scoutmomskf's review

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A Family for Christmas - Carolyn Davidson
When a handsome widower and his young boy are stranded at Joy Watson's Missouri homestead just before Christmas, the true meaning of love and family is revealed.

Sweet story about a man and his son who end up at Joy and her grandfather's farm just before Christmas. Gideon and his son are headed west looking for a new start after the death of his wife. He doesn't expect to find a young woman who is so right for both him and his son. Joy hasn't been around many men, spending her time helping her grandfather with their farm. There's something about Gideon and his son that has made a home for them in her heart. I enjoyed the story, though the only problem they had to overcome was the weather. I liked Gideon's determination to be of help to Joy even though she was a little wary at first. He was also a wonderful father and I found Joseph to be a pretty neat little boy. I liked seeing how quickly Joy took to little Joseph. I would have liked to see a little more passion in her personality.

A Christmas Miracle - Carol Arens
Laira Lynne is striving to save her beloved town. New arrival Rayne Lantree is the only man with the power to make her dream come true…if he'll just believe in a little Christmas magic!

Good story. Laira Lynee came to Snow Apple Woods the year before when her cousin and her husband died to become the guardian of her five nieces. Now the land that the town has been built on has been sold to the railroad and the residents are to be evicted on Christmas Eve. Rayne is the grandson of the man who owns the land and has been sent with a last offer to pay the townspeople for their homes. Rayne was raised by his grandfather who didn't believe in Christmas and treated it like just another day. When he arrived in town he stayed at Laira's who earned extra money by taking in boarders. He was surprised by her belief that everything would work out. As he spent the next days trying to talk the townspeople into taking the money he was also exposed to Laira and her nieces' joy in the season of Christmas. It didn't take long for it to rub off on him. He also found Laira and her nieces have taken up residence in his heart. Laira had to believe that a miracle would happen and her home and town would be saved. Having Rayne in her home gave her the opportunity to show him just how special the season could be. I liked the way that she didn't talk him to death about it, she just showed him how it was for them. I loved the part that the little girls took in showing him the love that he could have. The ending, with Rayne's grandfather's appearance, was terrific to see.

Christmas With Her Cowboy - Lauri Robinson
Ranch hand Tanner Maxwell is not pleased that Anna Hagan has returned to the Double Bar for Christmas. But the little girl he once knew is now all grown up….

Anna had grown up on the ranch but left with her father when she was fourteen. Now she has finally been able to return, but Tanner is not happy about it. He remembers how much her grandfather had missed her and how upset he was every time her promised visits didn't happen. He is worried that her selfish attitude will cause Walter more pain. When she shows up with a citified lawyer fiance, he feels his worries are justified. He doesn't expect to be even more drawn to her now than he was before she left. As he is tasked with showing her around the ranch so she can see the changes he begins to see a different side of her. I really liked his surprise when she took control of the situation with the injured ranch hand and how he stood behind her. Anna had left with her father because she thought he needed her, but she always missed the ranch. Now that her father has remarried she feels free to return home, though she is stuck with a fiance she doesn't want. Seeing Tanner again makes her realize that her feelings for him hadn't gone away as she grew up, but there is animosity between them right now. I loved her strength of will and the way she stood up for what she wanted. I especially loved her actions when faced with the injured ranch hand and the way that Tanner supported her. I loved the twist at the end when she went to him at the line cabin. This was my favorite of the three stories.