
Phantom Game by Christine Feehan

aglittercobra's review against another edition

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 ***3.0 Stars***

It was good to be back with Team 1 again and see some of the old characters, but the conflict was pretty lack luster and did not further any part of the throughline story. This is the 18th book in the GhostWalkers series, a paranormal/enhanced solider romance series. 

sandyfleener's review against another edition

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I tried to read slowly

I hate when it's over. Now the waiting begins again. I wait semi patiently for the next one, then it comes and is finished to soon. Everytime I think I will savor this one but I have no willpower. Bring on the next one

mistysreads's review against another edition

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Phantom Game was ... wow! I have not been as engrossed in a GhostWalker's book in a long time as I was this one. I have always loved the members of Team 1 and 2 and am beyond thrilled that we got to see them again. Jonas and Camellia had so many things in common, and they are able to anchor one another, and Camellia can bring Jonas out of his rages easily which was nice to see. The chemistry between these two characters reminds me of Gator and Flame, where their enhancements were sound, Jonas and Camellia's abilities essentially tie them to nature. Which I think is amazing. It was nice to see this series basically get back to its roots, and watch the GhostWalker's in action. I hated that after all they have been through they are still dealing with traitors in their midst. After working together they were able to come out on top and protect their home, allowing Camellia to find more of her family that Whitney had took away from her. I loved this book and highly recommend the book and the series.

Received ARC in exchange for voluntary honest review

sassytw's review against another edition

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Camellia has found a way to survive and thrive. Unfortunately she has done it a bit too close to the other Ghostwalkers. Jonas feels danger coming to his team. What he never expected was to find his other half. But can Jonas and Camellia accept all they are and can be together?
Phantom Game is the latest story by Christine Feehan. And she takes us back to the beginning. I love returning to the team that started it all. I love getting to know members that were not the focus in earlier works. I loved seeing that their history while painful was filled with love, at least for Jonas. I enjoyed seeing Jonas accept his connection to Camellia even as she fought to keep her secrets. And what secrets she had. Could Camellia learn to trust again? Could Jonas learn that loving is worth the pain? I enjoyed their journey as Ms. Feehan showed us how to love and trust. Camellia showed her strength even as she accepted her softer side. Ms. Feehan showed that together Camellia and Jonas are a force to be reckoned with. I loved seeing the power Ms. Feehan showed us as Jonas and Camellia protected their family. The compassion that Camellia showed even as she struggled to protect her heart. I loved seeing Camellia's comfort within her skin, at least with regard to her powers. I loved Jonas's growing acceptance as new skills popped up. I loved Camellia's journey to learn to trust in others, a journey fought with betrayal. This story is well written. It was thoughtful and full of love and compassion. Ms. Feehan showed us that love takes work and I love the journey she gave us to hammer that point home.

romancebookloverinseattle's review against another edition

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Despite being the eighteenth book in the series, it's actually the first one that I've read! This is a paranormal series, where men and women have been experimented on by an evil doctor so that they have abilities and talents that make them extra and above, the purpose of which was originally for use in war. There was a lot of time spent in the first part of the book with the world building and giving the extensive history. For someone who hasn't read any of the previous books, this is incredibly useful, but it was also extensive so I did do some skimming of this. I'm a reader that can be dropped into new worlds and I tend to figure it out as I move through a story.

Jonas and Camellia are both survivors from this evil doctor but are only meeting for the first time now. They have a predetermined bond- arranged via the experiments that were done to them. Jonas is in awe upon meeting Camellia, learning all about her and her talents. Camellia has spent the last several years completely alone and is not one to trust easily. Their story is intense, action-packed and I found myself turning pages just to see what would happen next, and how everything would come together. There was a lot going on in this book with an array of secondary characters that most likely had their own books earlier in the series, and I became invested in those storylines, so want to now go back and read those.

romancejunkie1025's review against another edition

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4.25 stars. A very good read with lots of drama and enough action to keep the story moving. I loved how Jonas and Camellia had to find their way through emotional upheavals and pain in order to get to their HEA. Definitely worth every minute

labraden's review

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Jonas and his good friends, Jeff and Kyle, are investigating the woods around The GhostWalker compounds for Teams 1 and 2 because Jonas has a sense that something is watching and possibly targeting them. When a disorienting fog envelops them, Jonas realizes something else is at work and leaves Kyle and Jeff behind in order to determine the level of danger. What he stumbles on is a small house made of rare and exotic plants and flowers that shouldn't be growing in the mountains of Montana. Jonas sees Camellia for the first time, and he knows that she is reticent of strangers, but he also knows that he has finally found his genetic mate. However, a team of enhanced soldiers is on their way to destroy the residents of both GhostWalker compounds, so Jonas and Camellia must pool their talents in order to stop them.

