
Leave Me Breathless by Cherrie Lynn

shassler82's review against another edition

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Seth is one of my new favorites... Tattoos, piercings and exhibition.... HE'S HOT! I couldn't get enough of Seth and Macy, I actually can't wait to re-read! LOVED.EVERY.MINUTE.

ac223's review

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So not only is Cherrie Lynn a fantastic author, she is a local East Texan!
I'm not sure why I waited so long to continue this series. Both of the main characters, and even supporting characters were totally likeable and relatable. Ghost is so yummy, I'm hoping he is based on someone the author knows, who may just live around here, and be single. Macy is feminine, kind of conservative, but tough as nails when she needs to be. Although they're from two totally different worlds, Macy learns real quick not to judge a book by its cover.

drez80's review

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4.5 stars My favorite of the series so far. I could have done with some more piercing info/play, and Macy of course had her moment when I wanted to smack her, but she was far less obnoxious than Candace.

shawniebooks's review

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I started the series on book 3 but didn't have any issues getting into the cast of characters. These two were on fire.

texcare1's review

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Very Good Story :)

tamm's review

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Rough around the edges so-called bad boy meats snobby, straight laced gal... and they both end up falling in love with each other... now if they could just get over their baggage and admit it... that would be good.

Ghost/Seth and Macy had me reading this book from start to finish in one setting because I had to know what the ending would be. I laughed, I cried, my heart broke for each of them at different times throughout the book, but when Macy finally confronts the psycho ex of his I was like - about damn time woman! - and so proud of her for finally sticking up for what she wants.

When you read this book... strap on your seatbelt because you are in for one hell of a ride!

books_and_more_books_byt's review

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Leave Me Breathless is the third book in the Ross Siblings but was fine reading as a stand-alone. It grabbed my attention in the beginning, and I couldn’t put it down until I was done. The characters were so heartwarming, and I fell in love right away. Macy Rodgers had been thrown off a horse and since then she had felt the need to be in control and safe. She had a standoff demeanor and didn’t open herself up to new experiences. Seth “Ghost” Warren was so sweet but hid behind the assumption’s others made of him. He was able to slowly show his vulnerable side to Macy as they got to know each other. The loss of his nana was so hard for him and you could feel his grief. I was so glad to see them finally communicating in the end and get their happy ever after. I really enjoyed this book and I think the other books in the series look just as interesting.
I received an ARC from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

anasatticbookblog's review

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Read more of my reviews and ramblings at Ana's Attic Sexy Tales

“Still with me?” he asked, smoothing the hair back from her forehead.
“What the hell was that?”
He laughed, propping his head up on his elbow. “The hottest fuck I think I’ve ever had.”

Holy Fucking Cow. Talk about Leave Me Breathless! This book had me breathless throughout the whole damn book (and my husband too!) Leave Me Breathless is the third in the Ross Siblings series (see the order here) though Seth, aka “Ghost” is not actually a sibling, but he is like a brother to Brian from Rock Me. Not only that, he is a tattooed, pierced, shaved-head, tattoo artist who plays metal guitar, and a total fucking sweetheart. Though I usually like longer hair on guys, for Seth I’ll make an exception.

Oh yes, and one more thing about Seth….He is pierced for her pleasure with an apadravya (aka a ‘happydravya’). Go on, click the link, you know you want to…. From the descriptions of what that piercing did, I am thinking that might be on my bucket list if my husband would ever (yeah right, I can’t even get the guy to get a vasectomy-plus, I think I’d be a little scared it might, I dunno….fall off? rip me?).

We first met Macy in Rock Me. She was Candace’s uptight friend who was totally against her relationship with Brian. But she had secretly experienced one night of passion in Ghost’s car. Cut to Leave Me Breathless, months after Rock Me ended. Macy is feeling kind of sorry for herself on Valentines Day, but her friends Candace and Sam have a surprise for her. Ghost (Seth), who has been away for months caring for his nana who raised him, is back in town. And he’s coming with Brian to join them. Right away the sexy times start.

