
The Last Hope by Krista Ritchie, Becca Ritchie

nyeran's review against another edition

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 “I can do a lot of things terribly and a whole lot of things decently and then very few things miraculously.

♠ Che senso ha? Questi viaggiano nello spazio, vivono e nascono dentro al Millenium Falcon, combattono una guerra intergalattica contro un popolo che non può essere ucciso e si vestono come legionari romani. Non contenti come armi usano arco e frecce, spade, asce e giavellotti. Che senso ha? Dove sono le pistole laser, i fucili a raggi gamma? Che poi dici eh ma i saltariani non possono morire, puoi comunque gambizzarli, amputagli le braccia, paralizzali. Sono proprio armi inutili perché ad esclusione dell'arco, sia le spade che le asce partono dal presupposto che tu debba essere vicino al tuo nemico e tu sei mortale, dovresti cercare di stargli il più lontano possibile, se lanci un giavellotto e lo manchi sei finito. Che senso ha? Non siete alle olimpiadi. Ma poi, ripeto, la divisa da guerra è quella dei gladiatori romani, con l'elmo, i sandali, le gonnelline di pelle e il pettorale di metallo per combattere contro gente praticamente immortale. Che senso ha?
Come fa Court ad avere 18 anni. Questo è stato un dottore, un ladro, cinque anni in prigione, altro tempo con Mykal a Bosco Inverno, poi almeno due anni per entrare e scappare dalla StarDust. Quando cazzo ha fatto tutte queste cose? A 8 anni? Viene detto che a 6 anni studiava medicina e ok, è un genio, però il tempo per fare tutte queste cose dove l'hai trovato? Chi ti ha messo sotto le mani dei pazienti a dieci anni, chi si è fidato?

♠ Ma sta bambina? Lasciamo perdere che poi si scoprono gli altarini e il perché viene spiegato, quello ce non viene spiegato è perché dal momento che la portano nel nascondiglio tutti diventano dei piagnoni. Ok, ci stanno altri sentimenti in mezzo, va bene, però Stork decide che questo è il momento di dire tutta la verità, perché la bambina è stata abbandonata come lui e quindi prova tutte cose. Lei forse si ma tu no. Non viene mai detto che sei stato abbandonato, tu sei stato preso dai tuoi genitori e sostituito con un altro da altra gente per poi essere spedito sulla terra. Quindi sto senso di colpa improvviso non ha senso. Ma poi questa bambina può teletrasportarsi, teletrasportare cose ed un intero pianeta e non ha nemmeno un mese di vita? Come cazzo fa? Court le dice semplicemente di farlo e lei lo fa? Com'è possibile che riesca a teletrasportare 8 persone proprio nel posto giusto per scappare e successivamente un intero pianeta in un altra galassia?

♠ Detto questo, non sono grande fruitrice del genere sci-fi e sento di dover rimediare ma per il momento posso dire che le spiegazioni scientifiche mi sono sembrate coerenti e plausibili, a volte un po' superficiali, sopratutto quelle legate al viaggio nel tempo, ma visto che avevamo i minuti contati ho sorvolato, sperando in una spiegazione successiva. Il salto temporale c'è stato ma solo per il matrimonio e sinceramente meh. Insomma, bello per il cuore ma non ce n'era bisogno, sopratutto perché ignora completamente Franny non facendoci sapere nulla di nuovo su di lei. 
Il rapporto tra i tre rimane più o meno invariato, nota molto positiva il fatto che i tre tendono a comunicare di più e Franny è rimasta una persona molto diretta, onesta e altruista ma che non si tira indietro dal volere qualcosa solo per lei. Il resto della squadra ha un utilità limitata, sopratutto Kinden il cui unico scopo è far star meglio Court, ancora peggio lo squadrone di Stork con cui i nostri non interagiscono mai, non li conosciamo, non sapremo mai nulla di loro se non che nel futuro Nia e Gem stanno insieme (??). 

beckyrendon's review against another edition

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I dare you not to cry

The Last Hope is utter perfection.

I said it. Prove me wrong!

Life/living has a cost. We all know it. Most choose to ignore it. On a planet where you are guaranteed the knowledge of the end of your life, that cost is celebrated. Grief isn't necessary. Loss is expected.

The Last Hope is proof that love conquers all. Parental love. Unconditional friendship. Coupling. The message written in the words of this novel (and this duet) are worth clutching. They are worth holding onto. They are The Last Hope.

stormiclouds's review against another edition

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Science fiction has never been a genre I was fond of. I'm more of a fantasy and romance reader, but Krista and Becca Ritchie have made me a fan!

The Last Hope is a fantastic conclusion to The Raging Ones duology. I devoured every page of this story, unable to read the words fast enough. Krista and Becca Ritchie imbued the perfect amounts of adventure, suspense, and romance into The Last Hope.

As long as the Ritchie sisters keep writing science fiction, I will keep reading it!

