franuary's review

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In short: Jem and the Holograms is freaking adorable.

In long: This is the Jem and the Holograms that those of us of a certain age grew up with, but new and improved. I watched Jem when I was little (and can recite the theme song by heart even now), but really couldn't tell you what Jem was about other than being in a band, geometric makeup, and a general pastel aesthetic. But now I know!

Jerrica is an amazing singer, but she suffers from severe stage fright that prevents her from reaching her full potential. Once she discovers the power of SYNERGY, she's able to transform into Jem, a truly, truly, truly outrageous performer (sorry, had to) with amazing pink hair. Jem performs with her badass girl band the Holograms, but their rival girl band The Misfits is quite honestly much cooler. The plot lines in this first volume didn't blow my mind, but the character design kinda did. Hooray for diversity - and double hooray for multiple POC characters and comic book characters with normal-looking bodies. The art work is so lovely on this - I'll definitely pick up later volumes just to marvel in the pastel punk world Jem inhabits.

I received this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Diamond Book Distributors and to NetGalley for the advance copy!

unladylike's review

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The first few issues of this didn't do much for me, but that might be because I had no previous knowledge or love of Jem and the Holograms. I mostly read it out of support for Sophie Campbell and a desire to see more queer comic characters and trans creators [beyond web or underground comics]. By the end of the volume, I was definitely having fun and looking forward to the story and characters building further.

j_olip's review

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This. Was. Amazing. The comic is beautifully drawn, the character designs are diverse and the costumes and outfits are truly outrageous in it's perfect Jem way. The story line does an amazing job of transitioning all the amazing aspects of Jem and the Holograms the tv show, like the sisterhood, the cool clothes and synergy but also lets go of all the annoying parts that made the show a little tiresome. Most importantly, it's a progressive comic for a new generation of Jem and the Holograms fans. :)

mckinlay's review

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very few things make me happier than comics about women, written and drawn by women. it pleases me. while i am in the age group of women who are usually fans of Jem, I don't really remember being a huge fan as a kid. I know i've seen a few episodes, but it didn't really leave a lasting impression on me. so i went into this comic not really knowing much. i mostly read it because it's a comic about women, written by women. which doesn't happen enough, in my opinion. obviously, i really liked it! can't wait to read the next volume!

princeeskeleton's review

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I'm so obsessed with this comic right now. Honestly surprised with how much I love this considering I've only ever seen a few episodes here and there of the show when I was younger. Now I'm planning to marathon the show once I catch up with all the comics! Highly recommend!

cassie_grace's review

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Cute! Didn’t blow me away but I enjoyed it.

sodrewrites's review

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This book is beautiful! The illustrations are dope, the colors are SO vibrant, and the story is well-written. Love love love the diversity in the character updates. Can't wait to read more.


saidtheraina's review

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Only got a couple of issues into this before I put it down. Didn't grab me at all. But then again, I don't have a nostalgic connection with the material, so I'm likely an exception.

Probably a 1 or 2 in my actual opinion, but bumping it to 3 since I didn't give it a proper shot.

spookysoto's review

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Rating: It was ok
2018 Marvel-a-Thon, PHASE III: Civil War: a book about rivalry or enemies.

It was ok. I was a huge fan of the cartoons, but I don’t remember much, so this was a bit nostalgic for me, but didn’t love it. It was too childish and shallow for me.

It ticks all the diversity boxes if that’s your thing.

I still recommended if you were a fan of the cartoons.

droar's review

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I love, love, love, love the art style in this first trade! It's exuberant and pop-y while still keeping all the characters distinctive and interesting. It feels totally right for an updated version of Jem and the Holograms. The story is cute and fun so far with bonus points for never mentioning the sisters are adopted & for the handling of the Kimber/Stormer romance.