little_miss_darkness's review against another edition

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[Have to say, hate this cover on Goodreads, the version I have is so much nicer.]

Considering this all happened in the early 2000s, I still find it pretty accurate and hilarious when comparing Croatian and American cultures.

I would recommend this to everyone, especially those with interests in Croatian culture or who know a Croat.

charlottemelusine's review against another edition

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Šaljivi prikaz razlika između Hrvatske i SAD, veoma zabavno, smiješno i perceptivno, najviše se govori o Hrvatskoj i moram se složiti s gotovo svim njevim zapažanjima. Preporučam.

acstrick's review against another edition

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Entertaining read. I appreciate the insight into Croatian culture, though I wouldn't necessarily recommend the book to someone who wasn't specifically interested in Croatia.

airwoman's review against another edition

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"The horror of my situation hit me. Looking around the messy apartment, fightning my pangs of hunger I thought: 'NOOOOOOOOO! She was right! Without her I will starve and die in a state of filth.'"

This was a book about a man addicted to his mother-in-law.
No, I'm just kidding.
Well. Sort of. He does admit as much.

I sat for the coffee the other morning with this book in my bag (I have a book buying problem, and I don't need to do anything about it, thank you). I was wondering why buy it. I already read a lot of it on the blog. And that's why, I guess. I always have my AdBlock on. I wanted to support and I wanted to own. As I said, book buying problem.

Not so much a problem with this book. It's lighthearted and goes by fast. It's funny, but not clownish. I already knew I'd like it, because... blog, so I was relaxed from the page one. And I love it.

emmchy's review against another edition

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For what it is, it's hillarious! :)

marija's review against another edition

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hahaha...this was highly amusing, very accurate and a great read if you want to get familiar with most of the the croatian lifestyle. I was pretty much reading everything I was taught to as a kid growing up. Good insight on how foreigners perceive us Croatians. I can't even point out the best part, maybe with propuh the murderous wind!! hahha that was a good one... anyway will definitely recommend it as a funny yet very educative guide on what to expect when being thrown into our colorful customs, beliefs and everyday life :D
with all that being said idemo na kavu :)

_barb's review against another edition

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Okay, I know I say this very often: but I love this book.
The way author, born American, described cultural conflicts and the way we live here in Croatia is wonderful.
When I first heard of this book, I was sceptical. Mostly because I know how books about/where things happen in Croatia turn out to be.
Boy, was I wrong.

After consnatntly listening to other people saying it's great, and being bombed with it by publisher, I decided to look at Cody's blog - ZABLOGREB - before actually reading "Propuh, papuče i punica"(original Croatian title. Let's say that it's amazing, but some words get lost in translation.)
Ever since that day this look has been on my must-own list.
This book is 99% accurate description of our everyday life, and Cody has amazing sense of humor and this book is pure 200 pages of laughter.

Big recommendation to everybody who can afford/get this book.
You can't help but love it.

suncica's review against another edition

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Baš mi je prijalo. Duhovito, toplo, podsjetilo me zašto nisam ostala tamo negdje...gdje sam boravila par godina, nego sam odlučila da se vratim kući.
check lista:
- papuče +
- komšije kod kojih odem po šolju šećera kad mi je mrsko skoknuti do prodavnice +
- strah od propuha +
- ispijanje kafe, (iz male šoljice) uz višesatno šupljiranje sa prijateljicama +
- ručak kao centralni događaj dana i svojevrsni ritual +
- gotovo nerazumna povezanost sa rodnim gradom +
-dobronamjerni savjeti rodbine, prijatelja, komšija, poznanika, prolaznika itd.. po gotovo svim privatnim i ličnim pitanjima +
- prijateljstvo ++
- nezaposlenst +
- loš standard +
- birokratija ++
- strah od crnih BMW i Audija +
Ima naravno tih + i - stvarčica, jedna poduža lista, ali kad stavim na vagu ipak znam gdje mi je dom i gdje je meni najljepše. E ova knjiga me podsjetila na sve te sitnice i zato vrijedi čitanja.
Mislim da je mogu u potpunosti razumjeti samo ljudi sa naših prostora, jer zamišljam nekog Danca, Nijemaca, Amerikanca kako čita i pita se o čemu ovaj čovjek priča :D

nikki79's review against another edition

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3.5 stars. There were quite a few grammatical errors in this book, which I found distracting. I did thoroughly enjoy learning about some Croatian culture and customs. I'm part Croatian, but don't really know anything at all about Croatia and was very interested to learn about it.

lucepu's review against another edition

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