I voluntarily received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

bibliophile90's review

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**ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review**


The Last Hope is the conclusion to The Raging Ones Duet. I was happy to be reunited with the great set of characters. The blurb summarizes this book perfectly so I will not really go into that. Krista and Becca did a great job with this duet. It was original, mysterious, suspenseful, emotional, funny and romantic. It did take me longer to finish this book, I didn't get the urge to binge-read it in one or two sittings. There were a couple of times, especially in the beginning of the book, that I thought the story was moving too fast. I had no idea how everything could be resolved in one book. However, the authors surprised me and did a pretty good job in telling a complete story.

Franny, Court, and Mykal are such amazing main characters and I enjoyed reading their POVs. All the side characters were very important as well, and I loved how all the relationships developed even further. We learn so much new in this book and a couple of those revelations really surprised me, and added another layer to the story. I think the authors did a great job in adding the twist to the story. I loved that everything was so easy to understand, and not confusing (which is sometimes the case with fantasy/scifi books). I really enjoyed this duet and am very sad to say goodbye to all the characters. I really hope Krista and Becca will decide to write more books in this genre, because they are pretty good at it.

sarag19's review against another edition

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3.5 out of 5 stars

***ARC received from Wednesday Books and NetGalley in exchange for honest review, opinions are all my own. Thank you!***

The previous book left off on a great cliffhanger, Mykal, Franny and Court were trapped the truth out there. Maybe it was a mistake to read the two back to back, I came in with some high expectations but this one just didn't fully deliver.

The Good

- Characters again are really good. The majority of this book is told from Franny's POV, it still has chapters from Court and Mykal's POV but Franny is definitely the main lead in my opinion. She's really the strong driver of the story, so much that you could almost cut out a majority of Court and Mykals chapters and not lose much, I'll address that later. Franny is still struggling to find answers to who she is, how as a human she ended up on the Saltare planets. She feels like the most fleshed out of the characters, her fears, love, anger and want to trust people. There is a new character introduced, named Stork and I really liked him. He felt like Franny to me, complex wanting to be honest but still wanting to honor the trust put into him.
SpoilerThe rest of the Saga crew is back and they help keep the story moving.

- Relationships/Romance.
SpoilerSo, my dreams of an threesome didn't come true (dreams crushed...)
but what we were given is just as good. The relationship between Stork and Franny is the slowest of the slow burns and the payoff isn't much but its beautiful. Its a really stark contrast between the relationship between Court and Mykal which I equate to the authors having wrote "THEIR IN LOVE" on a bat and then proceed to beat the readers over the head with it, just in case they forget. I get it, I do, they love each other it just felt much better handled in the previous book. Which again, I'll address below.

- Finding a place you belong with people that aren't like you was a big theme in the first book. Court, Franny and Mykal all struggled finding their place in Stardust, knowing that not only are they linked but that they can be injured and die. Its expended in this book and handled in a really nice way. The authors do a great job of creating characters that feel real with expected emotions and struggles, a nice culture clash.

The Not So Good

- It kills me to say this because I loved him so much in the previous book but Mykal just didn't work for me in this book. In the last book, when he struggled to fit into Stardust, admitting his own mistakes but learning from and not letting other change him was nice. Now he turned into a one note character, almost all his chapters are dedicated to him pining over Court. Mykal was careful in the last book, trying to protect his friends but here he runs his mouth about his relationship with Court even though he knows, or at least should know, that being guarded around strangers is the best way to protect people.

- Pacing is off in this book. There is a big mission that should have taken up the majority of the book, it feels important its treated like its important but in the end its just crammed into the back of the book. There is no urgency. The Raging Ones has a subtle tension running through the second half of the book, the worry of being discovered that was lacking in this book. I think if they had spend more time doing the mission instead of random stuff around the ship that tension would have been there.
SpoilerThe end introduces this really weird supernatural element, even the link between the three is explained in a plausible way but the supernatural element came right out of left field and left me scratching my head wishing for a different outcome. It happened in the last book, some random plot twist introduced to force their way to the ending instead of letting it happen organically, even if it ended up being a not so happy ending.

Its not a bad book, it still has some really strong aspects to it the payoff just isn't there for what started as a strong sci-fi series.

scrollsofdragons's review against another edition

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The twists keep coming in this sequel and the story gets crazier. And despite moving to a whole setting with a different species, LGBT relationships still are a big part of it which is refreshing to not only have a world where that is the norm but where they actually are on par with straight relationships.
This is such a fun series following these three friends who have a connection that goes deeper then anything trying to stay alive in a crazy world that wants them dead.

The Best of the Best:
-There's a new character in this one who takes a bit to warm up to, but man how can you not feel for what he had to. Having to keep those secrets and it actually destroying you because you loved them so much and want to honour them but at the same time the guilt at holding the truth back from people you are starting to care about. Stork got put through the wringer, poor thing.

- Zimmers death, all he wanted to do was see the stars and that's how he died being among them and although sad, there's always that happiness that he got to go out the way he wanted.

