
Los vigilantes del tiempo by Alex Scarrow

blevins's review against another edition

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I'd give this a 3.5 if I could, but can't do half scores. Time Riders is a fun time travel adventure in the YA genre that will entertain if you like this sort of thing. I do. This is part one in a growing series of time travel adventures with the three teens who are rescued from certain death and turned into time jumping agents sent back into the past to correct or repair the current time frame. Not sure how many I plan on reading--not really into long series. Even a trilogy is usually more than enough for me, so an 8-part series isn't really my cup of tea. Although I am going to listen to CS Lewis' multi-part Chronicles of Narnia this year on CD. And, don't even worry about the science of time travel--this isn't one of those books that spends time getting down to the nuts and bolts of time travel with paragraphs devoted to plausible physics. No, being a YA book, it's best to just go with it and have fun as it unfolds. There's multiple time lines going in this involving the Germans winning WW2 and what might happen to America if they do.

apireading's review against another edition

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Not only it's addictive and so well written, but it drives you crazy. Every time you think you can take a break from all this stress, the story drowns you deeper in the suspense and the stress. It was an obvious choice to deal with the Second World War to start a book about trim traveling but the chosen angle was very interesting and fascinating.

I loved every single chapter of this book. And characters. At first Maddy was a bit annoying but she reveals herself as a great leader in the middle. Sal is an enjoyable character even if she is young. But Foster and especially Liam/Bob are my favorites.

DON'T DENY IT there is a BEAUTIFUL bromance between Liam and Bob. I literally cried at the end (for "you know what scene between Liam and Bob") because their friendship (do I dare to say love ?) is so beautiful and intense. They went through a lot together and Liam succeed to turn Bob into a real human being instead of a clone.

Now let's talk about the bad guy. Paul Kramer should inspire you nothing but hate but I was so fascinating by him and his motivations that I've never succeed to feel anger against him. There is something noble in his intentions at first, and you can feel that he has good reasons even if it's motivated by the power and the hunger of being a inspiration and a leader. The crazier he becomes, the more likable he seems. At the end when you see that he hesitates you can finally see the human part of him we can barely see during the all book.

The time traveling/clone/time loops are a bit complicated to understand at the beginning but it becomes more fluid and more believable as you keep reading. But I'm now so excited to discover which period we will see in the next books.

ilinca24's review against another edition

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adventurous mysterious medium-paced


bubbleelle's review against another edition

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I'm really happy I gave this book a fair shot and read it all the way through. I wound up really liking it, even though in the first 100 pages I found it hard to get into.

doublearon4321's review against another edition

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Glad I spent time reading this.I like the idea hope to get into number 2 shortly .

carojgh's review against another edition

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adventurous tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? N/A
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? N/A
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? N/A


boundbybonne's review against another edition

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Simple, but fun book. I would read this again

corbear's review against another edition

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This book was okay...definitely geared towards teenage boys. I think I would have really enjoyed this if I had read it as a kid, but now it's just sort of...meh. I didn't really find the plot all that interesting. I mean, hasn't the WWII thing been done like a million times already? Actually, now that I think about it, this book would probably make a good TV show for kids. Kind of like Sliders, without the alternate dimensions.

jadelee_ls's review against another edition

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Nope! DNF at chapter 32.

Nebiju te gaidījusi neko grandiozu, bet šis nudien ir par traku. Totāls multenes variants, bet dikti sūdīgas.

Ja man piedāvātu noskatīties vēlreiz visu Džekija Čana multeni, man vienīgais jautājums būtu, cik daudz snacks mums vajag. Es ik pa laikam lasu 12-14gadnieku auditorijai paredzētus darbus, un par daudziem tiešām arī fanoju, bet šis... Turklāt bija pielikts pie Young Adult tag?? C'mon.

Ideja jau ir super, sola vieglu izklaidi un labi pavadītu laiku. Sākums arī daudzsološs. Liam ir 16g.v. no 1912.gada Īrijas, Maddy - 18.g.v. no 2010.g Ņujorkas, un Saleena - 13g.v. no 2026.g Mumbajas. Pie visiem uzradās kāds noslēpumains svešinieks, lai aicinātu sev līdzi, pēdējās minūtēs pirms nāves.

