Harder, it's really much of the same. Instead of building up to a new peak, the entirety of this feels like one long and steady fall. After the first 25%, it's peaceful and healing and sews up any seams left open, but it's also slow and a tad wordy.

Nevertheless, I'm glad to have gotten around to rereading this again. Robin York is a beautiful storyteller—it's a shame that's she's fallen off the face of the publishing world.

5★ — Deeper
4★ — Harder

marscandy37's review against another edition

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I'm so disappointed in this book. After the wonderful first book I can't believe that this is the second book. There was no point to it really. I could have done without this book.

camibookish's review against another edition

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Loved it, the ending? Beautiful, it wasn't complex or final, but it was enlightening on a deep way that you can relate with. Great series

jackiehorne's review against another edition

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The sequel to perhaps my favorite romance this year doesn't quite live up to its predecessor, although it certainly gives its own pleasures. At the end of DEEPER, college lovers Caroline and West are parting at the airport, West drawn back to his working class home in order to protect his younger sister and mother from their recently returned abusive father/husband. HARDER opens months later, with West calling Caroline after months of no contact, to tell her
Spoiler that his father has been shot to death
. Caroline leaves college to go to West's side, even though he never asked her to, and finds herself in the midst of working class poverty and family dysfunction light-years away from her privileged upper middle class upbringing. Feeling unworthy, and not wanting to trap Caroline in such dysfunction, West does everything he can to push her away, even going so far as to
Spoilergo down (sexually) on his former older-woman sexual abuser, knowing Caroline can see/hear what he's doing
. Caroline doesn't just accept it and cry; she tells him straight out that what he did was wrong, how hurtful it was, even though she understands why he did it. She heads back to college, still loving West, but sure she'll never see him again.

A few months later, though, West is back in town, back at school, complete with little sister in tow—mom has given up custody to him. West knows he's done something unforgivable, and doesn't expect Caroline to forgive and forget. After Caroline catches friend Bridget in a clinch with man-whore Krishna, the two have a great heart-to-heart:

"I used to think only stupid people made mistakes. Like, people who were too stupid to know what the right thing to do was, so they did the wrong thing, and I was smart enough to see all the stupidity coming, so I would never be like them. I thought my mom was stupid for not knowing my dad was having an affair, and my dad was stupid for having one. And, God, I'm sorry that Im saying this, but I thought, after what Nate did—"
"You thought I was stupid?" I blurt out.
"Kind of? I mean, not across the board, but about that one thing, yeah. Like, I thought I'd never let a guy do that to me, and I couldn't see why you had unless you'd just sort of stumbled into a pity of stupidity temporarily, and then stumbled back out."
"I can't believe you thought that."
"I know. But what I'm starting to figure out with Krishna..."
" that it's possible to be smart and still do really stupid things?"
"And know you're doing them the whole time," she says. "That's the worst part." (113)

And Caroline decides what she wants—West—and that "I'd rather fuck up and have something—some messy undefinable not-quite-relationship that feels awful but also transcendent, electric, important—than keep away from him and have nothing at all" (115). The rest of the novel depicts how Caroline goes about doing so, without compromising her own self-worth.

Caroline's decision—to go for who she wants—can certainly be read as a feminist move. It made me wonder, though—where's the line between admirable determination and scary stalker behavior? Caroline never threatens West, of course, but do we accept her behavior because we know how much each both cares for the other?

Lots of Goodreads reviewers are complaining about the big awful thing West did, and how they wouldn't have taken him back after it. I found this aspect of York's novel convincing and compelling. I find myself more troubled by the latent classism in York's portrayal of West's home town of Silt (symbolism, anybody?). Before she leaves him after his major pushing-away asshattery, she tells him that his family will never stop taking things from him, and that he has to break free fro them. But it's not just his family: "You have to leave Silt.... you cannot stay. You'll never be happy here. You don't know how." (72) It's as if West has to break entirely free of his working class life in order to be happy.

Am I right in calling middle class snobbery on this narrative? Or just projecting my own fears of my own snobbery onto York's book?

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Harder by Robin York is part 2 of Caroline and West's story. This is not a standalone, and should only be read after Deeper as it is a continuation of the first book. I have been dying for this one since the second that I finished Deeper. I absolutely loved Caroline and West, and it killed me the way things were left between them. I needed to know what happened next for them, and I couldn't get my hands on this book soon enough. This book was really good, but its honestly hard to put into words everything that it left me feeling. This book was an absolute journey, and not all the parts were easy to get through.

Harder picks up after West has returned to Silt, Oregon and left her behind. She still dreams about him and wishes that they were together. She hasn't spoken to him in months, but after tragedy hits his family she receives a call from him out of the blue. Without thinking twice about it, Caroline heads to Silt to be there for West and give him her support. But when she arrives she immediately sees that this West is different than the West she knew and loved. This West is darker and filled with anger. West does everything he can to push Caroline away, but she is determined to show him that she is there for him. As Caroline continues to try with West, she is also dealing with the suit against her ex Nate. Can Caroline and West make it through the struggle and find their way back to one another?