-Stork and Mykal's brotherly relationship. Stork doesn't want to accept it at first but once he does, so sweet and every time Mykal would refer to him as his baby brother, I loved it.

-The baby instantly connecting to Court of all people was hilarious. When they all needed to be transported right in that moment and the baby woudn't do anything until Court asked her to.

-Friendship, not only between the linked three but their friends from the planet they were raised on and Stork, all of them had such a great bond.

-Mykal got his one tree and his boy and peace and it was the greatest ending for him. He's for sure my fave character, the fierce protectiveness he has for everyone while being such a cinnamon roll.

-So I kind of guessed they were supposed to be sleeper agents. The fact that they were the Admiral's kids whose plan was shitty by the way-dropping babies onto a new planet so that at the age of eight you can tell them why they were put on a planet they don't belong and get them to gather intel and sending only one of your people to watch over them, how did they ever expect that to work?

-The baby coming from the future and being Franny and Storks baby. Crazy but there was that comment made earlier on about what would happen if a human and a Salatarian were to have a kid.

emmanuellagladman's review against another edition

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adventurous fast-paced


 Honestly I just didn’t find myself caring about this book too much. I wasn’t super interested and probably would’ve dnfed if it wasn’t an audiobook. I guess I’m just not in my dystopian era right now. 

hsecen's review against another edition

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April 2023 reread:
"Clap for me." His breath warms my neck. "Laugh for me." He kisses my forehead.

June 2022 reread:
That ending is jusg the definition of bittersweet. I’m always a puddle of sad tears but then we get those last three chapters and I’m just so incredibly proud of how far Franny, Court, and Mykal have come from the beginning of the duology and I’m always just so satisfied with the ending to this book.

September 2021 reread:
I'm still reeling from that ending, but it's fine, I'm fine. I know it's coming, I've read the book enough times, but it still hurts. Which is honestly one of the big themes of this book, something Court, Mykal, and Franny have to learn to grapple with. I also love the message of just learning to live life full and fast. There are so many uncertainties, but you can't let them stop you from moving forward. All the characters had such a huge revelation at the beginning of this book, and it's so awesome to see them grow, learning this lesson, and then really actually accepting it. Ugh, such great character growth!

May 2021 Reread:
This book is just such an epic conclusion to the duology! After the ending to the first one, I was just dying to know more. The Last Hope has even more incredible world building (which I love) and it was just so interesting to get some answers from The Raging Ones. There are new characters introduced (Stork!) Also there's such wonderful character growth in this book - Franny especially. After the revelation in The Raging Ones, it's just so interesting to see how much it's effected Franny going at life and I'm so proud of where she ends up.
And of course the final few chapters...definitely got me in tears. Every time man.

kaylakaotik's review against another edition

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This was everything I wanted in a sequel and more!

The story picks up about a month after the previous book ended, but don’t worry. We haven’t missed anything. The story was strong from the very beginning and keeps pace for the entire book. It gave me answers to all the questions I had at the end of the first book and I was left feeling satisfied at the end (which I feel is surprising, considering I’m nearly always left wanting for more).

Seriously, if you’re into sci-fi, do yourself a favor and pick up this duology. It’s so worth the read. Great characters, amazing writing, and captivating storytelling.

I cannot continue to sing Krista and Becca’s praises loudly enough. These are two incredibly talented young ladies and I LOVE their ability to tell a story, connect with their readers, and make us fall in love with their characters over and over again.

* This book was received from Wednesday Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. *

smitch29's review against another edition

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This book was not what I was expecting. It felt quite a bit less angsty than the first book, so the overall tone was vastly different. There were plenty of mysteries with this story too, but this book felt more like an adventure than the first. Once again, the authors did a superb job penning the complexities and intimacies of many types of relationships. The first night I was reading this, it was really hard to put it down. The reveals were great and exciting and left me eager for more. A little beyond the middle of this story is when things started to slide.
SpoilerWhen the Saga crew rejoined the story things slowed down and much fewer glimpses into most of their interactions with the main trio. I wish the authors had just added a bit more back into their connections, instead of them just feeling like tools to the plot, not real characters.
The characters went through a lot within the pages of this book, and the ending provided some really good reveals. Everything had been built up to the climax, and getting all the answers was great. However, I must confess that I didn't love some of those answers.
SpoilerThe whole plot is reliant on time travel, which is a HUGE issue for me. I have rarely seen it done well, and this isn't really one of those times (though I have seen many worse options than this, too). I'm still trying to figure out if this option actually works. And the fact that I spending so much time trying to decide if it makes sense, takes away some of the enjoyment. I just can't easily read books using time travel and not have a lot of skepticism.
Essentially, the ending made it feel like the answer was just dropped in their laps. Sure, they had to fight to survive and all that, but ultimately, they didn't figure things out for themselves. It was a bit too much of an ex machina.

I will definitely come back and re-read this series one day. Whatever issues I may have had with some of the plot, I still enjoyed it, and I think I will in the future, as well.