
The New Girl Who Found a Dead Body by Milda Harris

bookbitereviews's review

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I completely loved this story! I wouldn't change a single thing about it. The characters were great and the balance between romance and mystery was perfect. The romance didn't over power at all which i really loved. If you are looking for a good murder mystery this is definitely the choice for you, and dont worry you wont figure out who the killer is until its revealed, which i loved. Fantastic job Milda!

sarahmcsarah's review

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Read this review, and others like it, at my blog Bookmarks and Coffee Mugs.

First off, I am so sorry that I haven't written anything in almost a week. I recently started a new job, and I've been so busy with that that I haven't even had time to read (cue sad violin music, preferably from Lord of the Rings). I have a lot of really cool books that I intend on reading and reviewing (thank you, Netgalley!), but that requires time that I don't have right now.

However, I did get to read "The New Girl Who Found a Dead Body" by Milda Harris. With a title that's the book equivalent of click bait, and a quirky cover, I impulsively requested it, expecting some sort of Veronica Mars-type of storyline (by the way, I love Veronica Mars so much. I could write a whole blog post on it, if this were a tv show blog. In fact, while writing this post I had to go listen to the theme song just to humor myself).

That was not what I got, however.

You know how, when little kids write stories, they don't really plan out what they're going to write, nor do they worry about character development? This book was like that: a shallow, unbelievable, ridiculously stereotyped book.

In fact, when the murderer tries to threaten the main character, he cuts up her teddy bear. Her teddy bear. They're seniors in High School, people.

Anyway, I just skipped to the end to find out who did it, and I had guessed right.
I didn't mean to write two negative reviews in a row, so I will try to review a book I liked next.