
Earl of Scarborough by Collette Cameron

dianed's review

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From the very beginning, you know that Ainsley, the Earl of Scarborough is going to have problems with finding a wife. He is obsessive, anxious and has a tic. He sticks blindly to a schedule and doesn't interact much with people. Even though he is a member of the Wicked Earls Club he is anything but wicked.
Coming home from the club one night he is attacked by a ruffian ont he street. He is holding his own until a second attacker appears. Meanwhile, a woman, Willow Harwood, is on her way to her new lodgins when she sees the scuffle. When the second attacker appears, Willow jumps in to help the Earl.
The next day, the Earl is at an employment agency looking for a new housekeeper and he runs into Willow again who has just been turned down as a potential governess because of her American accent. When the Duke sees her being treated unfairly, he offers her the housekeeper position.
She takes the position but the two in the same house makes it hard to avoid the attraction between them. It has probably been there from the beginning but once they are always running into each other when the move to the country it is hard to deny.
When the Earl's mother shows up, she helps tehm both realize that their feelings are more real than the problems with their social standing. It all laeds to a most wonderful Happily Ever After.

jennyreadsromance's review against another edition

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Ansley, The Earl of Scarborough has some odd quarks that separate him from the rest of the haut ton. Willow is a half American half English lady looking for a job as a governess so she can save enough money to get back to America. After she helps Ansley when he is attacked by ruffians they start an unlikely friendship. On a whim, despite his attraction toward her, he offers her a job as his housekeeper. The attraction is there but since they belong to different social classes a relationship is impossible...or is it?

This is a clean (ish) romance and I couldn't wait to see how it turned out. In the beginning however, the chemistry is almost nonexistent even though they are attracted to each other which made it harder for me to read because I'm used to more steamy romance but I enjoyed it and look forward to reading the next one.

dianed's review against another edition

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From the very beginning, you know that Ainsley, the Earl of Scarborough is going to have problems with finding a wife. He is obsessive, anxious and has a tic. He sticks blindly to a schedule and doesn't interact much with people. Even though he is a member of the Wicked Earls Club he is anything but wicked.
Coming home from the club one night he is attacked by a ruffian ont he street. He is holding his own until a second attacker appears. Meanwhile, a woman, Willow Harwood, is on her way to her new lodgins when she sees the scuffle. When the second attacker appears, Willow jumps in to help the Earl.
The next day, the Earl is at an employment agency looking for a new housekeeper and he runs into Willow again who has just been turned down as a potential governess because of her American accent. When the Duke sees her being treated unfairly, he offers her the housekeeper position.
She takes the position but the two in the same house makes it hard to avoid the attraction between them. It has probably been there from the beginning but once they are always running into each other when the move to the country it is hard to deny.
When the Earl's mother shows up, she helps tehm both realize that their feelings are more real than the problems with their social standing. It all laeds to a most wonderful Happily Ever After.