
The Demonists by Thomas E. Sniegoski

sarrie's review against another edition

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The Demonists is a urban fantasy from Thomas E. Sniegoski, to be released in April. The story takes something everyone has seen and watched at least once in their life, a ghost hunter or supernatural hunter show and twists it. What if it’s real and what if something terrible happens because of these people poking about? Everyone has wondered about it, at least maybe I’m the sole weirdo who has so this was an unsettling and very appealing idea for me. John Fogg and his wife, a psychic medium Theodora are hosting their show when something terrible goes wrong and what should have been contained is released. Theodora is left in a coma and John is left in the center of a maelstrom of… let’s just say really bad stuff.
For me the beginning of this was the strongest part and then the story seemed to taper off and wander. I’ll be frank and say I read the first 20% then came down with a super nasty case of strep throat that kept me from reading for almost a week which could have something to do with this, but I had serious problems staying focused in on what was happening. I’d gain my footing back then my belief in the story would slip and I’d find myself rolling my eyes or growling in frustration. It simply stopped working. I was hoping for something fast, engaging, and maybe a little terrifying. I got that but almost as fast as it happened I lost it.
The overall plot for the story was something I am totally behind, and a few of the characters I really did enjoy. Our antagonist, The Teacher, has got to be one of the creepiest characters I’ve read in a while though his end game is something that I’ve seen done. Just because something is a bit of a trope doesn’t make it bad, and The Teacher was something that even in the wandering of the book I was sucked to. I loved his segments and they nearly always got a shudder out of me. I’m never eating candy corn again.
Most however, again, I had trouble believing. The more I’ve thought about it I think perhaps it was the frequency of the jumps. The story constantly leaps from one character to the next with little to no indication of the leaps – in fact the copy I had sometimes would start a new character’s view in a new spot with a simple paragraph break. Other times we would stay with someone past a double break. It made it confusing, and possibly aggravating.
For me this was disappointing, but it has promise. I think I’ll be giving it another go if I can find a copy in paperback (hopefully with some better editing) and when I can sit down and blaze through. If it’s something that does spark your interest, I’d say try it! Don’t try to spread your reading out, definitely get it for that long weekend when you’ll have the time to read. Fair warning as well, it may be a ‘read during the day’ kind of book.

I was provided a free copy of this book for review from NetGalley by the publishers, thank you! My review is my own thoughts and opinions and not swayed in anyway.

amym84's review against another edition

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Originally posted at Vampire Book Club

John Fogg has long believed in the paranormal. He’s made a fine job of learning about and seeking out the things that go bump in the night. When he meets Theodora Knight, a self-proclaimed medium, he sees a real chance to bring his expertise to the masses. Jump ahead nine years and John and Theodora are married and have their own Ghost Hunters-type television show.

For their big Halloween special, they scoured hundreds of reportedly haunted places, and landed on a home in rural Pennsylvania dubbed “The House of Tribulation.” So far, the evening has been a wash. That is, until they actually stumble upon something. What happens next is John’s entire crew is killed, he’s injured, and his wife is host to umpteen demonic entities.

As John searches for a way to bring Theo back, it becomes ever clearer that the world as he knows it is about to change. The beings that reside in the dark are no longer happy remaining in the shadows, and as humanity remembers what it is to know true fear, the evil only gets stronger.

The Demonists reads like your typical good vs. evil story. It quite frequently brought to my mind The Exorcist. There were so many times I wanted to put down the book and get away from the grotesque vividness of the gory representations of evil, but I simply couldn’t. The pacing is really fast, and I always found myself wanting to find out what would happen next even though usually what happened next would make me a bit squeamish.

For all the fast pacing, however, I found that the timeline of events was probably my biggest problem with the book. I was just never quite sure of how much time passed between one event and another. The way the book runs it seems like John Fogg had an extremely bad couple of weeks, but then we would get reference, for example, to conversations that happened months ago as opposed to just a few pages ago. My mind had trouble wrapping around what were supposed to be slower progressions of time because the story moves so quickly.

Where the book really excelled for me was with Theodora’s character. Not to give anything away, but the book does not just focus on John trying to heal his wife. Although that is a main concern for John, there are road bumps and revelations along the way. Theo manifests, to me, as this awesome (although awesome may not always be the word I’d use to describe her) paranormal demonic superheroine. I’m hesitant to reveal too much because I think it’s really something to behold while reading, but suffice it to say, there is so much potential for her character that I’m excited to see what she can bring to the table in the next book.

Overall, The Demonists was really an introduction book. Preparing readers for what can be expected down the line in the series; what type of queasy, squishy manifestations of evil will try to wreak havoc upon the world. There seems to be a good team assembled by the end, I think they’ll be able to give evil a run for its money.

fyoosha's review against another edition

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The main reason I hated this book was the writing.

