
An Echo in the Sorrow by Hailey Turner

cowmingo's review

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One of the things I love most about this series is the supporting cast of characters. I love Patrick and Jono together but I think what helps them be such an amazing couple is the family they have found and made with Wade and Sage and Marek and everyone else they bring into the fold. As always Wade brings such a levity to the story and I just want to go restaurant hopping with him. I did not expect the outcome of the book but looking back, it couldn't have gone any other way. I'm sad that the next book is the end but I also appreciate wanting to stop the series before people get bored with it. I'll miss my friends but I also can't wait to see what else the author has in store for us. I think I'll need to move the next book up my reading list because I have to know how everything comes together.

xanthe87's review

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This series is an instant must read as soon as the latest edition is released and An Echo in the Sorrow does not disappoint in any way! From the plot (in this book and overall series arc), the characters, the action and drama that constantly keeps you on your toes, you're grabbed from page one right through to the end. This is a book/series that has to be read in order due to the ongoing series story arc.
There is a lot going on that has Patrick and Jono have to contend with -the Dominion Sect, the rival god pack, Patrick getting arrested for murder, hunters, demons, Gods constantly coming through the veil, as well as Sage and Marek's wedding that is coming up and the appearance of Ashanti at the end of the previous book. It's fast paced but Hailey's writing does not miss a thing, drawing on the smallest detail
Lines blur between Patrick's pack and his work, impacting what protections he can offer whilst at the same time a civil war spills out onto the street between his and Jono's pack and their rival pack, Estelle and Youseff. Those two will go to any lengths to keep their grip on the city which leads to disastrous results for those involved.
I cannot commend Hailey Turner enough. The world that she has created is vast and includes so many characters, packs, and gods. If not read close together, I think it takes a moment to recall who everyone is but it doesn't take long to dive headfirst into a fantasy world full of drama, action, fear, excitement and what seems a never ending journey for Patrick to pay his soul debt. I know this will be coming in the next and final book of the series. I agree wholeheartedly with another reviewer that it will be bittersweet as we come to the end of Patrick and Jono's journey but every single moment with the characters is worth it. Soulbound is one of my favourites to read and listen to and I cannot recommend it enough.
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.

taniasborges's review against another edition

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I don't want this series to end

claudia_is_reading's review

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There is only one book left in this series, and it shows. A lot of threads are coming together, and some of the arcs, like the one pertinent to Estella and to New York god's packs, are closing.

One of the things that I enjoyed most while reading this, is the way in which Patrick and Jono's relationship has been developing throughout the whole series. Patrick has come a long way, particularly emotionally. I like that he didn’t hide himself nor keep secrets, that he trusts Jono. If there was something that truly shined here was the deep trust they have in each other.

And the other thing is the way in which the author mixes different mythologies. I love that she brought here a, for me at least, lesser-known Hawaiian War God: Kū and his Nightmarchers.

I still hate Wade, but at least this time he manages to wrangle two sentences without whining. And I must be fair, he has grown a bit. Still don't like him, though.

As always, Gary Furlong's narration is perfect.

kp_hobbitreads's review

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#1 A Ferry of Bones & Gold: ★★★★☆ | 4 stars
#2 All Souls Near & Nigh: ★★★★✮ | 4.5 stars
#3 A Crown of Iron & Silver: ★★★★★ | 5 stars
#4 A Vigil in the Mourning: ★★★★☆ | 4 stars
#5 On the Wings of War: ★★★★✮ | 4.5 stars
#6 An Echo in the Sorrow: ★★★★★ | 5 stars

Holy shit this book was intense. This book went hard, and kept me a the edge of my seat from start to finish. Seeing Patrick and Jono navigating the fallout of Patrick being outed as the co-leader of their pack was rough. But, I really loved watching them draw a line in the sand and basically stay "no more." They stood their ground and managed to come out of it on the other side - though not unscathed.

