andeaclark's review against another edition

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Another secret superhero story. Large type, plenty of illustrations. Eugene starts at a new school and saves the class hamster and makes a new friend.

lauraecase's review against another edition

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Great selection for this month's Case book group. This was a good fit for 6 year olds and the boys wanted to read the sequels to find out more about Nacho Cheese Man.

Dessert was Girl Scout cookie tasting, some of each.

danarenee_reads's review against another edition

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I just didn't love, or even like this one at all. I thought it was obnoxious and the kid was so negative about school, his sister, and meeting new kids at school. I also felt like it emphasized those stereotypes in a way that was not very charming.

Not every book needs to teach a lesson but there are so many good books out there that I won't be recommending this one.

carissaabc's review against another edition

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Tried reading this to my three year old and it had a bit too much sass for that age for my liking, but HE loved it and he continues to refer to "Queen Stinkypants" well after we finished the book.

amgass119's review against another edition

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Incredibly appealing to my reluctant reading 2nd grader.

Nothing terribly exciting happens, but it is funny and cute. If the boy wants to read it, it is a win for me.

llythia's review against another edition

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Not my favorite, but the kiddo loved it!

wigstown's review against another edition

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I almost gave this book two stars, but is hard for this adult to rate a kid's book. The writing works. The characters are a little thin. The story is very derivative. It's a few parts Wimpy Kid and a few parts Captain Underpants.

jodieerickson's review against another edition

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Book that would students who are moving to chapter books will have success. #1 in a series.

chriskoppenhaver's review against another edition

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Wow! What truly awful writing. The cover, illustrations, formatting, and concept are all appealing and I'm sure it will attract readers, but they'd be much better served by the many far superior options like Captain Underpants, Frankie Pickle, Squish, Wiley & Grampa, Super Chicken Nugget Boy, Missile Mouse, The Magic Pickle, and others. I had to quit after three chapters (of ten) because I couldn't take anymore and needed to rant; I'm not sure if I'll be able to force myself to finish the rest or not.

gorelenore's review against another edition

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Background: Eugene McGillicudy is actually Captain Awesome! Fighter of the evil super villains, including Queen Stinkypants, hit baby sister. But how is he supposed to do all this when he can’t even find his cape and has just moved to a new place.

Review: Captain Awesome to the Rescue! is a very cute story about a young boy who believes he is a superhero and takes this secret with him everywhere…to fight the evil of his new hometown. It is wonderfully illustrated and imaginative, with Eugene’s superhero presence everywhere, including at his new school. The spacing and pictures make it great for beginning readers, and while the content may make them want to fight crime as well, it is a very captivating story for the young.