Nesaodusi acīmredzamu romance līniju, biju pavisam priecīga. Šis tas klišejisks lika nobolīt acis,bet dzīvot var, un turpināt lasīt arī.

Bet tad viss totāli sāk iet uz grunti. Ja ļaundaru pov sākumā bija tieši tas, kas vajadzīgs, tad drīz vien tās bija tikai zobusāpes. Backstory set in year 2066? Hell yes. Dialogi kā no multenes? Hell no. Ļaunīšu komanda nolaupīja pirmo laika mašīnu, kura bija paslēpta muzejā, ar banālām frāzēm un platiem daredevil smaidiem apšāva apsargus, un kaut kur aizbrauca. Uz Bavārijas mežiem. 1941.gadā... #HoeDon'tDoIt. Aaaaaand they did it. Palīdzēsim Hitleram uzvarēt! *insert my "so done with you" face and some more annoyed sighs*

Tikmēr labo komanda man spēlē uz nerviem vēl vairāk. Vecis, kurš viņus savāca, paskaidro, ka viņiem ir noderīgs skill set, un tāpēc tika izvēlēti. Aha, skills being: Sal bija kaut kādas pužļu spēles čempione, tāpēc varēs noteikt patterns, ja kaut kas būs mainījies ikdienā; Maddy būs kaut kāda analyst, jo ir geek un strādāja datoru firmā? Un Liam is... brave..? Bonusā, viņu komandai pievienoja kaut kādu mākslīgi izaudzētu čali, kura smadzenēs ielādēja visu vēsturi, un kurš arī runā kā dators?


Un misijas! Jau kopš Liam izglāba no Titānika [jā, jo citi kuģi nav grimuši], viss aizgāja pa tipiskāko ceļu. Titāniks, Kenedija slepkavošana, Hitlers, Dvīņu torņi. CAN I HAVE SOMETHING ORIGINAL PEASE???


Un vēl ir wtf un why, kāpēc Sal vienīgā nedabūja sākuma ainu, kur viņu izglāba no nāves?

Visu laiku nepārvarama sajūta, ka lasu kādu no tām interaktīvajām mācību grāmatām. Kā Madara un Pēteris aizbrauca uz pagātni, un ko tur redzēja, un atklāja. I am so done, this is a mess. Nez kāpēc community vērtējumi ir galvenokārt labi, man pat nebija šaubu, ka lai arī cik vieglais variants, tas vismaz būs lasāms un pabeidzams. Oh well.

Labi vien ir, jo šajā sērijā ir 9 grāmatas. Man ir zero interese pat iegooglēt, kas tur vēl var notikt.

gesch's review against another edition

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This book is the first installment in yet another formulaic young adult series. It relies on the typical story of a teenager that is recruited into a secretive organization and given the opportunity to perform tasks that are unusual or even fantastic.

With this series we see an alternative to the dystopian post-apocalyptic narratives that have been trending in this literary genre. In this case we are witness to the recruitment of three characters saved from imminent death under the condition that they serve as part as a time traveling agency whose objective is to prevent other time travelers affecting the global timeline.

The themes this series works with are interesting in spite of being simplistic in their exploration. This may be a fault of the YA genre but it may also be due to the fact that it is the first book in a series. Another criticism would be that the whole time-traveling logistics seem overly simplistic and trivial, this may be challenged with the rapid aging and contamination that comes with its use. I feel the use of the female protagonists is acceptable though I’d have liked them to be more involved in the action. I do however like the humanist values that are reinforced throughout the story as well as the team working aspect.

The book is fast-paced enough to keep you entertained and perhaps slightly annoyed for the quick descriptions that are made of the most interesting aspect of the story – the alternate timelines. In this case I’d have liked to know much more of a Nazi-occupied U.S.A.

I’d recommend this book to young readers, who are obviously the target audience. Personally I don’t think I’ll be exploring this series any further (after all I was reading a ARC that was gifted to me).