
We Are the Perfect Girl by Ariel Kaplan

loverofeels's review against another edition

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unexpectedly loved this?! really clever writing and the romance hurt my heart in the perfect way

rachelcunningham04's review against another edition

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I cried but in a good way. Not for happy reasons, but because the book was that good. I would recommend to anyone.

arielzeit's review against another edition

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A modern day take on Cyrano de Bergerac. So funny, smart, and moving!

amy_marshal's review against another edition

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This was an amazing retelling of Cyrano de Bergerac. The characters were sympathetic. The writing was tight. There was both humor and pathos. Plus, I loved the ending. Actually, scratch that. I *hated* the ending—I didn't want the book to end! I stayed up well past my bedtime to keep reading and now I want there to be a while series because I so enjoyed being a part of these characters' lives. Off to see what other Ariel Kaplan books I can pit on hold at the library!

lifeofaliterarynerd's review against another edition

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4.5 stars
“My heart always timidly hides itself behind my mind. I set out to bring down stars from the sky; then for fear of ridicule, I stop and pick little flowers of eloquence.” - Edmond Rastand, Cyrano de Bergerac

I had so much fun reading this book. I physically laughed out loud like 3 times in the first chapter. We are the Perfect Girl is a retelling of 19th century play, Cyrano de Bergerac, all about body dysmorphia and personal acceptance. We Are the Perfect Girl is a hilarious and impactful story about self acceptance and friendship.

Things I Liked
Bethany and Aphra’s friendship is the greatest thing in the world to me. They felt like genuine friends. I got their history and special quirks that make their relationship unique. And while they do go through some trials, I just loved seeing them together. Aphra’s vibrant personality perfectly complemented Bethany’s more reserved nature.

Aphra’s journey is so well done. She really has trouble recognizing all the wonderful parts of herself, and loves to diminish her worth and accomplishments to let others shine brighter. But I loved her therapy sessions and seeing her work though these issues to try and grow.

I did really love most of the family relationships in the story. Aphra’s parents are wonderful, even if they struggle to find a work-life balance sometimes. Aphra’s little brother is an angel and I love him dearly - as does Aphra. I did have some mixed thoughts about Delia, APhra’s older sister, but I warmed up to her as the story progressed.

Things I Didn’t Like
I’m torn on my thoughts about the ending of the story - I simultaneously liked it and thought it felt a little rushed. But I didn’t need more to make the story feel complete, but more would have added to the story.

Overall this was just suck a wildly enjoyable book that I can’t help but think happy little thoughts about it. The platonic relationships were there, the romantic relationships were there (and they brought the drama). We Are the Perfect Girl manages to impart a powerful and important message without feeling preachy or stifled. It’s truly a well balanced story that will keep you engaged from page one.

I received a copy of the book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

aceandscout's review against another edition

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This author has a hilarious sense of humor. Loved all the witty banter. The ending was a bit lackluster and unsatisfactory -- very little closure. I was an extremely shy teenager and appreciated having a character like this, but I was also disappointed by her ending.

suzylibrarian's review against another edition

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A retelling of Cyrano de Bergerac with a hilarious and highly flawed narrator. The end offers an interesting twist and the entire story was fun escapism.

danae_leu's review against another edition

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I adored this book. Frankly I wish something this winning would show up about every other week for me to read. It was recommended to me with the tag line: Cyrano de Burgerac meets the movie BOOKSMART, I really can't improve on that.

However, there were a number of continuity errors that should have been caught at some point before publishing. Just why would Aphra need to catch a ride with Greg to crew after she'd spent the day running her little brother around with her mother's car? And once her phone was completely dead one moment and then, without a charger in sight, she pulled it out to look something up. There were other times some of the conversations didn't seem to flow logistically.

librarianicole's review against another edition

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Definitely an interesting retelling of Cyrano using an app in the place of letters. There are some muddled takes on beauty throughout, but I laughed out loud a lot while listening to this, so that bumps up my rating for sure.

elissazimmer's review against another edition

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4.5 Stars
This was a genuinely entertaining read. I love it when YA just WORKS and the author doesn't try super hard to make the situation realistic. I know that sounds weird, but sometimes it's like the texting is super off, the references are too dated or just too pretentious to feel real. This was not that. It was heartfelt and laugh-out-loud funny at times. I saw a lot of myself in Aphra in terms of the always having something to say to explain away things and to find solutions for others. I think Kaplan tackles a lot of different issues from body positivity to best friendship and boundaries to parenting your much-younger siblings and boundaries there. But because Kaplan didn't make all of these simultaneously the most important thing, it wasn't overwhelming or like they bit off more than they could chew. My only qualm is HOW DID GREG NOT KNOW IT WASN'T BETHANY. But also, high school boy somewhat more interested in making out with a pretty girl. Gross. Overall really liked this one.