
Astonishing X-Men - Volume 2: Dangerous by

gabeelong's review

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Danger reminded me too much of Ultron. Sometimes it was hard to focus. But, Wing's storyline was really interesting and kept me bouncing on my toes. Really creepy, as well.

barrettcmyk's review

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i feel like Whedon snuck a little more humor in this one. definitely a few laugh out loud moments, which i appreciated.

akadamo's review

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The origins of Danger. And Whedon's writing makes Cyclops not insufferable, truly astonishing.

theartolater's review

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Not as good as Gifted, but still high quality. Not knowing a lot of X-Men mythology hurt me in this one, though.

beyadob's review

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I liked the new villain (Danger Room) but hated the way the story ended with the Sentinel simply flying away. I think it was an interesting move, but simply not an exciting one, which made me feel robbed after the action-packed issues.

mxballin's review

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A really cool plotline, and a fantastic follow up to the previous volume, Gifted.

uneidiotedouce's review

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3.5. Better paced than the previous part. Still lacking humor and a bit predictable.

chibiconletras's review

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¡Pero que buena historia! Definitivamente los X-men no dejan de asombrarme. Literal me leí este tomo en una sola sentada porque no podía dejarlo.

La historia nos trae mucha acción y giros inesperados, de verdad que cada vez que avanzaba más me sorprendía por el camino que estaba llevando la historia. ¿Cómo se les ocurrió esta genialidad?

El dibujo me fascinó de maneras indescriptibles, todo fue tan nítido e incluso podría haber entendido todo lo que pasaba sin leer los diálogos. Una obra maestra.

Les recomiendo un montón esta historia, aunque si pueden perderse un poquito al principio todo es debidamente explicado. O así lo sentí yo.

¡Denme más x-men para toda la vida!

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beorn_101's review

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I am not a Joss Whedon fanboy, but he really gets the X-men dynamic, action, and story perfect.

I really enjoy the team he has assembled, it has a great dynamic, which a semi classic feel. The art style is great, and this story continues on with an amazing storyline focusing on the Danger Room.

Highly recommend giving this series a try.

bookishlyfab's review

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I love the Colossus/Kitty Pryde storyline.