
The Shadow Prince by Bree Despain

dee_farbz's review against another edition

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I love the Dark Devine series so I have been really excited to read this for a while. I can't say I liked it as much but there are aspects of this book that I really enjoyed. I felt like the story was original and I loved the influence of music on the storyline. At first I didn't like Haden or Daphne but I eventually warmed up to them. At first things seemed unrealistic but then it made sense once everything is revealed by the end. I'm definitely going to read the next one because I did really enjoy it. I would give it 3.5 if I could, it just wasn't a four star book.

datnerdylibrarylover's review against another edition

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This is just one of those books that you weren't expecting. There are car chases, unlikely friendships, monsters, and murder! This book kept me on my toes and I found some part hard to believe. I enjoyed it and its probably one of the better Modern Persphone and Hades stories that I have read. I loved it and I am excited to see what happens next.

mary_r_m's review against another edition

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Thank you to Netgalley and Egmont USA for allowing me access to this title.

Based on the cover art and title I was expecting something similar to Jennifer Nielson's Ascendance Trilogy. What I got was something completely different.

I loved it! It was a really well written retelling of a familiar tale. I look forward to reading the next book in this series!

emilyloveslit's review

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Actual rating 3..5/5

emilyanne3000's review

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The Shadow Prince was a very disappointing (and very long) read. I felt Daphne was a bit bland and the tiny plot had some flaws along with many unnecessary parts. On a better note, I did like the aspect of greek myths and the cute little (haha) hellcat. In the paragraphs that follow, you will see that although I was saddened by the book's performance, I will attempt to read the sequel, for reasons I will explain shortly. Also, this will be a very long review, as I have so many thoughts about this book! I doubt I will be able to cram all my conflicted feeling into this review, but I'll try to address the majority of my opinions.

Daphne was the character that really ruined the book for me. She was bland and annoyingly flawless. However, everyone in the story though she was simply perfect and amazing. She looks like a model and can sing better then everybody in the entire world. Remember that blog post I made a couple days ago about why I liked flawed and realistic teenagers? Well, Daphne is one of the reasons I made that post. She is perfect, boring, and all the girls hate her for being so perfect. These unrealistic cardboard girls, known as “The Sopranos” are in the book (in my opinion) simply to make the reader feel sympathetic towards Daphne. Overall, the book is missing good, realistic, and strong female characters. However, I am hoping the next book will feature character development for many girl characters!

Shall we go over the plot next? Basically, Haden has been given a mission to make Daphne fall in love and go to the underworld with him. Well, instead he acted like a stalker for 300 pages. I don’t understand why Daphne didn’t call the police on him, or at least why she keeps trying to defend him in her mind. I mean, he is kind of the bad guy in this story. (Depending on how you look at it.) Attempting to drag Daphne into the underworld in not a heroic action!

The Shadow Prince did have it’s moments though. For example, Haden’s transition from the underworld to our world was quite humorous. Also, I enjoyed all the greek mythology the author infused into the story. I did enjoy the ending, and, surprisingly, I will pick up the next book. This is only because I LOVED Bree Despain’s previous series, the Dark Divine trilogy. (If this had been my first experience with the author, there would be no chance of me reading the sequel.) Also, I feel like this story could easily be improved in future books.

The characters need some work, and the plot wasn’t enough to keep me glued to 512 pages of “blossoming romance”. The Shadow Prince felt too much like an overextended introduction, lacking the complex characters and intriguing plot of a good novel. Thankfully, there were some entraining parts. I hope (and predict) that the second book will be a better success. The Into the Dark series has the potential to become quite a hit, however, for me, this first book was a miss. Unfortunately, The Shadow Prince was not the fun, romantic, adventurous read I was hoping for.

*I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review*

ellieroth's review against another edition

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***I've received an ARC of this in exchange of a honest review***

Publicado originalmente: El Extraño Gato del Cuento

Bree Despain es una escritora de la cual conocía de nombre, mas su trabajo nunca lo había experimentado. Por alguna razón, cuando este libro llegó a mis manos, sin saber de qué iba o ver la portada (mi ARC vino solo con título), alguna fuerza mística me dijo que TENÍA que leerlo.

Definiré el libro así: LO AMÉ.

Personajes, historia, narración, maquetación. TODO

Daphne y Haden son geniales. Haden tiene una inocencia muy extraña, al venir del submundo, no tienen ni idea de lo que está pasando. Daphne sale del tópico pequeña-damisela-en-apuros, hay pocas protagonistas altas, a pesar de que mi tamaño es nivel duende, me gustó (y a mi Parabatai seguro también :D ). Es un libro completo porque los personajes secundarios no son solo relleno, Tobin, el papá de Daphne, las malas pero divertidas o que no son tan malas, el Séquito del Campeón. Disfruté cada instante de interacción entre ellos. Así que no solo tenemos historia de Chica-Conoce-Chico.