God, the writing.

It was just. So very bad. So melodramatic, clunky, awkward. It literally made me cringe every single page. It took away from and affected everything: dialogue, pacing, characters. It rendered the dialogue wooden and unrealistic, made the pacing come to a screeching halt even during tense scenes, and caused the characters to be one-dimensional paper cut outs.

Seriously, the dialogue here may have been more fitting in a particularly highfalutin epic fantasy novel that was trying hard to sound ~old timey~ but in a modern urban fantasy it just ripped me out of the story each time. The characters were all so, so bland. There's John, the main character, who's just your generic Straight White Everyman with zero - and I mean ZERO - personality except for how much he ~loves~ his wife, whom he always refers to as his ~love~ like we're in some kind of 1960s soap opera (and yeah, I could tell from the prologue that this book was written by a straight man, and sadly this became more obvious as the book continued - like, why does he comment on her sexy laugh and her sexy smile at the most random and inappropriate times?).

Said wife, Theo, is similarly bland, though thankfully much less melodramatic, and she spends the majority of the book possessed and having horrific things happen to her body (I'll give points for some great body horror though). Brenna, an FBI agent, is Tough and Strong but she's a woman so of course her backstory is that she's a grieving mother who lost her baby (why???????). There are some other characters whose names I can't even remember, because they all blended together into an amorphous mass with no personality.

The reason I kept going with this book is because I found myself actually interested in the plot. This plot is the stuff of my dreams! Demons! Possessions! Ancient entities being brought back to the world! Extreme gore and violence! B-movie horror sequences complete with projectile vomit! Cosmic horror! Secret organizations! I love this stuff! But it was all dragged down by the terrible writing and characters. What's more, even though I love this kind of plot, it's not exactly original, but that wouldn't matter if an author came at it from a unique angle. But sadly nothing about this book was unique or fresh or original in any way, shape, or form.

erat's review

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I have to begin with this: I love love LOVE the front cover of this book. It's what drew me to the book in the first place, and no matter what I think of what's between the covers, the front cover rocks. Amazing.

As for the rest...

This is one helluva creative story. Lots of action, lots of scenes that I can't say I've read/seen before, lots of stuff to keep me entertained. There's just one, slightly major problem, and I think I may look like a complete ass for saying what it is but that's a-okay with me: this book was WAAAAAY too short.

Yeah, you read that correctly. I think this should have been a 400-500 page book. Not because I like dragging things out, but because I like characters to be squishy and fleshy and real and unfortunately the characters in this book were almost completely flat. Like, Flat Stanley flat. I knew who each character was and I knew what role each character played and I had no problem telling them apart, but other than Nana who only pops up a few times in the book, I felt like each character was an executive summary of what the character was supposed to be. In the hands of an author like Stephen King, this would have been a 600 page book. Possibly excessive, but I guarantee by the time the feco-ventilatory collisions occur, you'd feel like you know the characters, like your friends are living through some shit, not some picture-in-a-newspaper person that has no connection to you.

This is not a deal breaker by any stretch, just a disappointment. I'm a weirdo: I have no problem with a book sacrificing action if it means more character development, so if about 100 or so pages could have been added to make the folks in this book more real, that would have pushed the rating closer to 5 stars. It's a good book, but I can see a great book in here begging to be released. Heavy sigh.

I won this book through a Goodreads Giveaway in exchange for an honest review. I honestly would love to get a book that tells this story from Nana's perspective. Like The Lovely Bones but for demonists. Some day.

bookertsfarm's review

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This is one of those books where you really wish Goodreads would fix their rating system and you could give 1/2 stars. However, since they probably never will, and since I loved this book so damn much, I am rounding up to 5 and to heck with it! There are so many things I love about this book that I really don't know where to start. It was just the book I needed to quench my urban fantasy craving (or maybe fuel it, but that remains to be seen).

The Demonists follows John Fogg and his wife, Theo. They have combined their skills in the paranormal for years and star in a famous television ghost hunter series. While many of their investigations turn out to be nothing more than raccoons in the attic, they both know evil does exist. One Halloween night, an investigation takes a wrong turn and Theo ends up absorbing hundreds of demons into her body. The remainder of the book follows John as he tries to save his wife, Theo, as she learns to manage the evil entities which have taken up residence inside her, and one of the scariest villains I have met in a long time - The Teacher. It also introduces the reader to the secret order of The Demonists, who are charged with protecting the Earth from the evils many doubt and rarely witness.

