
The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey

documentno_is's review against another edition

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I read this over a decade ago now but I remember it being impactful to me at the time (I still remember it, unlike most other books I read in 2010.)

magicacat's review against another edition

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I'm honestly not sure what to think about this book.
It's well written but so horribly dry. Action packed yet drags on too long. It doesn't flow, I didn't care about the characters and the monsters, frankly, were boring asf.
There's a decent story in there and maybe in different hands I might have actually cared what happened to the people I was reading about - but as it stands... I was actually glad to limp to the end and finally put it down.

mrslaww612's review against another edition

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Weird and fascinating.

deb_is_reading's review against another edition

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Enjoyed the story for the most part. Though there were some moments were the characters and themes of the book played into ideas that certain societies are more "savage" than others. I could excuse the characters because they are people "of the era" in 1888, but these themes were introduced by the author so that left me a little sour.

Some parts of the book did also feel overwritten. I'm usually not a picky reader when it comes to the writing but it was more obvious to me in this instance, for some reason.

I did like how brutal this book was. I haven't read a book with body horror in a while, but it was very creepy in some parts.

Major tw for body horror, bug horror, and death of a parent.

berkekilic's review against another edition

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Yaratık Avcısı oldukça başarılı bir kitaptı. Hiç sıkılmadan okudum. Yazarı gayet yetenekli ve hayal dünyası için de ayrı bir tebriği hak ediyor. Yarattığı akla hayale sığmaz yaratıklar insanda gerçekmiş hissi uynadırıyor. Bir yandan da bu kadar detaya girebilmesi insanı ürkütüyor.

Kitabın başlangıcında ölmüş bir adamın günlüğünü keşfeden bir adamla karşılaşıyoruz. Yaşamını kaybettikten sonra bulunduğu huzurevinde geriye sadece bir günlük bırakan Will Henry'nin yazdıklarına hiçkimse inanmıyor. Ve böylece yazar günlüğü bir de bizim zevkimize sunuyor.

Günlüğe ve 1800'lü yıllara on iki yaşındaki Will Henry'le giriş yapıyoruz. Doktor Pellinore Waltrop'un asistanlığını yapan küçük çocuk ailesini bir yıl önce çıkan bir yangında kaybetmiş. Babasının da daha önce asistanlığını yaptığı Doktor tarafından kabul edilip hem evine hem de asistanlığına alınmış. Doktor Waltrop bildiğimiz doktorlardan değil elbet. O bir yaratıkbilimci. Diğer bir deyişle Yaratık Avcısı. İnsanların adlarını duymayı bir yana bırakın, varlıklarından haberdar dahi olmadığı korkunç yaratıkları araştırıp, bulup, gerekirse avlıyor. Onunki de babadan kalma bir meslek. Aileden kalan serveti ve babasının geride bıraktığı gizli saklılıklarla birlikte Doktor oldukça tuhaf bir insana dönüşmüş. Will Henry onu duygulardan yoksun olarak görüyor. Ve meslek aşkı her şeyin önünde geliyor. Malikanesinin mahzenini laboratuvar olarak kullanan Doktor, burada yaratıkları inceleyip, organlarını ve belki de yaratığın daha tuhaf parçalarını muhafaza ediyor.

Birgün kapılarına gelen yaşlı bir mezar soyguncusunun getirdiği şeyle birlikte kitabın ilk yaratığıyla karşı karşıya geliyoruz. Yaşlı adamın getirdiği iki cesetten ilki genç bir kıza, diğeri de bir Anthropophagus'a ait. Anthropophaguslar kafası olmayan dev bir insanı andıran, ağızları karınlarında, gözleri ise omuzlarında bulunan ve insan etiyle beslenen tiksindirici yaratıklar. Genç kızın cesedine sarılı halde bulunmuş bu yaratık Doktoru çalışmaları için oldukça heyecanlandırıyor. Yaratığın her bir detayını anlatması hatta otopsisine bile geniş yer vermesi açısından kapakta da yazdığı gibi "mideniz çok hassassa okumayın." Eğer benim gibi normal bir mideye sahipseniz de o kadar da iğrenç gelmeyecektir.

Dönelim konumuzuza; yaratıkların izini sürmeye başlayan Doktor ve Will Henry yaşlı mezar soyguncusu Erasmus Gray'le beraber mezarlığa gidiyor ve incelemelerine burada devam ediyorlar. Burada Gray'in yaratıklardan biri tarafından acımasızca öldürülmesiyle olaylar silsilesi hareket kazanıyor. Anthropophagusların doğal yaşam alanlarının aslında çok uzaklarda olması, Amerika'ya nasıl geldikleri konusunda hem bizim hem de Doktorun aklında soru işaretleri bırakıyor. Bir yandan da kasabada meydana gelen katliamla uğraşmaya çalışıyor yaratık avcısı ve asistanı. Kitap boyunca pek çok kez korkunç yaratıklarla karşı karşıya geliyor ve heyecanlı saheneler yaşıyorlar.