Lo que me gustó también es que no pierde el factor sorpresa, mientras yo construía mi tería de conspiración y premeditación con un poco de poción multijugos, el final del libro fue tan "WHAT?" ¡¿Cómo no me di cuenta?!Estuve feliz con la sorpresa, aunque no exactamente feliz porque la sorpresa fue... sería un spoiler.

Sin embargo, The Shadow Prince robó mi corazón no solo por lo que ya les conté, no sé si sabes pero estoy un poco obsesionada con la mitología griega, y este libro es un retelling de uno muy popular, Hades y Perséfone, una historia que tiene varias adaptaciones literarías (vease Underworl de Meg Cabot, Aprendiz de Dios de Aimee Carter por nombrar algunas), siempre me gusta leer de nuevo o algo nuevo sobre ese mito. Pero, lo que más me gustó, es que creo que es la primera vez que mi mito favorito de la vida tiene cierta importancia en un libro: "Orfeo y Euridice" AMO ESA HISTORIA. Como digo no es la historia central, sí tiene cierta relevancia, Bree va combinando de poco a poco los dos mitos, así que mi ojo de Oráculo me dice que en los siguientes libros podría tomar más importancia. ¡Ojalá!

Por si quedan dudas AMÉ EL LIBRO, no tienen idea de como espero su continuación que se publica en... 2015 ._.


Reseña Completa (comentarios, quejas y amenazas): El Extraño Gato del Cuento

cr6zym0nkeyiz's review against another edition

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What'd you know this was actually pretty good! I'm impressed first YA mythology book I actually liked! =)

melinicely's review against another edition

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I went into this book completely blind, I've never even heard of the title before I saw it on the library shelf and thought 'eh, why not?'. I am pleased to say that that was an amazing decision! I love this book to pieces. I am in love with all of the characters, I am in love with the story line, and I am in love with the Greek Mythology aspect to it. Though some points in the book were a little predictable, I could not envision this story to have gone another way! So, I highly suggest this book to anyone and everyone- beware! This book is the 1st book in a series and 500 pages! Expect to marathon the book in a night and be aching to get your hands on the next ones!

lazygal's review against another edition

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A much better version of the Hades/Persephone story (with an Orpheus/Eurydice overlay) than Goddess Interrupted and a series I'm keeping my eyes open for, at least for the next installment.

There are so many Greek "clues": Olympus Hills, Haden, Daphne and Ellis Fields. But that's not a bad thing for readers. Unlike the Percy Jackson series, there doesn't seem to be any god/human offspring here. Haden is a god - of sorts - but what Daphne is may be more difficult to suss out. Their relationship does stretch credulity, but in some ways that's understandable, given the subject matter. The reason for the 4 stars is that there is promise here, even though there are also issues, like exactly what Daphne's role in saving the Underrealm is supposed to be (at least, I think that's why Haden is after her) and all the padding (something all too evident in series books that go over 300 pages, and this is 500+).

ARC provided by publisher.

siobhan27's review against another edition

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I am a sucker for all things Greek Mythology and this book is seeping with it, and that is why I knew I had to read it. And I am glad I did because it was a great start to new and exciting series!

What I think I loved most about this book was the way the story evolved. First we meet Haden who is a very complex and dangerous character, especially since he grew up in the Underworld with no experience with humans. The we meet Daphne who thinks she is an ordinary human but is really the key to Hadens whole world. When these two characters meet it is great collide of cultures of also of personalities. They bicker and fight but you can also tell that there is a hint of intrigue on both sides, and Haden knows there is a ticking clock always following him.

I did feel like this book was a little long winded for me, there were many times where the descriptions and character got to be too much and I think that drove a wedge into my reading experience. I found that there were a lot of characters and many of them had Greek names so they got confusing. I found that I wanted to know more about Haden then any other character because i felt like he had the most intrigue, BUT then there was this amazing twist at the end that blew me away and them everything changed. Daphne was now my main interested and I wanted to know all about the her life because the one we knew as readers was a lie and that was amazing!

Although there is a love interest in this story I loved that it was not your typical "love at first sight" kind of thing. It was actually quite amusing to read because each character felt differently about the other but you could see subtleties that gave clues as to the way they really felt. I liked that a lot.

Overall I really enjoyed this book. Although it was quite long winded i thought the two main characters were great and entertaining and then the end happened and it made me crave the next installment. If you love Greek mythology at all this book is for you.