
The Cape 1969 by Jason Ciaramella, Joe Hill, Nelson Dániel

jonathan_lee_b's review against another edition

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Joe Hill’s The Cape: 1969 is drive-through.

lbrick363's review against another edition

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It’s an interesting start. I do love Joe Hill and all he does. Only 3 stars right now because I felt it was missing something.

tiffanyinkdrinker's review against another edition

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I asked for a sequel and I got a prequel, it was definitely needed so we could make sense of the Cape overall but man it was way too short. I need to know more about the magical man. How did he get his power, what was it, how did he pass it on and why? So many questions, no answers.

lucilimon's review against another edition

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mangrii's review against another edition

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3,25 / 5

Hace unos cuantos meses me dejaba embriagar por La Capa, un cómic de Joe Hill y Jason Ciaramella basado en un relato del primero. En este quedaba un misterio por resolver: ¿Cómo llego Eric a conseguir su capa? Pues bien, llego el momento.

El guionista Jason Ciaramella, con Joe Hill ejerciendo de consultor, ha elaborado La Capa 1969. Se trata de una miniserie de 4 números donde recoge el guante del relato original y nos pone en la piel del Capitan Gordon Chase, responsable indirecto del objeto que llevaría a la perdición a su hijo. Viajamos a 1969, en plena guerra de Vietnam, para ver que le ocurrió a los padres de Nick y Eric.

La historia abandona el tono superhéroico para lanzarse de pleno a una historia militar con tintes sobrenaturales .Es una historia corta, que avanza a ritmo vivo y trompicones, retomando el tema de como el poder corrompe a las personas. En este caso carece de la fuerza de su predecesora, ya que salvo por conocer el origen de la curiosa capa de Eric no aporta mucho más.

Lo mejor es que aunque el dibujante es Nelson Daniel y no Zach Howard, el estilo punteado se ha respetado, por lo cual la línea artística sigue siendo similar. Un cómic únicamente interesante para los lectores curiosos de [b:La capa|15383994|La capa|Jason Ciaramella||19032827].

theycallmev's review against another edition

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One of the things I love about Joe Hill graphic novels are that they're fact paced and always leave you with an ending that makes me sit back and go "Whoa". This book fit the mold and had me on my toes. Although, it wasn't as good as the first one I still enjoyed it. I wish Joe Hill would have given us some more information on the witch and his powers. While reading I did wonder if Eric's and his father's ability to fly was meant as a gift or a curse since both characters deaths were caused by using the ability for revenge. Overall still a good read and a nice way of answering some questions from The Cape.

jameseckman's review against another edition

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Just a violent revenge story with a toss of magic, OK but could have been much better.