
The Day Before by Lisa Schroeder

samabo802's review

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there needs to be another one!

sqeeker's review

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- This is written in verse like a few of Schroeder's other's books. I love the verse style!

- I love the poem on page 114!!! It is exactly how I feel about books!

- I am gushing! Seriously...I don't know why, but this one day romance has me gushing. I think I was just in the right kind of mood.

- I loved Cade and Amber's relationship and how it develops. They have this one day to spend together, and they make it count! The romance doesn't just happen. They connect, get to know each other, and I liked that.

- I want to play the movie game with someone. I think I'm just going to start saying, "have you seen that movie?" to people.

- Sometimes I want to take a day like this. I want to just run away, do whatever I want, and not care.

- I couldn't stop reading. I just had to keep turning the pages, so I could find out what happens, and why these 2 people needed a free day.

- What happened to Amber and Charlotte is something I'm really scared of. When I had my little gnome, I was glad they took so many precautions to make sure she was mine. I know the chances were really slim, especially since I don't think my hospital delivered any other Asian babies that day, and my gnome is a like a little clone of me, but still...I worried.

- The story just made me smile! It wasn't a super happy or ha ha book, but it made me smile! I felt really calm and peaceful when I finished.

papalbina's review

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i loved it. never thought i would love so much a story told in verse, but it's so sweet, it made me happy, amber and cade made me happy... <3

kristid's review

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How can a few words evoke such emotion. It doesn't seem possibly, yet Schroeder proves it to me time and time again.

I love Lisa's novels. She stuns me with her simplistic yet powerful prose. I always start her stories and don't put them down until the last page is turned. I liked the mystery that surrounded these characters, you meet them, but you don't know why they are both at the beach that day... you have a few clues for Amber in the form of letters but you still don't know exactly what is going on. I loved that too!

The relationship between Amber and Cade... while it happens in the span of a day, seems genuine... realistic, it feel like it's just the thing that they need at that very moment. It's powerful.

Such a great story. Lisa, I need more!! (please!)

kaitrosereads's review

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I'm not sure why but for the longest time I have have put off reading novels written in verse. I just wasn't sure that the same emotions and story could be told in so few words. Boy was I wrong! The Day Before is an emotion-filled novel that I could not put down and I adored it!

Amber wants a day all to herself. She doesn't want to worry about pleasing others. Cade wants the same thing but they both have very different reasons. I could not guess what either of their reasons were. That mystery kept me very intrigued throughout the book and it wasn't revealed until close to the end. I thought both their stories were very interesting and I really liked now knowing why they were at the beach that day.

The characters themselves were so great. I felt really connected to them both and I sympathized with them. Both of their reasons for being at the beach were pretty serious and I liked how they both handled them. Amber was strong but still really afraid and Cade was the same way. I think Cade is one of the most realistic guys I have ever read about.

Overall, The Day Before may be my first novel in verse but it definitely won't be my last. I highly recommend this one to all readers! =)

joyousreads132's review

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One day. That was all they needed.

For Amber—to face the reality of living with a couple of strangers.
For Cade—before he becomes the ultimate good son.

I’ve always loved Ms. Schroeder’s books. They’re written beautifully and vividly. There’s something to be said about a book that you can devour in one sitting and then regret it afterwards. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t ever, ever regret reading her books because they’re written atrociously. The opposite, in fact. They’re written in verse form; stripped of the clutter—words, phrases that don’t matter. All you’re going to get is brilliant, poignant story. My only regret is that it only takes me couple or so hours to read. Now the wait for her next book will be painstakingly long.

This book happened in a day; the day before they embark on some scary territories. They’ve just met but the attraction was there from the get go. I’ve never been a fan of rushed relationships in books. But in a way, I get it. They’re both grasping at something stable before the shake-up that’s about to go down in their respective lives.

Anyway, this book is classic Schroeder. It will tear you up in five words or less.

It will make you smile before you realized the worst is over.

It will make you hope that the characters you just read will have a happy ending.

I loved this book.

Dear Ms. Schroeder,

Please keep writing beautiful books.

Love, me.

trisha_thomas's review

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"Nothing a sand castle won't cure."

Amber and Cade. And they have one amazing day. Told through verse, we go through the day with Amber as she comes to realize the choice she's about to make and the choices made for her. But then she gets to see Cade's life too, and the choice he's about to make - and the choices made for him.

their amazing encounter is such a treat to read. As they each try to understand the road before them.

And what really tipped this one over the edge for me - to a wonderful wonderful 5 star review. I live in Oregon, about 45 minute drive from Portland, from Salem, from Lincoln City (about 2 hour drive from Newport). I know Mo's, I know Yaquina lighthouse and I know those waves. And it all just sings to my soul :)

jennifervu's review

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To be honest, I don't like poetry. Not at all. But this book which was comprised of poems was actually really good and I didn't have to think long and hard about what was written and what was MEANT.
This book was just about two people letting go of their whole world for a day and falling in love IN A DAY. Yeah, no one really falls in love in that short amount of time but it's possible. Also, I loved how Amber wasn't just a weak little girl; She's a drummer of a rock band!!
This book was really romantic and depressing. Love it! :)

tbandlerjohnson's review

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That is all I can say right now.

I picked up this book on a whim during my last library trip. I recognized it's spine while perusing the lovely spines of all the books. I remembered it was written in verse, and I thought, why the heck not? It's time I give this whole verse thing a try.

And I am so g l a d I did!

This book follows our main character Amber as she is trying desperately to just have a day for herself before everything changes. For a while, we know nothing. I was so confused as to why she was running, why she seemed so depressed, and where she was going. Slowly, though, more answers are revealed shedding light on Amber's current situation and her way of coping. And may I say, her situation was definitely not what I was expecting. But, that is all I will say about that!

(I am always afraid to spoil things for you all! So I am always ever so careful.)

Soon into the book, Amber meets Cade. Oh, Cade. Yes, we only know each other for less than 24 hours, but how easy it is to fall for the sweet and handsome, yet, broken, boy. The time they spend together is beautiful. Learning so much from one another. Ahh, I just can't explain how much I loved it!

I really don't want to give anything else away- but let me just tell you this- READ THIS BOOK. If you have never read a book written in verse, seriously, this would be a great one to start with. Obviously, it was a hit for me.

hereisenough's review

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