
Pirate's Alley by Suzanne Johnson

jesslynh's review

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Warning - Another cliffhanger ending (which will make me think twice about the next one)

I liked the book, but don't feel like much was advanced in the series. Sure we added some characters, but the plot seemed a bit weak and DJ, while funny, seems to jump between acting pretty oblivious or just dumb. This series is a we'll see for me, but unfortunately, is getting removed from the auto-buy list.

dynila's review

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Read it one sitting. :-)

leabookjoy's review

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French & English reviews

Un tome haut en couleurs et en rebondissements ... OMG !!!!
Les trucs que j'ai le plus aimé :
- l'évolution des personnages principaux : Dru qui tient ses positions, qui se pose des questions, qui prend en main son destin et Lafitte qui reste fidèle à lui-même (et surtout qui fait probablement l'une des plus belles déclarations de la série à Dru EVER !! Personnellement, j'ai fondu comme un marshmallow ><)
- les différentes intrigues qui s'entremêlent mais surtout la mission de Dru qui doit faire en sorte que Lafitte se tienne tranquille ... xD
Le truc qui m'a le plus révolté (pas détesté, juste révolté ><) :
- je crois que ce n'est un secret pour personne mais je n'ai jamais été une grande fan d'Alex Warrin ... Or ce livre confirme tout ce que je craignais à son sujet. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi Dru s'accroche à une relation avec lui alors que c'est au mieux compliqué au pire douloureux, qu'il ne la soutient PAS DU TOUT et qu'il ne la comprends pas (merde quand il
Spoilerbalance ce qu'elle lui avait confié à son chef ET qu'en plus, il lui demande de faire avorter Eugenie genre c'est normal ...
SERIEUX ???) J'ai l'impression qu'elle a le syndrome Cassandra Palmer (série de Karen Chance avec une héroine que j'adore mais qui est dans une relation plus que douteuse avec son vampire Mircea ...)
Bref, j'ai TELLEMENT hâte de lire le prochain livre
PS: #TeamOldBarataria


A book colorful and full of twists ... OMG !!!!

The stuff I liked most:
- the evolution of the main characters : Dru who stays firm on her positions, who wonders, who takes control of her destiny and Lafitte who remains true to himself (and especially the scene when he made probably one of the most beautiful statements of the series to Dru EVER !! Personally, I melted like a marshmallow ><)
- the various intrigues that intermingle but especially the mission of Dru who must ensure that Lafitte behaves ... xD

The thing that most revolted me (not hated, just revolted)
- I think it's no secret to anyone but I've never been a big fan of Alex Warrin ... This book confirms everything I feared about him. I don't understand why Dru stays in a relationship with him when it is at best complicated, at worst painful, especially since he doesn't support her nor understand her (OMG when
Spoilerhe said everything she told him to his chief AND then he asked her to abort Eugenie like it's obviously okay ...
I have the impression that she has the "Cassandra Palmer syndrome" (an awesome series by Karen Chance with a heroine that I adore but who is in a more than dubious relationship with her vampire Mircea ...)

In short, I SO can't wait to read the next book
PS: #TeamOldBarataria

hgranger's review

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A solid installment in the series. The cast is varied and interesting, the story moves along pretty quickly, and DJ sorts out her feelings about all the men. 😜 (I’m still rooting for Jean!)

dukefn99's review

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Read my review at

chllybrd's review

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I love me some Jean Lafitte so I enjoyed the fact that he had a huge role in PIRATE'S ALLEY. We also see a lot of Alex, Rand and Eugenia.

Some things that happened in PIRATE'S ALLEY. There has always been danger in the past books, book four brought the danger even closer and more personal to DJ's life. She has a lot to work through and I enjoyed following her as she solved the latest mystery. Eugenia becomes more involved in the world of paranormal when she finds out she's expecting. Rand proved himself just as shady and jerkish as we all thought he was. Alex's loyalties are tested to the max and he has a hard time trying to figure out where his loyalties should lie. DJ was able to work out a lot in regards to her feelings about Alex as well as how she feels about Jean Lafitte. I was pretty happy with the way things played out and how she came to the conclusion about the one she wanted.

There were a few spots throughout the story that I felt were a bit slow, but the ending made up for all of that. I am DYING to get my hands on book 5. I NEED to know what is going to happen next. PIRATE'S ALLEY was one of my favorite Sentinels of New Orleans installments.

* This book was provided free of charge from Bewitching Book Tours in exchange for an honest review.

bunnerz's review

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Ratings - completed series:
#1 Royal Street: ★★★★☆
#2 River Road: ★★★★☆
#3 Elysian Fields: ★★★★☆
#4 Pirate's Alley (this book): ★★★★☆
#5 Belle Chasse: ★★★★☆
#6 Frenchman Street: ★★★★☆

rclz's review

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Good UF book. I really like this series. I just wish there were more then four books. She's built a great world. Nice and different, and interesting. Good characters and plots that work.

spookshow's review

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I just love this series. Every new installment makes me love the characters more and more. I cannot wait to see what happens next!

funsizelibrarian's review

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I was lucky enough to get an advance readers copy of this book and will post a full review closer to the publication date. For now, I'll just say...OMG!!!