kaitlynredwing's review

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This isn’t so much an adaptation as a rushed and bland summary of events from TFA. Characters are described as “this is Rey. This is Finn.” And so on. There’s nothing extra in these comics then what happened in the movie. You might as well just watch the movie.

bmeeee's review

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Felt too rushed. Hopefully the next 4 get a better pace and take more advantage of the comic format.

airypaola's review

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Star Wars: El Despertar de la Fuerza #1 es una adaptación directa del episodio VII, con un ritmo mucho mas veloz que la película misma.

Se le debe dar crédito a Chuck Wendig por resumir de una manera tan concisa los incidentes que ocurren en la película, sin cortar tanto como para desalentar a los fanáticos nuevos que podrían no estar familiarizados con la nueva trilogía.

Para los fans familiarizados con la película de J.J. Abrams, el cómic nos otorga un poco mas de detalle en relación a lo que vimos en en cine (Por ejemplo, la persona que le entrega el mapa para encontrar a Luke Skywalker a Poe Dameron se llamaba Lor San Tekka, un detalle que no recuerdo haber visto).

Dentro de lo que no me agradó de este primer numero destaca que Wendig recurrió a presentar los personajes con un sencillo texto diciendo "Este es Poe", "Esta es Rey" ...
...Esto es una introducción floja, en mi opinión.
Un poco de dialogo entre personajes para conocer sus nombres hubiera sido menos tedioso de leer.

En conclusión, a pesar de ser una adaptación 100% fiel a la película, espero incluyan mas trivias y easter eggs a los próximos números, haría que la lectura de toda esta adaptación valiera tanto la pena como ver la película.

3/5 estrellas

henniebooks's review

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When you have Star Wars withdrawal and try to read everything you find.

memorian's review

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Finished reading “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” #1 and I have to say…. It’s not very good. While it has beautiful art, the pacing of the whole story seems very rushed. I understand that they’re trying to condense a 2hr+ movie into a mini series, but everything feels like it’s in a hurry. So much so, that the comic completely skips over all the small little details that made TFA so great. Especially when it comes to Rey. Forget about the subtle nuances that made you fall in love with her at first sight or the quirks of Finn and the charisma from Poe or and even the sweetness of BB-8. You spend so little time in a scene with the principal players that if a person who had never seen TFA before had picked up this comic, they’d probably wonder in confusion why these characters are beloved at all.

Also, I usually always have qualms when someone decides to do an adaptation of something into other mediums. Movies-to-books, books-to-comics, movies-to-comics, but I’m usually willing to give them the benefit of the doubt if the adaptation is adding something to the overall story. But that is NOT this comic. It is a literal straight up adaptation in the truest sense. TFA #1, literally adds nothing. It spends so much time using word for word dialogue and quotes from the film that it never takes any time to be creative and go a step further. If you want to read adaptations that give you more information, insight with a little bit of Pizzazz (Yeah, I just used that) I’d recommend the film Novelization and Junior Novels.

When adaptations end up like this they feel like a straight up “crash grab” which is unfortunate. I’ll come back to read issue #2, but not because #1 was compelling, but because of my love for TFA.