“Are you all right, Macy? You looked a little flushed”
Just as Macy began to nod quickly, Ghost swigged his beer and jerked his head in her direction. “She looks that way because I have my hand up her skirt.”

So that’s where this book is going. From under the table, to the backseat, to voyeuristic wall sex–Holy Crap-gotta love the wall sex–this book was off-the-charts HOT! But that’s not all it was. There was a great romance with people from two totally different worlds, who seemingly should never belong together.

“He was part of a world so separate from her own it would be impossible to bridge the chasm between them. He was heavy metal. She was all country, all the time. He wouldn’t belong at a rodeo, and she wouldn’t belong at one of his wild concerts where they probably sacrificed live chickens or bit the heads off bats onstage.”

Besides that, they each had a lot of baggage to deal with, both from previous relationships and life’s tragedies. And they each had an ex who was still in the picture, causing some trust issues. So they started off keeping it light.

“Tell you what. If you need help with that, if you need someone to shut you up, or even if you just need to walk on the wild side every now and then… I’m your guy.”

And turned into something more:

“There was little else he’d seen in his entire life more beautiful than Macy’s smile.”

And the hot sex continued:

“You can’t possibly be ready to go again,” she said. At that, he rose up on his knees and guided her hand to his erection.
“Does this look not ready to you?”
“My God. You’re supernatural.”
“Or you are. It’s all you, baby.”

But those trust issues kept coming up:

“You’re just going to leave me too” -Ghost

And self confidence/esteem issues:

“Could he love this girl the way she deserved? He could love her with everything that he was, and still it wouldn’t be enough. He would fuck up somehow, because that is what he did.”

And crazy-ass exes (Macy handled his pretty good….after a bit)

“If you come near him like that again, I will go straight country bitch on you.”

Besides the scorching hot sexy romantic times, there was also a lot of light fun stuff, plus we got to visit a lot with Brian and Candace (yay!) and even Evan and Kelsey from Unleashed. I loved the banter between the guys at the tattoo shop:

“Aw, I’m sorry. Do you need a hug, emo boy? You know, you might want to cross your legs. Your vagina is showing”

And Macy and Seth had a whole lot of fun banter together as well:

She was so going to get it later. “Macy, queen of my universe, I beseechingly request you place your sweetest lips upon my manhood and make it your lollipop.” -Seth (Ghost), who can’t cuss or say suck


-Not only was the sex off the chart, there was so much other good stuff.
-Bad-boy with a soft, sensitive side.
-Revisiting a lot with Brian and Candace.
-A story where two opposites are great for each other.
-How Ghost gave Macy her confidence to race again back.
-Macy’s growth throughout the relationship (she stopped being a stuck up bitch).
-Macy’s Dad. He was totally awesome!!!!
“I trust that I raised a strong enough woman to know who’s worthy of her and who isn’t. If this guy is good enough for you, and he’s the one who has you floating around on cloud nine and giving you back your spark, you can be damn sure he’s good enough for me.”


-It really needed an epilogue.

Rating: 5 stars, 5 Heat

Leave Me Breathless was definitely worth the long wait. It was everything I hoped it would be and more. I have about 10 more quotes I’d love to put in this review, but I guess I’ll leave them to you to discover. If you are looking for a romantic, scorching hot read, with bad boys and some angst, look no further, this book (and the series) has it in spades!

“Tattooed. Pierced. Shaved head, though right now he wore a black baseball cap pulled low over his eyes…”

meganramirez13's review

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Seth was just so hot its hard to imagine. I usually don't like the shaved head with facial hair but on Seth it just sounded hot. There were some hot scenes in this book, not too much depth but it was definitely a good read.

stumpfed's review

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Cherrie Lynn never disappoints and neither do the guys of Dermamania! I love these books...keep 'em coming (the books I mean!).