
My Choice, My Chance by Taylor Rylan

hdmartin88's review

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Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure in hopes of an unbiased opinion, a review was not a requirement.*

My Choice, My Chance is the second book in Taylor Rylan’s Men of Crooked Bend series. We met Jasper, Simon’s twin, and Liam in Book 1. Jasper was a playboy and Liam escaped an abusive relationship with the help of Jasper’s younger brother. A lot of this story felt like a retelling of Book 1 so it could possibly be read as a standalone. But there are A LOT of characters introduced in the first book and included in this one. The relationship between Jasper and Liam happened really fast in my opinion, especially with Liam’s history.

There were some areas that I think will improve and grow as the author continues her writing. There was a lot of repetition throughout the book. Sometimes it would be a three-sentence paragraph repeating the same thing in three different ways. An example to explain: “I couldn’t imagine causing such pain. Certainly not to the degree that had been inflicted upon that poor boy. I'd never hurt anyone, especially not the way he’d been hurt.”

For me, this book was way too much internal dialogue combined with too much of a retelling of the first book. Had I not just read the first book, it may have served as a good refresher. Also, there’s an element of BDSM which I don’t enjoy so I tended to skim those scenes. If you enjoy that theme then you definitely need to check it out for yourself!

Some items of the story that I found odd or weird:
* Jasper and his family are very close so it made absolutely no sense to me that Jasper and Liam bought a house together and Jasper hadn’t even told his family they were dating, let alone living together.

*Also, Jasper and Liam are planning a future, bought a house together but it was too soon to say I love you? Seems they may have gone about things backwards.

This is the second book by the author and she’s certainly set up a whole area of gay characters giving her plenty of options for her follow up books.

Rating: 3.5 stars

beeker75's review

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Cupcake and the little imp

We first meet Liam and Jasper in Taylor's first book My Forever, My Always and while you can read this book as a standalone I highly suggest you read book 1 first as you will get more of the background information on all characters and plot.

With that being said, Jasper is a man that has no problems going to a club every other night and bringing home a new man for the night, until his younger brother shows up in Wyoming for Christmas with a bruised and battered friend.

Liam has survived abuse at the hands of his ex and has accepted his best friends offer to spend the holidays in Wyoming with him and his family.

Neither man is looking for a relationship but when tragedy strikes on New Years Eve Liam and Jasper find themselves leaning on each other for the support they need to get through.

I really enjoyed this book as much as the first and I can not wait to see what else Taylor Rylan has in store for the Men of Crooked Bend. As a new author she can only improve and I feel she is off to a fantastic start.

mama_needs_her_book_time's review

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After reading the first book in this series I just knew that this one was going to be just as good. And I was right. My heart hurt for Liam when he was introduced in the first book, and when you got the full story there was no way that my heart could break anymore. Then Liam started to live again, and Jasper was one of the reason why he was able to do this. I loved this couple. There was tender moments that feed my romantic side and then there was the steamy moments that I couldn't help but fan myself.
I said this when I read the first book and I will say this again, I cannot wait to read the next book in this series. The next couple I know is going to be just as good that this one.

tltravis's review

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These characters

Just keep going through hell in order to find happiness. But I love how when they find it, they embrace it and don’t let it go.

aligroen's review

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A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review An Alisa Review:

Rating: 3 stars out of 5

Oh man, I enjoyed seeing Liam and Jasper find love and their happiness but there was just so much in this book that frustrated me. Jasper wanted to protect Liam and did everything he could to go slow and almost too slow that he caused Liam to doubt them. They both continued to doubt their relationship even after reassurances from each other.

How you can live near your sibling and work with him but not tell him who you’re in a relationship with and that you are living together. Jasper’s thoughts of Sean and how they kept him in the dark was degrading to the man we met in the first book and made him seem much more whiny. And I just couldn’t help but feel that Jasper was selfish in his secrecy and actions.

Unfortunately the most frustrating part was that this story did run right along with the first book so I felt I was reading much of that again but also that many things seemed to be repeated throughout this book. By the end between selfish behavior and reading the same things multiple times I just couldn’t really enjoy it anymore. I am interested in some of the others’ stories but think I’ll have to wait awhile before I can read them with a clear mind if they are similar to this.

The cover art by Jay Aheer is beautiful and follows the same style as the first in the series.

isalaur's review

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Good characters you’ll want to root for

While the storyline is simplistic, as in the first book, the characters draw you in.

Seriously in need of a good editor and a better proofreader. It’s “broach” a subject not “breach” a subject! Used wrong more than once so not a typo...which there’s no excuse for either and there are several here. It’s just sloppy.