I really don't scare easy but this book has come the closest to scaring me as anything I have read in years. It really plays on my fear of the classic movie "The Exorcist" and at times caused me to have flashbacks of the horrifying scenes between Regan and Father Karras. For some reason, I have always found possession to be one of the most terrifying elements in horror and it is the main focus of The Demonists. I cannot stress enough that the evil in this book is something to be feared. The Teacher is trying to resurrect Damakus, a long forgotten demon who wants to rule the world and send it plummeting into death and chaos, but in my opinion, The Teacher is much more scarier than the demon he wishes to serve (at least in this installment to this new series). This certainly isn't a book for the faint of heart and if reading about writhing maggots, gut-wrenching pain and torture (both physical and mental) and ugly, horrific-looking demons isn't your thing, you might want to skip this book. But if you love dark urban fantasy and horror, run out and buy a copy as fast as you can.

This novel is the perfect set up to a new series. Several questions remain unanswered at the end and Sniegoski does a fantastic job of making you wish you had waited until all the books in the series were released so you could binge read them and not have to wait months and years to find out where the characters are headed next. While it is true John and Theo are a couple truly in love, there is no romance in this book and their relationship is basically seen from the perspective of what will you do to help the one you love and are you are willing to risk you life, and the lives of many others, in order to save them. I also have to mention Nana, because she is clearly one of my favorite characters, even if she doesn't appear a whole lot.

I really can't say enough good things about this book. I hope anyone who likes the genres I mentioned will at least give it a chance. I will be rushing off this week to see what other books by Sniegoski I can collect as I can see him quickly becoming one of my favorite horror writers.

weremallard's review

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I didn't have any preconceptions about this book, because I hadn't read anything about it until I found it on the new recommended books shelf at the library. I enjoyed it, though. It was dark in a mix of dark supernatural and horror sort of way, which I always enjoy. The plot was nicely paced and the characters were interesting. I'm definitely looking forward to book 2!

pages_and_procrastination's review

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4.5 stars
I was given a copy of this book, free, in exchange for my honest opinion.
Click on the image for Goodreads summary.
It is the hope that in the end, good will overcome evil. John and Theo are one of the many defenses that keeps the demons from overstretching their domain. Theo becomes a literal and physical defense as the demons have taken up residence inside of her. John’s search for a way to save his wife takes him across the globe, and into deeper darkness than he was aware possible. But there is so much more going on, and it may be more than the couple can handle.
I have to admit that I wasn’t sure what to expect. I have been wanting to pick up something by Thomas S. Sniegoski for a long time, and I am glad that I finally did. This is a blend of fantasy and horror, heavy on the horror. Especially depending on your own personal beliefs. With stories about vampires and werewolves, it’s easy to dismiss. But stories of demons? These hellish entities are written in the core or almost every religious belief, even if the practice of exorcism has disappeared from our modern eyes. Paranormal stories of ghosts, benign and malevolent spirits are especially creepy, since most everyone has experienced something that defies logical explanation at some point in their life. And it’s this familiarity that Sniegoski uses to makes it easy to accept Theo’s situation and the potentially real danger that the missing kids face.
The world in this book is our world, the only difference is that the spiritual veil has been removed for certain. We are able to see behind this veil through their eyes. And it isn’t pretty. Scaly demons. Inhumane strength. Undulating flesh. It’s all here within the pages, waiting to feed on fear and twist dreams into nightmares.
If you’re looking for a good story, that keeps you on the edge of your seat I would recommend this one. I would also recommend it if you enjoy reading the works of someone with a very twisted imagination. I can’t wait to start the second book in the series and I am sure that I will be reading his other series sooner rather than late.

lilyn_g's review

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This is definitely one of those cases where you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. The cover of The Demonists is very ‘pretty’, and my initial judgement was that this was going to be a book with a fantastic premise that was screwed up because of weak writing making it more acceptable to the masses. While it doesn’t go into The Exorcist level possession vulgarity, The Demonists is not a book that panders to the delicate sensibilities, and it’s one that you may want to read for yourself first if you have any teens interested in reading it. It does trigger for child loss.

I liked the fact that Thomas Sniegoski took it a step further than possession books normally do, by tying it in to the overall war in good versus evil. I was curious as to how well that was going to work out, but he did a good job of it. The almost breakneck pace is fantastic. This is one of those stories that sucks you down into it and leaves you feeling like you’ve been pulled through a knothole backwards by the time it’s done. The book could have been done a bit better, and I would have loved to have seen this book extended by about 20-30 pages, but overall I’m very satisfied with what I read. This is my first read from this author, and though I’m not impressed to the point I’ll rave about it, he’s definitely an author I will read more from.

Overall, it’s a solid entry into the horror sub-genre of possession, and the twist on it puts it a step above what you’re used to getting from these type of books. It might not knock your socks off, but it is a very fun way to spend a few hours. Definitely look into it if you’re a horror fiend.

Find the full review (and many more) at Sci-Fi & Scary Reviews.