I cannot even tell you how much I love Caroline and West. I could see just how much both of these characters were struggling through this book, and it killed me to see them going through so much. Caroline was doing everything she could and at times West just broke my heart. I felt bad for him, but I also really wanted to scream at him. He was so stubborn and refused to see that Caroline was what he needed. The worst part was that he never stopped loving her or wanting her, but yet he continued to push her away. I was so glad that Caroline didn't make it easy on him though and made him see what he was doing and that she loved him regardless. She never gave up, and I loved her even more for it. Caroline had been through so much herself and was continuing to have to deal with her painful past. Yet she was a strong role model for Frankie and she was so good with West all at the same time. Caroline is just one of those heroines that you can't help but love and admire. The chemistry and connection between West and Caroline was as strong as ever, and it was so clear that these two belonged together.

Overall, I thought that this book was fantastic. I am so greedy when it comes to these characters and their story though, and I will admit that I was absolutely not ready for this book to be over. I need more Caroline and West. I grew really attached to them and I was invested in their story from the start. Their journey was beautiful and unique, and yet it was heartbreaking at times. The first half of this book was a struggle to get through. Not because it wasn't well written, or true to the characters. But because you just hate to see these characters that you have come to know and love going through such an awful time. This book definitely left me an emotional wreck, and I just kept hoping that things had to get better soon. I had faith that things would be okay for them, because I knew in my heart that these two absolutely belonged together and deserved their HEA after everything that they had been through. I can't even tell you enough why this book is a must read. It is so good, it is well written, and it will definitely bring out all sorts of feelings. This New Adult series is one that I honestly cannot recommend enough. These books are captivating and emotional, and they are some of the best I have ever read. If you haven't read Deeper or Harder, I highly suggest that you pick them up right away. I honestly cannot wait to read more from Robin York in the future, and I know that Caroline and West will always stick with me and be some of my favorites forever.

**ARC Provided by Random House Publishing**

delly888's review against another edition

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d3n1z's review against another edition

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Yes! Yas! Yaaaasss! Deep, Deeper, Hard, Harder. Fast, Faster. Just all of it!
I loved this book duo. It is such a realistic relationship. I could relate to the characters and I understood why they were making certain decisions. I didn't always agree, but I understood.

Caroline was even stronger in this book and I Effin' loved it! Yes, at times I was saying stop putting yourself through this crap, but when you hear her explain why she did you just sat and let her words sink in. At least I did, I reflected on what she was saying, as well as West.

Oh West, my sweet sweet macho man. I feel like he's a book boyfriend, but then I dont because of just how realistic he is. He reminded me of one of my exes, not completely but there were similarities. I also wanted to just love on him the way Caroline would. I wanted to beat the living crap out of him at one point, but overall just want to hug and kiss him. Oh and the sex scenes were just so hot! But I think what made them so steamy is the relationship between the two characters.

Overall the book was fairly predictable, but I was completely ok with that. You have a general idea of how everything is going to go down, but the way it unfolds is just beautiful. I applaud [a:Robin York|7279470|Robin York|] for her fantastic writing. This book was definitely more focused on West and I loved learning more about him and how he has become who he is. Again, a must read IMO. I just tore through this book.

Go read this duology now!

SpoilerP.s. I have to talk about the fellatio funeral car scene, whatever you want to call it. I was so heartbroken! Caroline has some major self control and balls. I dont know if I could have handled the situation the way she did, but man she was just bad ass.

lcmarie19's review against another edition

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**This book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

Probably one of the best self discovery stories I've ever read. I liked it more than Deeper. And that's saying something! Obviously you don't want to read this book before you read Deeper, so just fair warning.

Deeper picks up where Harder left off and then some. West is back with his family after leaving Caroline and Caroline is trying to heal from the hurt that West has caused, while still holding onto the hope that their relationship can be salvaged.

Something happens that brings West back in to Caroline's life and together (and separately) they try to heal from life's hurts. Family, friends, etc.

York doesn't let you down with all of the feels that this book gives. There were SO many! West's story was so compelling. I followed it a little bit more than I did Caroline's, mainly because her story was secondary in this book. She is still dealing with the repercussions of the happenings in book one, but this was totally West's book. We learn about his family and his relationship with them. We get to see first hand how West grew up and how he became the way that he is. We get even "deeper" (excuse the pun) than we did in book one.

West's sister, Frankie, is a very well developed and necessary characters on both the parts of Caroline and West. I really enjoyed how she was implemented into their lives. And her presence really brought of the best in both of our main characters. The supporting characters throughout the book were really great, including the ones that were meant to cause the friction in the lives of both Caroline and West.

This is yet another story that is driven by the characters and their life happenings. The setting didn't really hold much weight, other than for the simple fact of knowing where West lives versus where his family lives. York did such a superb job with keeping the characters and the plot interesting. I cared about everything that everyone went through. I was stressed when West was stressed, I was sad when Caroline was sad, I was frustrated when Frankie was frustrated. It was a very fluid and contagious experience.

The romantic times (this is NOT a spoiler -- it's pretty much assumed that there would be moments between Caroline & West) were so well written and so full of emotion. West was so frustrating for a lot of the book, but the moments where he was on the same page a Caroline? They were perfect. The intimacy scenes were so great. So many feels. So many emotions. I had to reread certain parts because it was so good!

Overall, this was a phenomenal story. I was so proud of West and Caroline's growth. This is a really great story. It's not just about romance, it's not about intimate relationships. This is a story of healing, friendship, love and coming into one's self. Learning who you are so that you can be what's need for another.

I highly recommend this story. It was so gripping.

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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Wonderful, wonderful ending to Caroline and West's story. It was by no means an easy read, often times West making things 100x harder on the two of them, but it was a path he needed to take to discover who he was.

Full review to come.