
The Brotherhood Of Piaxia by Michael Drakich

cpogon's review

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It seems that I've been reading quite a few fantasy books recently, and I'm not able to remember why I ever stopped.

The Brotherhood of Piaxia is all about warring wizards, lost royalty, and setting things right. There are many characters in this story, but all of them play a special part in the grand scheme. Even with all the varied characters, I never had a problem keeping track of the story and what was going on.

The only drawback I found was the slightly slow build-up to the real meat of the story. During this build-up I know there is a lot of story-building and helping the reader understand each of the characters and their motives, but at times I found myself getting distracted.

Once I reached the middle of the story, however, I was lost...In a good way. I couldn't wait to find out how all of the intrigue would play out.

If you love fantasy that mixes magic, lost royalty, sacrifices, heroes, and strong characters, I would suggest The Brotherhood of Piaxia.

Christy @ Captivated Reading

karensbooks's review

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The Brotherhood of Piaxia had a slow start, something that I dislike. But the action starts after some chapters, and then it was hard to put it down.

The plot was very good, I really enjoyed how the book had put the plot in the center. Many other books, put the characters in center and that can be a bit boring.

I liked Drakich writing style, he used a style that I appreciate. It was easy to read, but I had to read some parts twice.
The book contained a lot of characters, in the beginning it was hard to know who was who. But I personally like books with a lot of characters, even though we didn't got to know them very well. Anyway, Tarlok, Savan and Tessia were the once we got to knew best. My favorite character must be Tessia, she is fantastic and very lovable!

The fantasy in the book was fantastic. Lost princess and magic is like the best combination you can have in book and Drakich made a wonderful mix with these two points.

To conclude, this book was very good, I liked it. If you like fantasy, then you must read it!

ebokhyllami's review

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Tja... Ideen bak boka er ikke dårlig. 12 trollmenn styrer hver sin by i landet Piaxia. Iblandet stridigheter og maktkamper, en dose kjærlighet og usannsynlige krefter så kunne dette blitt en god historie. Istedenfor blir den langtrukken. Her har Drakich rom for å bygge gode karakterer, men utenom Tarlok er det ingen jeg får noe troverdig forhold til. Det verste eksempelet er Tessia som på kun kort tid går fra å være en usikker handelsmannsdatter til dronning over Piaxia uten noe som helst mellomspill eller erfaring. Hun gir plutselig krigsordre på liv og død og tar beslutninger med store konsekvenser uten å basere det på noe som helst vettugt grunnlag. Nei dette blir for dumt. Jeg leste boka ferdig, og for det får den stå-karakter. Heller ikke mer.

farhanac's review

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I received this book from Michael Drakich for reviewing purposes back in April. I have to admit, whilst the synopsis seemed interesting, I didn’t think I’d take to it as much as I did! It has even made it’s way into my Book Recommendations list, so it’s no secret how much I truly enjoyed reading this book!

The book is set in the alternate land of Piaxia where magic and military force are fundamental to maintaining the peace, order and above all the control of the land. Technology is non-existent and the people make a living from traditional jobs such as fishing, farming and trading as merchants.

How much I enjoyed the book: 8/10
How well I think it was written: 8/10

I found it startlingly easy to get into this book despite the fact that it’s set in an alternate world. Within the first chapter I felt like I was in the marketplace with Tarlok and witnessing his experiences first hand. The book is written in a familiar way without the use of complicated vocabulary (except of course the foreign sounding nouns) so I felt less alien and more at home in the world of Piaxia.

The story is written from Tarlok, Savan and Tessia’s point of view as they are our three main characters. As you can tell from my rating I thought the book was written very well, however the multiple narrators did annoy me slightly as the focus on each character was sectioned and given in the beginning, middle and ending. This didn’t have the greatest result as I found myself loving Tarlok from the very beginning and growing attached to his character. Yet by the middle of the book I found myself thrust over to Tessia and then Savan and became more and more in the dark about Tarlok’s personal journey. By the end of the book, I felt as though Tarlok had become a whole other person whilst my focus was on the other characters. I would have been a lot happier if Tarlok alone had been the main focus of the novel but I am still grateful for the insight I gained from Tessia and Savan. On the other hand, the plot was well written, though at times it was a bit predictable; though my love for our main trio allowed me to overlook that quite quickly.

One thing I absolutely loved in the book was the relationship between Savan, Tarlok and their father. The family was so adorable throughout the book as they trusted each other unconditionally despite all of the difficulties they had facing them. I can’t help but love it when a family dominant of men show their love for each other; it’s so heart warming that I was constantly giddy from happiness whenever such a moment would occur.

The growing romance between Tarlok and Tessia was extremely interesting to see unfold. Though they both (mainly Tarlok) were indecisive at points, I found myself rooting for this ship from the very beginning. I was slightly surprised that Savan did not find love during the book, but I’m hoping for a sequel with the focus on Savan and his adventures finding love.

So yes I do want a sequel from Michael Drakich but it’s a long shot though since there weren’t many loose ends left at the end. I will be taking a look at his other books though so that’s something to look forward to!

bookishlyruby's review against another edition

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Every once in a while I read a fantasy book that reminds me why I love fantasy. The Brotherhood of Piaxia is one of those books. Warlocks, magic, corruption, war.

I thought the book started a bit slow. But it wasn't that "nothing's happening, when is the action starting?" kind of slow. Before the big turning point and before the big changes, we get to meet the main characters and see them evolve, grow up or turn into a better version of themselves. Also, during this time, we see how magic can corrupt, how power can change a person, turning them into tyrants or evil people, capable of anything - even murder.

There are a lot of twists and turns and some of them where really unexpected to me. Some were good, some not so good. There were a few characters that died and it really broke my heart. I know that they needed to die in order to show how much damage too much power can do, but it still made me sad.

I liked the writing style. And I very much enjoyed the world in this book, the history and the characters. And I loved the battle scenes. There weren't that many, but I loved the strategies they used and the action in those scenes.

If you like fantasy you should give The Brotherhood of Piaxia a try. You won't be sorry ;)