
Shadow Town by Robyn Jones

jodielee's review

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Maggie Lane is a manager for an upmarket community, Her father who is an abusive prick owns the community and that is the only connection to him that she wants, but she has a problem, Maggie sees dark shadows surrounding certain people and slowly the amount of families in her community are packing up and moving and the shadows are moving in.

Robyn Jones is an automatic author for me, what ever she churn out of her amazing mind, I will be fan girling all over it, although different to her series Touched Girl which you can find my review to here, Shadow Town is a wonderful, Mystery, Romantic and entertaining read, I could not put it down.

I loved the Characters in shadow Town, Maggie had a rough upbringing and is struggling to manage her father’s property, a part time job as a waitress and a part time playmate for a special needs child. Everyone that meets Maggie is instantly drawn to her, In good ways and bad.

I also loved all the male characters in this story (there are a few) My favourites being Michael and her best friend Branden, neither whom are romantically involved with Maggie but both have unique and fun characteristics, Michael being a bit of a jerky brat but loyal and Brandon being the fun Gay best friend that will do anything for her. I would be lying if I didn’t imagine this going in a ménage type romance, lol.

Damon is Maggies new next door neighbour who although is a shadow he manages to ignite feelings in Maggie that she is not used to including turning her into a girly mess when he is around.

The plot of Shadow town has lots of great twists and turns, and a surprising ending. I highly recommend this book to anyone Robyn Jones is on my must read list and she should be added to yours too.

jezzebelljc's review

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“You can't always tough it out, sometimes you need to laugh it out.”

The Good

This one has a bit of all the things that I enjoy: snark, action, a little mystery, a MoBad heroine, and some spice. MoBad is another of my made up PG words, but you get the point. Maggie is strong and naive at the same time. She's been through so much in her past. It makes her gritty, but in some areas she's never been able to let her walls down so she's truly naive to what life should be like for someone her age. I grew to really love her.

One of the reasons that Maggie means so much to me, is that I felt a connection to her. Granted, I don't run a neighborhood that my evil dad owns crawling with Shadows in Montana or work as a waitress (anymore). Wait, what? It was in those little things that I was really able to connect. Maggie loves to swim every day and I used to be on the swim team in school. She wears crazy t-shirts and makes references to Wonder Woman and Captain America. She's also a painter. I may not paint, but I do love my art and I know what it feels like to get lost in a drawing and being completely transported to a new world.

The setting is a neighborhood called Pearl Estates that Maggie manages so there are quite a few characters of all varieties in the residents that live there. I really enjoyed all the minor players. There are a LOT of important men. Don't get me wrong, they are not all vying for her attention because she only has eyes for one. They are all there playing their own roles. All mysterious, all vital, and all grew on me. One thing that Jones does so well is really get you to care about the people you're reading about.

The action and mystery are wonderful. I felt like I knew exactly what was going on the whole time, them BAM! Ha, didn't know exactly after all. I really appreciated those surprises.

The Bad

Due to the build up and getting to know the characters, the action does come slowly. I found that this doesn't bother me personally since I enjoyed getting to know more about Maggie. The paranormal aspects and mystery were always present, but it is important to know that there are slow parts throughout as well.

The Romance

Maggie is out of school. She manages Pearl Estates and works as a waitress with some rough customers, but she's never had a boyfriend. Enter Damon. He's hot, her's, and he'll wait until she realizes it. I love it.

There are some nice steamy scenes to enjoy but it's built up well. I can't wait to see more of these two.


Wonderful characters, giggle-inducing snark and dialogue, great mystery, action, and romance are all in this story. Absolutely recommended.

*I received this book from the author for an honest review.