
Sandy by Melanie Moreland

crazychriss93's review

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So sad that this series has come to an end...
Liked the epilogues, liked that we got to see how or rather where all of them ended up ...
But I would have loved to get everyone's own POV again. Kind of epilogues in the future for each character of the precious books. Cause when it's Sandy describing it it's just... a bit cold and detached.

Anyways, Sandy has ofc always been a gorgeous character with a heart of Gold and it was great to finally see her being the recipient of advice. The BAM men now are the one who try to help her and not the other way round.

So character wise a lovely book.

The plot and the major issue that the MCs face revolve around death of a loved one. Sandy lost her husband a few years ago. And Jordan has had to live without his wife even longer. He knows he wants to find love again, a companion but Sandy is still unsure, uncertain if she can love that way ever again.

Writing style was good, maybe not as great as some of the other installments but that was largely cause the MCs in this book are in their 50s, I would say so there wasn't a lot of banter.
Some editing issues unfortunately.

If you loved the Vested series, you should read this. Good conclusion but not a great one.

renitor's review

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that was beautiful and i loved it. sandy and jordan’s story was so touching. and i utterly adored the epilogue. seeing everyone together. as a family. it makes me so happy. you can’t even begin to fathom how happy it made me. and the second generation of BAM. ABC? be still my heart. i just. i love every single thing about that epilogue. i love the community and family of BAM. it’s not even funny. this series was a little up and down. but the constant was always family. loyalty. helping each other out and sticking together. i loved that so much. as you know, secondhand characters are my favorite part of a book. and these books took to a whole new level. it wasnt just mere cameos. they are a family. not just a friend group. i will forever have fond memories of this series as a whole.

talknerdybookblog's review

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• FMC is 57
• MMC is 59
• it’s been 1 year since FMC’s husband passed
• it’s been 4 years since MMC’s wife passed
• Both the Hero and Heroine met the other’s spouse–they knew each other when they were still married

Safety: Safe

• Both are widowed and talk to each other about their dead spouses
• No OW/OW: the FMC has been celibate for 4 years and MMC has been celibate for 6 years
• No cheating
• Heroine DOES push away
• The Hero and Heroine ARE briefly separated

Possible Triggers:

• Heroine is dealing with the loss of her husband and coming to terms with the idea that moving on doesn’t mean forgetting
• Discussion and allusions to the Heroine’s husband’s death by MS
• NO abuse


myownbookshelves's review

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I don't want to write this review.

If I do, it is admitting this series is over and I refuse.

From the perspective of a alpha/beta reader, this has been an incredible series to watch grow. It was only ever meant to be one book - Bentley. But I got my way when I asked (read this as begged, pleaded and bartered) that Aiden the studly but silent smartass VP of security needs a story. That turned into well it can't just be two books but three. But then we (I am dragging her fans with me because I wasn't the only one begging, pleading and bartering for more), Reid the IT wonder with a story of overcoming hurdles touched hearts. To Van and that kid who stole the book. Then one quote - an awesome fucking quote by the way - and we all SCREAMED for Halton.

But through it all was Sandy. The silent glue. The one who had those meaningful brief scenes that set our heroines and heroes on the right path. Sandy had her share of joys and sorrow as the series progressed. However, one thing we wouldn't let Melanie rest on was Sandy deserved a chance at love again. All of us readers could see this huge heart needed to still beat, flutter and give out more love.

This book. This story. There wasn't anything better I could have imagined for Sandy. She found it all in the arms of a man not only willing to give her more but knew her journey and where there is room for two great loves of their lives. From the opening page until the last one that is available (I'm still not convinced this is the end), you get to experience this journey with Sandy that doesn't feel forced or trite. Ms Moreland gave us a journey with humor, reflection, and yes - sexy times for those of us in the over 30 crowd - in a perfect second chance at love. Jordan is the strong, silent with that touch of alpha possessiveness all our BAM boys possess.

The icing on this lush story is the epilogue. Melanie Moreland can write the hell out of an epilogue. She brought her A++ game to this book. None of the characters we got to know on this journey are left out. It was lovely to read and re-read that epilogue because it was perfect ending for this book.
I know I would love this story - I just didn't realize how much I would and definitely goes on my personal favorite shelf.

Now, I'm still not ready to admit defeat. This CANNOT be over. I'm working on recruits. I've got her editor on my side. Send me a message if you want to join the #TeamBAMAintOver or join us in the Sandy! spoiler room on Facebook.

sbellis's review

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First off I want to say how sad I am that this series is over. I had tears reading this especially the ending. Sandy... the glue that held BAM together, and it was so fitting to end with her story. Melanie Moreland has quickly become one of my favorite authors and she did not disappoint.

I don’t know what else to say other than if you haven’t read... you need to.

The BAM boys only came into my life because I read The Contract, and read The first four of the BAM boys stories so I could under the relationships in the Amendment. I am so glad I made the decision that day to do so. Best reading decision ever