
Lady Lucinda's Lords by Jane Charles

dianed's review

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I absolutely loved this version of Regency Bachelor. A house party is set up for Lady Lucinda to find a Lord to marry. Her grandmother has selected 10 men - solely based on their name in alphabetical order. Unfortunately, there's a blip in this plan. Her grandmother's 3 friend also come and need their great nephew Caleb to escorted them. Of course Caleb has no plan to be part of the game since he is just a Mr from America but of course you know the rest.
This is a fast, fun read and seeing the difference between the Lords and the Mr is delightful.
I received an advanced copy of this book for review.

rainelle_barrett's review

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Lady Lucinda’s Lords, by Jane Charles. This book reminds me of the the movie “The Love Story”. Who remembers that? This short romantic story was that good! It really touched my heart.
I absolutely fell in love with this romance story. The whole time that I was reading, I said to myself, “I want someone like Mr. Copeland”. What a romantic that his character is portrayed as in the book. Lucinda, open your eyes girl. A man who helps take care of things around your house without you even asking.
That is a gem! You better eat him up. Copeland didn’t even know that he was charming, including when he wasn’t trying to be. I loved Lucinda’s character because she was not written as a weeping willow. She was able to hold her own with all the men in the house by her intelligence and sharp tongue.
Jane. Jane. Jane, you have won me over with this romantic holiday read. I loved how the dialogue/ conversations between Lucinda and Caleb was so casual and comfortable. This made reading the book so easy for me.
I didn’t find myself struggling to follow the conversation or find hidden meanings behind innuendo’s. I did lose myself a little with the men being named by the alphabet, but I was still able to focus in on the point that was being made in that part of the story. Not being the norm, the book did not have the heavy drama that accompanies a love story, however the book did provide a few moments of entertainment. These scenes had me giggling, laughing or saying, “good one, Lucinda”. This book is easy to get swept away by the romance that it exudes in, so with that I say, I recommend this book.
Until next time my fellow readers... read on! I reviewed this ARC after a free gifted copy

alic59books's review

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relaxing fast-paced


robinwalter's review

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hopeful lighthearted relaxing fast-paced


Light sweet and short, just perfect