Hem aksiyon, hem macera, hem polisiye, hem fantastik birazcık da gerilimin harmanlandığı bu hoş roman benim kalbim ve aklımda güzel bir yere oturdu. Tuhaf, küstah, ürkütücü diğer bir yaratık avcısı John Kearns'de hikayeye eklenince daha da sevilir hale geliyor. Bu arada kitabın sonunda yazar ikinci kitabın sinyallerini de veriyor. Birkaç baskı ve yazım hatası dışında baskısı gayet iyi ve kapak tasarımı bence yeterince başarılı. Rick Yancey'in yeni nesil yaratıkları kalıplaşmış diğer yaratıkları unutturacak türden. Ve eminim ki ileriki kitaplarda daha çok çeşit bizi bekliyor olacak. Okuyun ve onlarla tanışın.

Keyifli okumalar...

morena_sangre's review against another edition

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Poetic, horrific, and powerful

It's rare in modern fiction to find a novel that is both a literary and guilty pleasure, but Yancey's novel is both. Refusing to see horror and fantasy as divorced from the elegance of philosophy and beautifully tooled prose, Yancey writes a book that draws me back to the 19th Century novels of my younger reading while riveting my attention with scenes out of nightmares. The Monstrumologist is a joy to read from start to finish...and a joy that will haunt your dreams.

sharperteeth's review against another edition

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The premise of The Monstrumologist is pretty exciting in theory, but in reality the author is hampered by his idea of a doctor and his apprentice that focuses on the study of monsters. Although the book is about monsters, it appears that the author forgot that there should still be a strong theme of humanity within the characters (or at least the protagonists) and this book was lacking any personality or development of character in both Will Henry and the doctor. The only interesting character was the side-character, Kearns
Spoilerand especially the idea that he may've been Jack the Ripper but the author definitely wrote out the possibility of revisiting Kearns in the book when Will Henry said they never dealt with him again
. Unfortunately the side-characters had more personality than the main characters by leaps and bounds. I understand that the doctor is supposed to be a weird, isolated, manic sort-of type of guy, but that doesn't explain him. One paragraph of back story
Spoiler (of his father rejecting him as a child)
doesn't give him context. And his idiosyncrasies are not endearing but instead annoying, tired, and ultimately cliche. Even if they weren't necessarily cliche in the beginning of the book, the author relies on them so heavily that they become their own set of cliches. Will Henry is defined by being an orphan. That's all he is and the author didn't seem to want to allow him to be more than that. They're both completely one dimensional for no reason other than lazy writing.

The monster aspect could definitely be interesting (because monsters are typically inherently curious and thus pique one's interest) but with bland characters, there just isn't enough to sustain this as a book, let alone one that is over 450 pages. It was like slogging through mud to finish the book and I hoped the whole time that there would be some sort of redemption, but it never came and the book fizzles out with utter-frustration at all of the things the narrator says at the very end. Which just seemed so unnecessary and made me grit my teeth because my eyes were rolling so hard.

I would not recommend this book. It's a waste of time to read characters that were clearly given no attention by their creator.

Redeeming qualities are:
-actually scary monsters with lots and lots of gore
-extremely well-written with great vocabulary choices and a lot description given to the feel of the atmosphere and environment. Rick Yancey is able to create a really beautiful, living and breathing world. (If only he did the same for his main characters...)

Sadly, those two things are not enough to redeem the complete disregard for character development. It's pretty disheartening to read that people found them interesting or endearing because there isn't enough about them as people to possibly draw those conclusions about them.

animebabe2014's review against another edition

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I stumbled upon The Monstrumologist series when I was in High School and have read and re-read it about a dozen times, it's a very interesting story with complex characters. It can be enjoyed by most who are into sci-fi and such, I even got my grandma addicted to the series.

dizzyizzyy's review against another edition

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The reviews on the cover of The Monstrumologist did not lie or exaggerate - it very much is a mix between Stephen King and Mary Shelley. Unlike the last book I read while stuck in boot camp, The Monstrumologist had very well developed characters, even with such a wide cast. No two characters were alike, and even without an indicator I could tell exactly what bit of dialogue belongs to who because it just ‘fits’.

The story itself was a bit long winded, strictly due to my impatience and anticipation for the next big twist. Yancey beautifully created a vivid world in which I would most definitely never want to live.

colorfulleo92's review against another edition

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3.7 stars this time around. Not quite a full four star for me but interesting enough to keep reading.
This was a hard book to rate, at one part I liked it, with the monsters and the spookyness but I also found my self to be somewhat bored of the story. Perhaps I need to read it again in the future and see what I think then