Three thoughts:
1. Wade is still the most precious thing ever and must be protected at all costs. Wade being worried that Patrick and Jono would be mad at him just about broke me. But ,the found family vibes in this story are immaculate.
2. I adore the bond between Patrick and Jono and the absolute faith they have in one another. Their version of I love you gets me right in the feels and proves that the words are far less important than the intentions behind them.
3. Two characters that I absolutely loathe finally had the days they deserve. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Only one more book to go. I know that Hailey Turner is going to do a fantastic job closing out this series. But, I'm not going to lie - I'm pretty nervous about who will still be standing when it's all said and done.

content warnings: demonic possession, murder, torture, childhood trauma, PTSD, sex (on page)

josy's review against another edition

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A big thank you to my dear friend Simone, who gifted me this audiobook

cewhisenant's review against another edition

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As always, I read it too fast and not fast enough.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do when this series formally ends and I have to find something else to pin after besides more Patrick and Jono content.

*An ARC was provided by A Novel Take PR and the author in exchange for an honest review*

macaroonheather's review against another edition

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Also my sweet child Wade why are you so precious.

kumabear's review against another edition

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5 Stars

Major spoilers ahead, proceed with caution.

An Echo in the Sorrow is the second to last book of the Soulbound series written by Hailey Turner. It starts a while after the last book ended. Jono's pack is slowly gaining more members and territory in New York. Yousef and Estelle, of course, are not making it easy for Jono and Patrick. After a murder, Patrick is put under arrest. His whole life is out for the public to know which puts him under some watchful eyes. As usual, the gods get in the way of everything and makes the pack's lives much harder. Jono and Patrick’s soulbond is tested harder than ever. And Patrick’s grandmother and only living relative now knows he is alive. What else can go wrong?

I absolutely love Wade in this book. He is so protective over Patrick and it is absolutely adorable. He even shares his food with Patrick, which says a lot. You see him come into his dragon power more in this book. Poor Patrick is put through the wringer in the book. Emotionally and physically. I am not quite sure how much more he can take. While being a mage, he is basically still human. I know the gods need him so they will not let him die, right? Jono really shows his strength in this book. Both in his feelings for Patrick and how he cares for his pack.

This book does not end with a cliffhanger which I liked but it does leave me thinking about the next book... the last book. Just thinking the next book is the last makes me so sad. What else can Hailey Turner put our favorite pack through? They have to have a happy ever after, right? She isn’t that evil, is she? There are so many things I hope will happen and there are so many things Hailey Turner can make happen, which scares me. I cannot wait for the next book. Patrick and Jono have to be one of my favorite couples of all time and this book left me with a heck of a book hangover. Hurry up October so I can know how this ends.

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review isn't a requirement. ***

pj_friel's review

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IIRC, the author talked about this book's core theme being "Actions have consequences, Patrick." She was not kidding. I won't say anything more about that because you really just need to read the book, but only if you've read the previous ones. This is a series that needs to be read in order for full understanding and impact. And wow...what an impact, like rock me to my core, gasp out loud kind of impact.

An Echo in the Sorrow was non-stop action from the getgo. The hits just kept on coming for Patrick and Jono and there were many times when I wondered how they were going to get out of the situation they found themselves in. Often, they had help, but sometimes the help just made things worse (which made me cackle happily). The previous book felt just a little repetitive to me (How many times can Patrick go off half-cocked? Will Wade EVER stop eating?). I did NOT feel that way with this book. Everything was balanced perfectly–action, drama, humor, and a little bit of Patrick & Jono sexy times. *chef's kiss*

I hate that we're coming to the end of this series. It's been a fantastic journey thus far but so often the last book of a series can ruin everything that's come before. I'm not worried about that in this case. I am a ride-or-die reader for Hailey Turner. She's earned my trust, so I can't wait to see what she does in the finale. I know it's gonna be amazing. (No pressure. lol.)