
Extinction Point by Paul Antony Jones

capellan's review against another edition

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This is the first entry in another of the bajillion "surviving the apocalypse" series that can be found on kindle. Its virtues are that the apocalypse in question is a little less routine than many of the others, and that it's a quick and easy read (I knocked it off in the course of a couple of hours). On the other hand, the prose is flat, and the characters (or character, since 95% of the book is just one person) are even flatter.

rostie's review against another edition

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Alien End Of The World Story

Emily a reporter inn New York experiences a red rain that brings devastation to the world. First of a series the book was an easy quick read. I'm not a fan of Allen fiction but the story line brought about some new ideas about how the apocalypse could effect those left

jopalm's review against another edition

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Would I pay money for this? no. Was it a good free read with Amazon Prime? yes.

The basic premise of this novel is great, with original ideas thrown in with some old worn out ones. I enjoyed reading it through and have gone on to read the other three in the series but only because I have not paid for them.
The curiosity of what our world could be like encouraged me to keep going and the story moves briskly forward (to quickly in places). But the style of writing can be off putting in places. Sometimes far to much detail (I don't need to know each time she puts her bike lock on) and in others not enough (earth shattering,traumatic event but lets move quickly on).
The main character can be more than a little unbelievable at times, what reporter would not be snapping images with her mobile or remember she had one only the next day.
So 3* given for a free read but would have been 2* if paid for.

ashank2182's review against another edition

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Still not sure how I feel about this book. Two things really bother me. First, why would she bike the whole way to Alaska. She could easily teach herself to drive with no other drivers on the roads to worry about. Second, she is a reporter but is not documenting anything. She should have taken some pictures and wrote down what she was experiencing for future generations. Other than that not a horrible book but not the best I have ever read.

victoriakc's review against another edition

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This is one of my fave series of all time and I have read it more times than is healthy but you cant stop me! I read this book in my early 20s originally and a lot of the time my opinion on books change as I grow but not this one.

I am seeing a lot of reviews being annoyed about the main characters choices in regards to what she is bringing, her biking skills and making decisions that are not smart. To me that makes her more real and likeable. I mean we can all certainly say we would do better in our warm, safe homes with our cups of tea and easily accessible food buuuut would we? Give Emily a chance and she will steal your heart.

amesjo's review against another edition

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The main character was annoying to me. Almost everything she did - I was wanting to punch her. Don't think I'm going to read the sequel.

sabrinamonet's review against another edition

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Good debut. Jones knows where he's headed with his protagonist. I liked the companion towards the end of the novel. Will definitely check out the next two to see where Emily ends up.

shells's review against another edition

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I made the mistake of starting this book on my Kindle app on my phone at work. Holy shit! I couldn't stop reading! Even when I should have been working! I'm not yet finished, but I am devouring this book. I am loving the horror aspect; the gritty, grimy, gooshy, bloody details. I hope it doesn't let me down. (And I peeked ahead a bit and found out there's a dog involved later. I reallyreally hope nothing bad happens to the doggy.)

Finished today (10-19) and I loved every word of it. I read the entire thing during breaks/lunches at work and it warped my mind during the shift. I was right there with her from beginning to end. I'm excited for the next book and can't wait to read about her journey that lies ahead. If I remember correctly, the entire book spanned seven days, well, those were long days in the best way. I can't wait to find out how changes will further progress to the planet. And I love the dog. please Mr. Jones, don't pull a Stephen King (whom I love) and kill the dog.

aylas_journey's review

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A very quick and entertaining read.

However, I HATE the current trend of making every ding-dang book part of a series! While good, there is no reason why the book should have stopped where it did. PUBLISHERS: Stop trying to make us think every new author is J.K. Rowling. They aren't.