Phantom Game is definitely a strong entry in the GhostWalker series, but it does have some flaws that can't be overlooked. The pacing of the story is off. Much of the first half of the book is spent info-dumping with lots of conversation, telling what is happening and the last half is filled with way too many incidents, and there is so much repetition, making the book much longer than necessary. However, this book does put the focus on the GhostWalker teams, which is an improvement over recent submissions in this series. Also, the relationship between Jonas and Camellia is angsty without being overly-dramatic or bogged down with too many love scenes. Overall, Phantom Game is one of the best GhostWalker stories in recent memory and well worth the read.

vickieb8's review against another edition

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I’ve read this entire series and love that Christine Feehan is taking it back to the relationships between the men. The friendship and brotherhood forged in adversity and cemented in common goals. It also had a strong female lead with exceptional powers as well as her own past to be dealt with. The relationship between the couple while not the main plot of the book was well fleshed out and fit seamlessly with the rest of the plot. I thoroughly enjoyed the action as well as the new “abilities” fleshed out in this storyline.

smitchy's review against another edition

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I used to enjoy these and I still like the earlier ones in the series but I am so glad I no longer buy these (no, I didn't steal it. I got it from the library).
Not only is the story completely repetitive:
Me big "alpha" male, you delicate little girl (in spite of the fact said "delicate, sheltered" girl literally raise to be a killer), Oh we are so attracted to each other...But wait is this really LUUUUURVE or is it Whitney's manipulations?????...oh who cares! We are going to fuck like bunnies in spring!....but wait what is this dark secret you poor, emotionally damaged ALPHA male has been hiding from me, your 'innocent' new girlfriend?.... Oh it's nowhere near as bad as what you have built up in your head and you really just need the love of a good woman ? So SHOCKING!! That is literally the story line from every single one of these books. The only difference here is this one has quite a bit of info about plant communication (someone has clearly read Peter Wohlleben's The Hidden Life of Trees).

The older I get the more I am hating the "alpha" male thing in romance. Firstly, in the natural world there is no such thing. Stop trying to justify men acting like dicks because WolVeS Do iT. Secondly, I have met men who think that they are "alphas" they have been total and utter insecure wankers: Every. Single. One. Seriously, can we please stop romanticising emotionally damaged, egotistical, "manly" men?
I know what you are thinking, but Sasha, you knew what this book was going to be like, why did you even pick it up? The answer is I am a slow learner.

Two stars because the plant bits were a tiny bit interesting.

jazzrizz's review against another edition

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I can't begin to say how happy I am we're back to Team One, with a splash of Team Two. It's like coming home to visit long-missed friends.

While all of Team One hits the page, the story mainly revolves around Jonas, Kyle, and Jeff. Jonas's internal warning system has been pulling him to the top of the mountain for a while now, and now that the team has a little down time ... he's decided to investigate. Kyle & Jeff volunteer to go with him.

Jonas isn't prepared for what he finds. Not only does he find Camellia, who is EXTREMELY cautious of everything and everyone. She has been betrayed by everyone she's ever let close ... and she knows she's paired with Jonas. She fights that connection, but there is so much more than Whitney's manipulation between them. Together they realize the threat they've both been feeling is not each other. She agrees to help figure out what's going on.

The weaving of their story, and the overall storyline is so beautifully woven together. Their amazing connections help wend they way through the pitfalls of their past, their insecurities, and the investigation of the immediate threat headed their way. Camellia's gifts are so amazing, and she slowly teaches Jonas how to wield those connections himself.

What makes this so interesting is the inclusion of Jeff & Kyle. Almost all of the GhostWalker books revolve around a couple figuring things out apart from their teams. Jeff & Kyle both manage to weave their own brotherly bonds to Camellia throughout the book, and that just made my heart sing.

The bond of Team One is being tested, and their ability to close ranks and deal with outside threats reminded me of why I fell in love with this series so many years ago. Whitney threw everything but the kitchen sink at them, and they've all had to deal and cope with the different abilities as they cropped up. I've missed this Team so much!

... I'm still patiently waiting for Ian's story ...